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Trace Amounts: Autism, Mercury, and the Hidden Truth (2015)

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File Duration Resolution Video Format Audio Format
TraceAmounts.2015.mkv 1h33m 1280x720 HEVC AAC


This is a must-see film. There is no doubt in my mind that mercury is a major contributing factor in the autism epidemic.
— Congressman Dan Burton (R-Ind.)

Between 1994 and 2014, the frequency of autism occurring in children skyrocketed from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 68, yet the scientific community is no closer to determining a cause.

Trace Amounts is the true story of Eric Gladen’s painful journey through mercury poisoning that he believes resulted from a thimerosal-loaded tetanus shot.
His discoveries led him on a quest for the scientific truth about the role of mercury poisoning in the Autism epidemic.

After recovering from a sickness that would bring him to the edge of despair, Eric Gladen began researching the science behind what had made him so sick. His research led him straight into one of the biggest medical debates of all time, the question of whether or not childhood vaccines are causing Autism. He would end up quitting his career, moving into an RV, and traveling the country interviewing experts and piecing together thousands of studies and leaked documents. But Eric wasn’t focused on the vaccines themselves, he was focused on something that belongs nowhere near vaccines — mercury.

From the Mad Hatter Syndrome in the late 1800’s, to Pink Disease in the first half of the 20th to the Iraqi Grain Incident in the early 1970’s, humans have learned time and again of the debilitating neurological and physical damage that mercury can cause. Then why and how did it end up in our childhood vaccines? Trace Amounts explores the origin of the use of mercury in the vaccines and exposes the continued greed based decision to keep mercury in the vaccines through several decades. Trace Amounts is the result of nearly a decade of research and travel, in which top scientists, government officials, parents of children with Autism, and the average Joe unravel the truths, secrets, and tragedies, of the skyrocketing Autism rates.

Could a tragedy, which brought one of the greatest nations to its knees, and stole a generation of children, have been avoided?
Watch Trace Amounts and you decide.


both this and VAXXED are here