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Ben Dragon's - "Child Of The State"

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CommentThis is a supplemental Audio Lecture to Ben Dragon's book A Manual For Humanity called "Child of the State" Ben Dragon offers great insight into what a the term "Child of the State" really means. He goes beyond what is meant by the legal term and brings into our homes. His website is at; Ben Dragon's E-mail address is: b-c at I'll post more on his work when he does. Thomas C.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2014.04.29 17:35
Info Hash0afa0d1cacdfd95f2e4be3b54f2eef6a15999b4c
NameBen Dragon - Child of the State.Zip
Node ID25920
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces334
Piece Length32 KiB
Size10.43 MiB