there's pretty much something to offend pretty much everyone!
Now the idea behind this thread is for people to place the sickest, darkest, most politically incorrect jokes you can muster!
a thread where you can let rip the sickest jokes in your repertoire....
I shall give a few wee starters to give you an idea.
Q.What did the deaf, dumb, blind, downs syndrome, quadriplegic baby get for christmas?
Did you know Michael Jackson is to attended the Priory Clinic after the trial to cure him of his 12 year old crack habit?
Me:- Boss i am not coming into work to day coz i am sick.
Boss:- How sick are you?
Me:- Well i am fucking my sister
Q.whats grey, square, sits and the end of your bed and takes the pisss?
A.kidney dialysis machine
Q. What do you call a woman with no arms and no legs who gives good head?
A. Partially disabled.
Q. What's the similarity between a carton of milk and a woman?
A. They both need their flaps pushed back before you can get to the
good bits.
Q. What's 14inchs long, purple and makes women scream?
A. Cot-death
Q.what's the difference between a bucket of sand and a bucket of afterbirth?
A. you can't gargle sand
In a hospital serving victims of land mines, a little girl wakes up from surgery.
Little Girl: Doctor, something is wrong... I can't feel my legs!
Doctor: Yes, we've had to amputate both your arms.
Two necrophiliacs are at work in the morgue. One of them turns to the other and says,
"You should have seen this woman they brought in last week. They pulled her out of the water after she'd been there for three weeks. Man, I'm tellin' you, her clit was just like a pickle."
"What," the other asks, "green?".
"No," says the first, " a bit sour."
whats the hardest part of cooking a vegetable?
Getting the wheelchair in the pot!
OK FOLKS! let rip! impress the fuck out me and gimme a laugh!
You can taste shit on his cock.
well it's just a matter of taste
A woman is walking home, socially distancing herself using a side road to avoid a crowd. She is mugged by a released prisoner who gets turned on by her prim mask and face-fucks her, his fetish triggered by the novel way to violate, because he's also into protection. He takes the mask as a souvenir and helps himself to a pawpaw from her grocery bag as he leaves.
She staggers into the queue of an empty clinic, huffing and coughing. She has to be screened for coronavirus and have a chip plunged into her flesh. All kinds of red flags are set off without her knowledge (confidentiality is important) then she's finally examined. She gets turned away by a nurse in a hazmat suit: "Technically, this isn't rape. There's no evidence of penetration."
She exits in a daze and is mugged again. This time she has her other holes impaled until she's unconscious. The socially-conscious mugger leaves wearing her panties as a mask and she's found collapsed in the street and taken to another hospital. The doctor, being diligent, notices that her airway is irritated consistent with the diagnosis from her chip and so hooks her up to a ventilator. He gets turned on by her panting and puffy lips then jizzes into a face mask, making sure she's still getting mechanically blown just like he wishes he was.
She dies and the doctors high-five each other for the murder of a rape victim that just made them 39k richer.
did you miss the lessons on humour?... what part of "joke" don't you get?
desperately unfunny
i really liked that this is high quality thoughtful content
Not everyone gets hit, either.
And you know what? Last year, 9/11 turned eighteen. That's right!
What can we expect from these great news? Well, one thing is for sure.
911 is a Porsche...and guess what...it might even have twin turbos, this time around :)
Firstly, the overall situation is such, that it probably wouldn't be too weird anymore to automatically assume child pornography is something made by children, for children, whatever the definition may be. Like there's this popular treat from Germany called "Kinder Delice", which if one does not know the exact linguistic grammar, a minor mistake could end up completely warping the context. Something like it going from "Tasty treat: For kids. Delicious" to "Tasty children. Premium". Can you really tell the difference? Like in the movie, "Dr. Strangelove: How I learned to love the atomic bomb", there's a scene where an officer warns another not to use any deviant phonography pre-versions and that in case of the failure of his last-ditch plan, he will have to answer to the Coca-Cola company, which can be a rather delicate and serious issue either way, but also very funny. A phonography pre-version would be something like having thought of what to say when someone surprises you with a common question over the telephone, like: "Are you a cat or dog person?", it's easier this way. That could be like obtaining a few actual samples of the rumored "Coca-Cola Classic" that allegedly contained cocaine, opening one for testing-verification-sample analysis and the others as extra, and instead of trying to leverage the company for it, one could go "Look at what THEY've done, ruined a good thing", something that could really go either way. It's called peer pressure. There's a reason why it's still rumored to be rather refreshing :D Fine print: Nailing children by means of fucking could come recommended by respected members of the clergy and family-people alike from all walks of life. Ask your local representative, if this is right for you.
i got one or maybe two days off of school, depending on negotiation ability,

a highly appreciated and cheerful event in this context in absolutely any case...
last year 911 turned 18 so watch out for the big 21,
what do people get when they turn 21 anyway? access? more of the same stuff?
i looked at this movie called the island, from 2005 and scarlett johansson is 4 years old there
what is the point of reference
they said to her we gonna cut you up hack up your organs big time and do something
and then you look at lucy from 2014 she's 13 by then and they had made an incision
she drank one glass of alcohol and everything went haywire, welcome to life, the bad joke
that got me wondering what else happened in 2005, purely out of speculative interest
movies like the departed, winner for "craziest mess i ever seen" for realistic personnel damage
the island, winner for "craziest mess i ever seen" for damage to property, certain people included
(it also failed to rake in anything in the box office) and also "i KNOW jesus loves YOU" emphasis
need for speed most wanted 2005 for...uhm....damage control and i figured why not go for the pinks of this bald guy webster with his street racing c6 and have it intentionally impounded for cross the black street racer, so that he can give it to his white hot-ass police girlfriend as make-believe good policy because i don't like corvettes anyway and their texts indicate similar implications
hot white-ass confrotation
this clearly proves they even chase goons in the same car, not cool, man, not cool
by the way, gandhu six-echo in the island (2005) reminds me of the archetypal agent smith from the matrix there, i looked it up and he is from cleveland ohio, the actor brain stepanek...i looked at austin powers or something one of those films had several targets there and i couldn't figure out anything important in cleveland ohio (and i looked it up again, i'm uncertain whether it was the actual reference, but it does look like there is absolutely nothing significant there[sorry if anyone feels offended]...in the movie you can see that he is clearly unhappy (only somewhat) and has been there the longest, this indicates his owner is a healthy person which can be rather good so the dehalcyonate shot he got from sean bean can easily be considered an act of charity "off you go, you're not needed for organ transplants"
Children come from idiots, vaccines and the educational system.
Paedophiles, dogs, priests and mothers alike, come from even watching them.
Many of these things should be theoretically banned already, unlike priests.
News just in from the politically correct:

These people believe, that children come from idiots, vaccines and the educational system.
Paedophiles, dogs, and mothers among them.
These people deserve to be on our shit-list, not our friends list.
We denounce, refute, and return them to the medical system where they belong, on the retrospective abortion queue.
Real fake news for everyone. See you in chemotherapy!
I wrote this up as an instagram post like a collage from various sources on a very unpopular account. As I opened up my browser on some day, I noticed only the picture, and not the precious text itself...causing me to further comment: "this post description was censored, i don't know what it was exactly, but probably something sensitive (and for the better), clicking a like on a link can lead to incarceration only somtimes but also followed by the secret government of your mother and her peers", implying the secret invisible instagram moderation team to be at work, but I realized it's still there, somewhere, on my smartphone at least and that's the main point anyway...even clicking "like" on something like this can mean heavy sanctions and scrutiny, hence it's totally understandable and could be acceptable collateral damage on the other end, similarly...
There was another post that just accidentally happened to pop up on my wall, which I had to give serious consideration to...a huge, existential dilemma of whether to respond to a Facebook post, or not...

Here's a comment I made about my own family of relatives:
I started going through some old chat logs, specifically looking for a particular section, and came up with this:
"we love you the police"
no, really, i mean that...
I've got an issue here...there's elderly people everywhere, all of the stores are overcrowded (and I do mean ALL of them), and if I don't like them anyway, it's practically impossible to do my shopping. I'm not kidding, the only time I can even purchase something is an hour before closure. It's not as bad as on the picture here, but it really...really makes me want to move to a locality where there are none and do my shopping in bulk, virus or no virus. I saw this on my feed here and I just had to comment "If you've ever seen jackass, anything involving shopping carts usually means a big crash, with people inside. Thus, I'm assuming the red highlighted parts are the designated landing area..."

It's a bit sad, but I've come to the conclusion that something like (a more effective) coronavirus or some modern-day-holocaust equivalent might actually be necessary and desirable at some point :/ I still keep my hopes up, there are many exemplary individuals I like, but as a whole, humanity and society look doomed to me. Just my personal take on things. The people here were so fearful about the whole migration issue a while back. Personally, after my troubles here, if I ever intended to stay here for longer (that possibility is now excluded), I would probably start asking questions like: "Can I be served by a migrant worker instead of a native?" anywhere regarding anything, but that scenario is far off and unrealistic. Discrimination is important as long as it's done correctly, I would take a good-quality evil person over a bad-quality good person most of the time. Let's say I'm acquainted with a full-blown nazi, pretty much even a friend of the family and I could tell him these things without much issue or dispute or even affect our relations much. I would say this is because the overall make-up of the person is very good, so it all depends on the individual distinctions. All sorts of people out there and you've got to know the difference.
Hidden in the humor section to keep THEM from finding it
This was written in a locality where migration and negroes are almost completely absent, there are practically none whatsoever!
It's not the beard that grows...the face shrinks and the skin pulls back...
I heard that joke from a man looking exactly like the head chef in this film:
"Yeah...and...what's his address?" -"WW F-Internet"
The post with the elderly....that's the real cost of living in an urban area, The real price of being considerate to your beloved peers...

where everything you may really need for a good life...is probably within a five-to-ten square-mile radius...
You know, like, make alotta' money, retire or work from home...chances are, this might look at you during your shopping spree...
This kind of stuff make me discredit the feasibility and potential usefulness of doing a grocery run or re-stocking, even with money....
Seriously, if at least one of those jokes failed to make you laugh, then maybe it's time to phone home and say "Houston, we have a problem...",
in a russian accent... gyewston.........nash pryoblyem......."Very nice. How much?" "Can not afford...great success!"
PS. On a little personal note, even if the ladies in queue were genuinely hot babes, I probably would still be for the most part hugely disturbed regardless...
At least some of these ladies probably have young children, boys in particular, who in all likelyhood, run around and shout things, the kind and beloved (and necessary) details of their daily interactions with their peers, which to me is the equivalent of them shouting the phrase in the following image AND following through with the acts usually in these types of announcements in mass mainstream media....so, um.....
"Another one down for the count"......ehhhhh
Has anyone seen that video clip with the rather young black male shaking on what looks to be like the New York subway?

It's security footage, or something like that...he's shaking like he's having a seizure or something, while standing up in a full car...
Someone offers his seat to him, he momentarily stops shaking, moves to thankfully take the seat he was offered...and it continues...
What-the---. Well, I'm assuming he was cold, because I've been there...This is meant to be completely non-judgemental, when I say...
He's probably used to a warmer climate...a little mental effort and he stopped shaking...for a while, I just reckon he was really cold...
I am certain the kind gesture was appreciated by him, but for the person making it for the purposes of helping him with his "harlem shake"...
Well, put it this way, has anyone seen it anywhere and perhaps remembers it accurately enough to reference it here?
i started looking at miss mcenany's presidential white house reports, because they're really interesting...it did get me wondering though....
i listened to the kind of questions she is forced to address and the manner in which this is achieved...i'm unsurprised if they pay her a lot of money
the way she does it is beautiful and even if you go there to look at her breasts or something (which are probably very nice), with this person it's...
put it this way, even if you are a mine-controlled zombie like some could be, at least you would be getting good-quality mine control programming...
plus if you're already looking up to a person or at least appreciating her chestplate area, chances are...you're striving to be a better person....
chances are, it certainly helps along those lines....that's why she is a precious national asset. remember to vote for kayleigh mcenany when she runs for prez
"...Dear diary, on the twentieth of July, in the year 2020, I learned a new word today. It's called "contempt". I found out what it means.
To me, it means "too bad, who cares...go away! Mind your own business!"
What do you call a Branch Davidian with a fire extinguisher?
A heretic.
Q: Why did the compound in Waco burn to the ground?
A: They couldn't put out the fire with their Kool Aid.
The Branch Davidian Church has split into two sects:
Orthodox and Extra-Crispy.
Q: What was the most popular name for Branch Davidian children?
A: Ashley.
After the tragedy at Mt. Carmel on Monday, the Branch Davidians will be holding a barbeque to attract new members.
Q: How did David Koresh find out he was Jesus Christ?
A: God spoke to him through a burning building.
A: How come Barbie never got pregnant?
B: I dunno.....
A: Because Ken comes in a different box!!!