As a belated response to Pax, who tried to prove his point by linking to the obvious liar Mike Rivero, who clearly seems to have a certain agenda.
Exposing False Zionist Quotes (Quote Busters)
Did Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vow to burn Palestinian children and rape Arabic girls? Did former Israeli leader Menachem Begin refer to Palestinians as “two-legged beasts,” and did another Israeli leader declare that all Arabs must be killed unless they are willing to live as slaves?
No, but given the number of Web sites repeating these allegations, it is easy to see how this nonsense has gained credence. Indeed, the attribution of invidious statements to Israel’s leaders has become a popular stratagem among Israel’s enemies. Many are fabricated, taken out of context or otherwise manipulated to present a distorted, negative view of Zionist intentions and actions. Propagated on the internet, some of these misquotes eventually make their way into opinion columns in campus newspapers and even, on occasion, the mainstream press.
Take for example, the following quote (found on anti-Israel Web sites) alleged to have been said by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to the Israeli parliament in October 2001 and reported on Kol Yisrael radio:
Don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.
The statement also appears as "I control America."
As it turns out, it is a hoax. Sharon never made either statement. Nor did Kol Yisrael ever report that he did.
Yet syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer wrote in her May 10, 2002 opinion column, which appeared in the Chicago Tribune, San Diego Tribune, and other newspapers:
In fact, it [American support for Israel's actions] led Prime Minister Sharon to tell his Cabinet recently, "I control America."
Where did this quote originate and how did it enter the mainstream media?
CAMERA’s investigation found that it started with an October 3, 2001 press release from the pro-Hamas group, IAP – the Islamic Association for Palestine, which attributed the quote to a report on “the Israeli Hebrew radio, Col [sic] Yisrael.”
In fact, Kol Yisrael political correspondent Yoni Ben-Menachem, who reports on Cabinet meetings, confirmed to CAMERA that he never made such a broadcast and that Sharon never made such a statement. Nor was it reported by any other news service.
When confronted, Geyer told one editor that she relied on two anonymous Israeli sources for the quotation. She told a second editor the quote came from an alleged Ha’aretz article which she never produced and could not be found. A subsequent editor’s note by Geyer’s United Press Syndicate claimed the quote was widely reported in the Palestinian press (i.e. the IAP, which cited the bogus Kol Yisrael source) but could not be confirmed by independent sources.
Indeed for many, the Internet has completely replaced libraries, reference books, and original research as a source of information. This reliance on unregulated, unaccountable sources has boosted the proliferation of misinformation and bogus quotes. And when they are repeated by journalists, albeit those with radical anti-Israel agendas, few are willing to search deeper.
Former IDF Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan
We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.
Source given: Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, in articles by Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot April 13, 1983 and in New York Times, April 14, 1983
Investigation: The quote does not appear in either article. While both sources discuss comments made by then-outgoing Chief of Staff Eitan, there is nothing remotely resembling this quote. A wider search of the New York Times archives, also turns up nothing.
Summary: Fabricated quote, incorrect source
President Moshe Katsav
There is a huge gap between us (Jews) and our enemies – not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience. They are our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy.
Source given: Israeli president Moshe Katsav, Jerusalem Post, May 10, 2001
Investigation: While nothing was found in the source given, there was an account in the following day’s edition of the Jerusalem Post. This remark is completely removed from its context to make it sound racist. In fact, Katsav was specifically talking about the brutal murders by Palestinian terrorists of two young schoolboys. The remains of Kobi Mandel and Yossi Ish-Ran, who had played hooky from school to explore a cave, were found on May 9, 2001. The Jerusalem Post clearly placed Katsav’s words in that context:
President Moshe Katsav said yesterday that Israel would never stoop to the brutality the Palestinians displayed in the stoning to death of two Tekoa teenagers this week.
"There is a huge gap between us and our enemies - not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience," Katsav told reporters at Beit Hanassi.
"We would never stoop to the kind of brutality inflicted on the victims in Tekoa and Ofra," he added. "They're our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who don't belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy."
Katsav said Israel must change its approach to the Palestinians, but stopped short of voicing exactly what that new approach should be – although he appeared to imply that retaliation is at times necessary.
"Force is no solution to anything," he said, "but sometimes it's essential."
Referring to the brutal murders of two young boys from Tekoa, Katsav said he is sure there are Palestinians and other Moslems who oppose terrorism, but it was terrifying to realize how much cruelty and hatred the Palestinians harbor against Israelis. (Jerusalem Post, May 11, 2001)
Summary: Misrepresentation of comments by removal of context.
Exposing False Zionist Quotes II (Quote Busters II)
Of the “memorable quotes” featured on MIFTAH’s Web site (some of which have already been debunked in Part I), the following is attributed to one Chairman Heilbrun:
Source given: Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983
Investigation: The quote is found on numerous anti-Israel sites, in addition to MIFTAH’s, but the facts do not check out. While Shlomo Lahat was indeed re-elected as mayor of Tel Aviv in 1983, no record was found of any “Chairman Heilbrun.” The quote was traced to a 1988 book, The Hidden History of Zionism, by radical Marxist Ralph Schoenman (dismissed by mainstream historians as a crazed conspiracy theorist), and is one of many bogus quotes in the book attributed to Israeli leaders. According to Schoenman’s footnote, the quote by Heilbrun was hearsay relayed to him in private conversations:
Needless to say, Schoenman’s scholarship, upon which many anti-Israel Web sites depend, leaves much wanting. CAMERA contacted former Mayor Lahat who attested that he has never employed, known or heard of any such person as “Chairman Heilbrun,” and that the reported incident never took place. Lahat also emphasized that he would never allow any of his employees to make such statements, as it completely contradicts his own sentiments about Palestinians.
Summary: Fabricated quote, fabricated source
Media Monitors (
An article archived on the Media Monitors Web site is filled with questionable assertions and bogus quotes (some of which were debunked in Part I.) The following quote (which also appears on the MIFTAH Web site) was attributed to Israeli Northern District Commissioner Israel Koenig, supposedly from his controversial report on Israeli Arabs in Galilee:
Source given: Cited in Lustick, Ian, Arabs in the Jewish State, University of Texas Press, Texas, 1980.
Investigation: Neither the source given (Ian Lustick's Arabs in the Jewish State) nor the actual report itself contains any mention of "terror, assassination, intimidation or land confiscation".
The Koenig Report or “memorandum” as it is sometimes referred to, was a private document of recommendations written in 1975 by civil servant Israel Koenig, the Interior Ministry’s official in charge of the Galilee, to alter the demographic balance of the region in favor of the Jews. The recommendations were rejected by then Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, denounced by senior Cabinet ministers and rued by then foreign minister Yigal Alon who expressed great regret that the recommendations were ever written. It provoked controversy within Israel after being leaked to Al Hamishmar, the publication of Israel’s Marxist party, Mapam. Koenig’s recommendations included expanding and strengthening Israel’s Jewish presence in the Galilee, applying legal consequences to Arabs expressing hostility toward the state and Zionism, enforcing tax collection from the Arab sector, cutting family subsidies to Arabs with large families, eliminating preferential acceptance of Arabs into Israeli universities, channeling Arab students into studying the physical and natural sciences rather than humanities, and encouraging young Arabs to study abroad and emigrate. As controversial as Koenig’s proposals were at the time, however, there was absolutely no suggestion of using "terror," "assassination," "intimidation" or "land confiscations."
Summary: Fabricated quote, false source
Robert Fisk
According to Fisk’s article:
These quotes appear on numerous anti-Israel Web sites, raising the question of whether Fisk obtained his information on one of the sites that share his agenda. While there is some truth to these quotes, they are either distorted or taken out of context.
Investigation–Example 1: Fisk suggests that Eitan routinely referred to the Palestinians as “cockroaches” He states this as fact, giving no source, but other internet sites refer to an April 13, 1983 article by Gad Becker in the Israeli daily, Yediot Ahronot. This original source of the quote, however, indicates that Eitan’s comment was atypical, made in specific reference to Arab violence. According to Becker, this “uncharacteristic”(as he puts it) and controversial comment was made by outgoing Chief of Staff Eitan during a discussion of how best to deal with Arab violence in the West Bank. In responding to suggestions by Knesset members that the army should stop stone throwers by shooting at their feet or throwing stones back, Eitan reportedly said:
Summary: A single (albeit controversial) remark made in a specific context is misrepresented as a generalized, routine slur by an Israeli leader
Investigation–Example 2: Internet hate sites, as well as Fisk, attribute this derogation of Palestnians as “two-legged beasts” to former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The source generally given is:
Indeed, the radical French-Israeli journalist, Amnon Kapeliouk, did attribute such a quote to Begin in his New Statesman article criticizing Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. The author posited:
However, further investigation by CAMERA reveals that the actual speech upon which Kapeliouk based his quote, as well as news reports at the time demonstrate that the journalist distorted the quote, giving it a completely different tone and meaning. Begin was talking, not about "the Palestinians" but about terrorists who target children within Israel.
On June 8, 1982, Begin addressed the Knesset in response to a no-confidence motion over Israel's invasion of Lebanon. He talked about defending the children of Israel, and according to a June 9, 1982 AP report, “his voice quaver[ed] with anger and sadness.” According to the minutes of the session, Begin stated:
Kapeliouk neither recanted nor apologized for his deception.
Summary: Distortion by an Israeli critic of a Begin speech discussing terrorism and terrorists.
Fake Zionist Quotes
Scattered around the Web are numerous pages of "Zionist Quotes" that show Zionism as an evil, racist conspiracy. Many of the quotes are forgeries, hoaxes and inventions. The quotes were fabricated to discredit Israel, Zionism or Jews. not to inform or enlighten anyone. The intent of the doctored quotes may be to "prove" that "Zionism is Racism." and that 'Zionists' planned the transfer of Arabs from Palestine from the start and to demonize Israeli, Zionists and Jews.
Begin and the Master Race Fake Zionist Quote
This quote was fabricated. Amnon Kapeliouk's New Statesman article does not claim that Menachem Begin ever said it, but has a different fabrication instead:
Fake Zionist Quotes- Ariel Sharon
Ariel Sharon Never Said...
This quote was supposedly from an interview with Ouze Merham. There is no such person. There was never such an interview. "Ouze" is not a Hebrew name. Miriam Sobh, a journalism student at the University of Illinois and member of an Islamic extremist group, published the quote in the Illini, the university newspaper. She apologized in April 2003. The quote surfaced again and was debunked by the editors of the Illini in December of 2004. After perpetrating this and other hoaxes, in 2005 Sobh graduated and was working at a Chicago affiliate of NPR. Subsequently she became editor of her own publication which she founded. Appropriately, it is called "Hijabtrendz."
A Camera expose illuminated Sobh's brilliant career as the author of fiction:
Ariel Sharon was never interviewed by Amoz Oz
Amos Oz published a satiric interview with "Z" in his book, In the Land of Israel, in 1983, a fictitious character who made some bone chilling statements about Palestinian Arabs. A racist newspaper editor in the US "repackaged" this interview with "Z" as an interview with Ariel Sharon, but Amos Oz never interviewed Ariel Sharon, and all the juicy racist statements attributed to Sharon in that interview are inventions of Amos Oz, intended as ironic Zionist satire t against extremists.
Ariel Sharon never said "We control America." The quote was fabricated by the Hamas.
There are a few versions of this fabrication. Here is one:
In some versions Sharon supposedly said "I control America." The quote was probably fabricated by the Hamas in 2001.
CAMERA’s investigation found that it started with an October 3, 2001 press release from the pro-Hamas group, IAP – the Islamic Association for Palestine, which attributed the quote to a report on “the Israeli Hebrew radio, Col [sic] Yisrael.”
Kol Yisrael political correspondent Yoni Ben-Menachem, who reports on Cabinet meetings, confirmed to CAMERA that he never made such a broadcast and that Sharon never made such a statement. Nor was it reported by any other news service.
When confronted, Geyer told one editor that she relied on two anonymous Israeli sources for the quotation. She told a second editor the quote came from an alleged Ha’aretz article which she never produced and could not be found. A subsequent editor’s note by Geyer’s United Press Syndicate claimed the quote was widely reported in the Palestinian press (i.e. the IAP, which cited the bogus Kol Yisrael source) but could not be confirmed by independent sources.
See also here
“Fake Zionist Quotes - Moshe Dayan“
Numerous "Zionist quotes" are taken out of context. For example, consider the following which is really monstrous:
Clever use of ellipses ("....") and omission of the initial sentence and context makes it seem really awful, doesn't it? It can be used by anti-Zionists to justify the idea that Zionism had the purpose of expelling Arabs violently, and did so systematically.
What is the real Zionist quote?
The "Zionist quote" is from an address at the Technion in April of 1969 See Moshe Dayan Quote Hoax Exposed for an independent discussion of the same hoax and more information about the context.
This was the "great crime" of the Zionist movement 'exposed' by Dayan: "we bought the lands from the Arabs." Certainly it is a major war crime to buy land and only colonialist racists buy land. Isn't that true? There is not one place built in Israel that did not have a former Arab population - some time in history. And there is not one place that did not have a former Jewish population either.
Fake Zionist Quotes - Chaim Weizmann
And here is another in the series of fake Zionist quotes:
What is the real Zionist quote?
"always safeguarding the interests of non-Jews of the country" – is omitted from the Zionist quote, and the actual Zionist quote is distorted. Zionism wanted to achieve a democratic Jewish state through immigration, while safeguarding the rights of Arab inhabitants. That was another "crime" of the Zionists, wanting to immigrate to the land of Israel.
Fake zionist quotes
Fake zionist quotes 1: Ben Gurion and the german children (1938)
This quote is frequently used by anti-semites on the internet. You can see what the quote aims at. It wants to create the impression that the zionists in Palestine did not care about the victims of the Holocaust.
In this case the quote by Ben Gurion has already been exposed as false and has written about it:
Ben Gurion and the Holocaust
• One of the particularly offensive canards long bandied about by so-called “post-Zionists” and anti-Zionist radicals is that Zionists collaborated with the Nazis to promote immigration to Palestine against overall Jewish interests and the survival of European Jews. Citing Lenni Brenner’s Zionists in the Age of the Dictators — which has been thoroughly discredited as an unscholarly combination of fabrication, exaggeration and quotations distorted through lack of context (Walter Laqueur, “The Anti-Zionism of Fools,” The New Republic, Nov. 1, 1987) — Ignatiev attempts to promote this disproved claim. He thus quotes Ben Gurion to support his allegation that the Israeli leader “attach[ed] more importance to the establishment of Israel than to the survival of the Jews,” collaborating with the Nazis to achieve this goal. The statement, as quoted by Ignatiev (via Brenner who, in turn, cites Yoav Gelber) is:
By cherry-picking a single comment, removing it from its context, and ignoring other comments made by Ben Gurion that directly contradict this interpretation, the author distorts history.
The Ben Gurion quote is taken from comments he made to Mapai’s central committee on December 7, 1938. This followed Britain’s decision to deny entrance into Palestine of 10,000 German Jewish orphans in the wake of Kristallnacht, instead offering them asylum within Great Britain. It was almost a year before the Nazis launched World War II and several years before the Final Solution (to annihilate the Jews) was methodically implemented. While Ben Gurion believed that Germany’s anti-Jewish policies would necessitate creating a safe haven for numerous Jewish refugees that no other country was willing to accept, he had no way of predicting the enormity of what was to follow.
The British offer to accept several thousand children appeared to be a gesture of conscience allowing Britain to close the doors of Palestine — not only to those German orphans, but to future refugees as well. Ben Gurion had recently witnessed the results of the international Evian conference, which had been convened in July 1938 to address the growing Jewish refugee problem, and knew that other countries were also unwilling to accept hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees. He believed that only a Jewish homeland would be able to properly absorb these Jews. Thus Ben Gurion stated that “our concern is not only the personal interest of these children, but the historic interest of the Jewish people” (translation from the stenographic records by Shabtai Teveth, Ben Gurion and the Holocaust, Harcourt Brace & Co. 1996, p. 47).
According to the records of the Mapai meeting, Yitzchak Ben Zvi immediately clarified Ben Gurion’s brusque remark, explaining “ten thousand children are a small part of Germany’s [Jewish] children…They [the British] don’t intend to save Germany’s Jews, and certainly not all of them. The moment the Jewish State Plan [the Peel plan] was shelved, the possibility of complete rescue of Germany’s Jews was shelved with it.” (ibid. p. 48)
There is ample evidence — ignored by Ignatiev — that Ben Gurion viewed the rescue of Jews as paramount. As early as 1936, Ben Gurion told Palestine’s high commissioner, Sir Arthur Wauchope, that “had there been the possiblity of bringing Poland’s Jews to the United States or Argentina, we would have done so regardless of our Zionist beliefs. But the world was closed to us. And had there also not been room for us in Palestine, our people would have had only one way out: to commit suicide” (Ben Gurion,Memoirs, p.3:105, cited in Shabtai Teveth, Ben Gurion and the Holocaust, pp xlix, 110). And in November 1941, Ben Gurion argued that “the supremely important thing now is salvage, and nation-building is incidental” (Teveth, ibid. p.xlviii).
It was only in November 1942 that the Yishuv became aware of the systematic slaughter of Jews. The Zionist leadership established a rescue committee and raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for the rescue mission. Ben Gurion made his priorities clear at a September 1943 fund-raising meeting of the Mobilization and Rescue Appeal in Jerusalem where he hailed the Allies’ invasion of Europe for “first of all, and foremost, the saving of Jews, then the saving of the Yishuv, and finally and thirdly the saving of Zionism” (cited in Teveth, p. 143). He emphasized the importance of funding the rescue mission, saying:
Thank you very much, Quintessenz, for all the time and effort you put in to reveal these truths.
that exposes the zionist mentality more than adequately
Pax, I'd cheer, too, if my people's armed forces retaliated against (missiles, bombing, acts of terror, etc.) an aggressor such as the terrorists, known as Hamas (2nd and 3rd video). The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist. ....As far as the first video, that you listed, it is gibberish, to me. ......Quintessenz has been more than articulate, here (if you took the time to actually read it). You have no argument.
THAT is what you took from the 2nd and 3rd video?

are you really fucking serious?
Bustabear you are fucking WARPED...
As i said before... Iron Dome hits 90% of the home made missiles fired
40-60% of the rest fail to hit the target due to them being.. home made and shitty(and this from official Israeli govt sources)
And of those that actually got anywhere.. 3 people... yeah... 3 Israelis die and a couple(literally) of others.
are you saying that justifies a MASSIVE.. no... GARGANTUAN, cosmic over-reaction, so out of proportion it's unreal.
mind you some pictures can speak a thousand words and
the REAL shocker is that you think that it's absolutely FINE with regards to what they say and what they are doing... watching a massacre like a recreational sport FFS and cheering on the death and destruction??? that's ok is it?
As i have said before... I will stand with you when it comes to the shoah.. but this.......NO FUCKING CHANCE.. IT'S PLAIN WRONG
what is that Mossad motto...
""By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Do War."
and don't they just.. and by the looks of it you are complicit in this with your utter disregard for the gravity of what those people are saying AND DOING
Even if the "Iron Dome" was 99% effective, the one (1) rocket, that penetrates, is one (1) too many. You, ignorantly, describe Hamas' deadly missiles as "homemade" (or "bottle rockets"). Bullshit! A launched missile is an act of war! (Your Pallywood, photo-shopped image doesn't impress me.) And, who is "Bustabear"? ..... And yes, I'd cheer my ass off, if my people's armed forces retaliated against the one (1) that got through and maimed or killed one or more of my people. Do you think this is an f'n game? Just because Israel is stronger, does not mean they should sit on their hands and do nothing, when attacked? To cure the situation, one must cut out all the cancer. If this is not done intensely enough, the cancer could grow back and create future sorrow. .....And, finally: If Hamas was "bombed back to the Stone Age", I'd lead a God damned victory parade!
Check the origin of that "Star of David" photo - you will find it was taken at an anti-terrorist training course in the USA.
Some of the participants dressed up as "terrorists" and others as "anti-terrorist security forces".
Bustabear is Quintessenz you muppet and fine well you know it.

The source of the info on iron dome's effectiveness is the Israel;i military spokesmen, he's also the one who mentioned the disintegration rate of the hamas rockets.(here and I'll find the newspaper article with the quote about the rest of the missiles later, i am about to go fix a machine)
So you say you cheers for all this? jusy shows what a silly little prick you are... I bet you have NEVER been there(Israel/Gaza) and have NEVER been a soldier on active service and actually seen war first hand... as shit like you SPEW is only said with the bravery of being out of range.
I on the other hand have been in wars and frankly they are not very nice to put it mildly and I drove ambulances in Gaza.
You are a silly little moron, a cheer leader for death as long as you don't have to do anything but sit yer fat ass in an armchair... nice and comfy.
whyen are you going to realise that YOU are the cancer wi9th shit spweing like that.. as i said.. thousands of miles away from the action... OUT OF RANGE.
I don't think it's a game. I'VE FUCKING BEEN THERE... unlike you you stupid bastard..
seeing children unable to get full and proper medical treatment, seeing children bombed,shot and multilated by bombardment is NOT FUN AND NOT A GAME.
Are you so blatantly fucking moronically and monumentally batshit supid that you think that if you bomb the shit out of people they will back down and acquiesce???? if so then you are fucking stupid.....
Did that work in... oh let's say Vietnam???.. erm... nope
Nopes.. all it does it piss off more of the people in the areas being bombed and through the loss of their land and loved ones ... IT WILL BREED MORE PEOPLE WILLING TO TAKE A STAND.
You have a very kind of STUPID... it's an apocalyptic type of stupid....
BTW those missiless while not bottle rockets are actually "home made"... that' is an actual fact
here they are.. The Qassam rocket.. pictures courtesy of the Israeli defence force btw...
yeah.. real high tech.. the height of technical excellence... I think not.
but baying for the death and destruction of the entire Palestinian people...... that makes you a pathetic sick fuck... there are nearly 2 million people there(- 2014 estimate 1,816,379 - Density 5046/km2 -13,069.1/sq mi) and you think it's just fine and dandy to bomb them into non-existance? so they are all Hamas as far as you are concerned?????
you are a dick.. plain and simple.....
Pax, Mr. Insulter, You seem incapable of any rational discussion. No facts (worth mentioning), just more Bullshit, twisting things to suit your purpose, and a barrage of name-calling. (I think your brain is on vacation.) ....I feel terrible for the Palestinian people. They should rise up and destroy Hamas (before Hamas destroys what's left of them). This is the only way they will ever see peace. If they (Palestinian civilians) cannot do the job, then Israel will have to do it for them. ....You must be insane to equate the situation in Gaza with Vietnam (Apples and Grapes). You are so pathetically, emotionally engrossed that you cannot see the situation in Gaza rationally. (You believe that it is a "David and Goliath" thing and, David HAS to win, even if Goliath is only protecting himself and his family, after a brutal attack by David.) You will never prove to me (or anyone who is not a "Jew hater") that Hamas is the sweet, innocent virgin that you describe. Hamas are cowards, hiding behind women and children, firing missiles from schools, hospitals and mosques. They move weapons around in ambulances. (Did you move arms for Hamas in Gaza?) .....I feel terrible for children on both sides of any conflict and morn for the deaths of ANY innocent civilians. So, Pax (Mr. emotional, name-caller), stop "parroting the mainstream" bullshit. (You would have us believe that all Palestinians are Hamas.) Look deeply into the reality of the situation (if you're capable) and understand that Hamas IS the aggressor, here. Perhaps if and/or when you see the truth, you will cheer for Hamas' demise, as well. [Hamas = terrorists; The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist, it really is as simple as that.] ....If Hamas laid down their arms, today, there would be peace in Gaza. If Israel laid down their arms, today, there would be no Israel, by tomorrow! Wake up.
You feel terrible for them but want to hem bombed in to the stone age?
Get a grip you tit
Pax, You seem to have a fundamental learning disability (no comprehension). Go back to the beginning of this thread and read the words that were written, not the words you think might be there. You've misinterpreted or twisted everything written here, so far. ....Can't stop the name-calling, can you? It does lower your credibility.
LOL... and the hasbara bollocks you spout does so much for yours?????
what you might perhaps forget or even not know... i am a Scotsman and typically of Scotsman i am BLUNT..
when we say it we mean it and we don't guild the lilly.
In fact Scotland, as far as i know is the only place on Earth where being called a c*nt isn't always a bad thing..LOL
to quote an of said phrase "aye he might be a c*nt, but he's our c*nt, a good c*nt".... i shit you not... in this instance c*nt means "person".. Scotland the place where terms of deep abuse become terms of endearment..LOL.. have a look
on you go a try to play the "reasonable guy"
.. NO reasonable person writes this
cheering the deaths of women and children as that's what you are doing.. ..
The blanket bombardment used by the IDF isn't exactly what you might call strikes with surgical precision and the "collateral damage" is MASSIVE.. and yet you say you'd cheer....
yes... very very reasonable of you... i think not
bombing hamas into the stone age..... well to do that you'd have to bomb the whole of the Gaza strip into the stone age... as those strikes are blanket bombardment and not "surgical precision strikes"...
BTW tbh surgical precision strikes often don't work very surgically.. I can tell you that from experience as a soldier....
So as we see from the death toll and figures arising from them..... to do what YOU want would kill the entire population and you'd be fine and dandy with that.
that makes you most worthy of the derogatory phrases i have used to my mind.
Hamas are twats.. i do grant you that, as i have said before..... they are total cocks however... look at the death toll on both sides and tell me WHO the aggressor is?
THOUSANDS verses...... 4 civilians. And remember the Palestinian death toll... for which you are admitted cheer leader is rising as many of the injured will be getting palliative care (or what passes for it there )as due to restrictions of things allowed to go into Gaza.. that's about all they'll be able to do for a fair few of them and again.. i say this from experience ,having actually been there thankfully not at the moment as ambulance staff are being targeted now
and the Israelis call it "mowing the lawn".. which they do regularly every few years.
This doesn't fix anything and only exacerbates things immeasurably..... all it does it make people MORE pissed off at Israel and creates more people willing to take a violent stand.
however time for me to grab food and then get my ass to bed.. work tomorrow early doors
this from the UN site
the bold is what you are cheerleading for.
yeah they fire rockets etc... the rockets as the photo from the IDF itself shows.. they are quite shitty unguided rockets and craptastic mortars...
I am not saying they are spiffing characters for firing them not at all... the response though has been outrageously disproportionate and the collateral damage is fucking astonishingly mental.
but you cheer it on.. and want them bombed into the stone age.. yeah... what a reasonable chappy eh? ....fannybawz
You said, "bombing hamas into the stone age..... well to do that you'd have to bomb the whole of the Gaza strip into the stone age". Do you want me (us) to believe that all residents of Gaza are Hamas? ......As far as the death toll goes, if Israel wanted to kill more, they easily could. They are bombing the terrorist's military targets as surgically as possible, even warning ahead of time, when and where they will bomb. If the cowardly Hamas terrorists didn't use women and children as "shields", there would be far less casualties. (Was the family of five that was bombed sitting at a missile site? Or, in other words, did Hamas set up shop at these folks home, to use them as a shield?) ...Of course, Israel wouldn't be forced to retaliate, if Hamas would stop their aggression. Period. It is all up to Hamas to stop the terrorizing. That's just common sense. .....And, let me get this straight. If I called you a C*nt, you'd accept that as a "term of endearment"? (Keep working on your comprehension skills, I think it's kinda working.)
been busy with the work and referendum campaigning on Saturday and campaigning today.
no that's a fucking rediculous notion.
As i said "surgical strikes" are not as surgical as you may think as i said before. The collateral damage is already quite massive and to do what you want would basically involve bombing the whole of Gaza.... get a grip .As i said before i KNOW from personal experience in a few hot zones round the world as a soldier.. surgical surgical my ass.
If they actually wanted to be "surgical" and only take out the Hamas people.... that's a job to send in infantry and clear houses which doesn't lead to massacres on the scale we have witnessed... Missiles are not surgical,mortars are not surgical,tank bombardment is not surgical,naval bombardment is not surgical, air strikes are not surgical.. they all have a MUCH larger area of effect thus killing innocent people...
and that makes the deaths of the women,children, old aged and non combatants all ok then?
oh yeah... 4-6 minutes warning is plenty of time you moron.....
you ever tried to get yer family with children or aged people clear from an area about to be bombed flat???
once again... get a grip.. it's hardly gracious and the warning is nothing more than P.R and you fucking know it. They also don't issue them every strike.
really??? because the IDF/Israeli Govt uses the term "mowing the lawn" for this for a reason.. they do it regularly and all it does it breed more resentment and strife.
wow you really are quite a prick to be show absolutely NO compassion for a family wiped out and merely attempt to excuse their executioners... what a spiffing fellow......
because as we know the israelis are all peace ,love and light! and maybe not then ..
oh and the Times of Israel has a piece of when genocide is accaptable.. since removed but with the net being what it is... full article HERE
add to that these charmingly peaceful can't you just feel the love? nope.. no hatred here at all!
so from their parliament down they are baying for blood it seems and genocide....
It's all about who says it and the context.. it's blatantly obvious that from what i said before YOU don't get it at all...
MY comprehension skills are just fine and dandy thanks..... I can comprehend that what Israel is doing, what many of them OPENLY state they want(genocide of Palestinians" and they even watch the bombardments FOR PLEASURE... I comprehend that is not decent or acceptable.
Neither do I excuse Hamas for being turds...
In case you haven't realised it... the original agreement was for two states.. understandably the Palestinians who actually LIVED there were not happy about having half their land taken away... would YOU? Thus the perpetuation of this nicely prevents a deal as the Israeli land grab progressed over the years keeps that solution out of touch and keeps this mess going.
I had to laugh though at your dismissal of the picture of the [sarcasm]mighty professionally made missiles that Hamas are using[/sarcasm].. those pictures are from the Israeli defence force and posted as such.. do those fucking tin can pieces of shit look anything resembling a quality piece of kit? Qassam missiles are not even guided....they are the missile equivalent of what snooker/billiards and pool players call "hit and hope" ,FPS gamers call "spray and pray"... and iron dome takes out 90% according to official Israeli sources another. of the remaining 40-60 either disintegrate or hit desert....
Look at the sheer imbalances of forces and the astonishing disregard for collateral damage of a mind-blowingly disproportionate response....
Now.. we come to "fannybawz"....
two words folded neatly into one...
Fanny - which in Scotland means the female genitals
Bawz - which is Scots slang for balls
when conjoined "fannybawz"
This refers to what legendary Scots comedian Frankie Boyle called a "ball vagina".. you know when i guy were trousers and they are tight and it looks like a camel toe in the testicular area? that's fannybawz...
basically it questions your manhood to the extent even yer nads look like a vagina LOL
not complimentary unless between friends.. it has been known for "howz it gaun fannybawz?"(how is it going fannybawz?" as a greeting between friends.
we though are not friends :)
However you might call me a c*nt.. but i'm a good c*nt LOL bear in mind though
Obviously, your perception of the "war" is much different from mine. Your comprehension of what I am saying is lacking, quite a bit. ....Would you have Israel just sit around and take the missile attacks and suicide bombings, etc.? Should the Israelis do nothing until Hamas gets what is stated in their "charter" (the total annihilation of Israel)? What would you do if you were an Israeli and your people were threatened with extinction? (Would your Jewish Grandparents be proud of your stance? ...or ashamed? Also, you never mention any of the Israeli women, children and other civilian casualties.) .....You think that you are "blunt"? Looks like we, in the Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. of A. area are far more blunt. Growing up, name calling, here, could have been met with serious violence. (About 45 years ago, I witnessed a stabbing, just because the kid with the knife was called a pussy.) Fortunately, I've aged and in my old age, I believe, tempered my form of Bullshit. (Like I said, previously, you'd have some credibility if you refrained from the name-calling and other foolishness.) .....I know that you have "the blinders" on, with the State of Israel. Perhaps you won't be satisfied, until all of Israel and it's inhabitants are wiped off the map and the Hamas flag flies over what is now, Israel? ....Much of the video and articles you refer to is merely "Pallywood" (deliberate propaganda, by Hamas, by photo-shop, lying, deceptive practices, etc. to achieve their cowardly, murderous agenda). (BTW, The article on genocide was very interesting. Even though I, personally, don't condone genocide, the author made some pretty good points and a somewhat convincing argument, for genocide.) .....No matter how much you twist reality, Hamas is the problem. Period! Until the cancer, known as Hamas, is removed, totally, there will be war. As the old saying goes, "All's fair in love and war". If a "disproportionate" use of force is necessary to stop Hamas, that's the way it has to be.
in my 1959 world atlas
there is no Israel
it is called PALESTINE
it does include the map of the 12 Tribes though
Long before 1959, Israel had been established and Jordan had already stolen the Palestinian's portion of the 1947 land deal. The current (2014) Palestinian Atlas of the area shows no Israel, only Palestine.
having served in the 3rd Battalion the Parachute Regiment and served in many war zones..... I think i know a fuckload more about it than you do.
My Grandparents was bewildered at the set up of an Israeli state and WERE AGAINST IT... ther was peace for hundreds of years (bar a very few huccups)till Israel got set up... also that was the shittest attempt at a guilt trip in the history of guilt trips.. my 8 year old boy is better at them!
you've never been to or know much about Scotland do you?
unlike most countries.. we don't use guns.. some pussies use knives.. we prefer mark one fists and we do regularly without fear of some pussy litigating..
Why not come over and try some time... please let me be there to film it... it'd be a fucking youtube spectacular!
Yes me Pot.. or is it Mt Kettle?
bollocks :)
Yes me Pot.. or is it Mt Kettle?
erm.. Geneva convention and all those other Laws of war.. so that's wrong me laddo
yet more bollocks.... listen little mr idf fanboi .. if ANY other country pulled this shit there would be more than a massive outcry.
So please drop the bollocks.. of you dropped plenty already (that's a pun btw however don'yt expect you to get it which makes it more fun for me.. petty... absolutely but funny none-the-less)
You stated, "having served in the 3rd Battalion the Parachute Regiment and served in many war zones..... I think i know a fuckload more about it than you do." - You have no idea where I may or may not have served. I don't believe that anyone is impressed with your "warrior" nonsense. .......You never answered what you would do if you were attacked by Hamas. All I get is "bollocks", innuendo, and attempted insults from you. .....The only relevant question to you is, "Does Israel have the right to exist?"
ok then... what branch of the services did you serve and what unit???
it's not nonsense it's service and life experience in the military with what is widely regarded as one of the world's finest regiments...
There has only ever been one attempted attack in Scotland and ordinary people in the street literally kicked the shit out of the attackers using mark one fists and feet.. no guns,bombs etc needed... that's Scotland for you.
Also Scotland has a very successfully integrated range of cultures. There are some problems however they are few are far between.
well i would say you get out what you put in however i haven't been a purveyor of bollocks.
Well my grandparents found the notions to be awful and to use my grandfathers words "destructive and ill thought out"
As i stated on the old forums i find myself in a strange place with reference to Israel in that i feel for both sides to an extent however i am utterly disgusted by some of the shit both sides pull.
Israel however in these attacks has a tendency or should i said standard operating procedure to respond massively disproportionately .
Also the rising right in Israel which are doing exactly what the israeli Hasbara machine persistently accuse hamas of... call for genocide, is shocking... and this from their senior parliamentarians down as i shown in those earlier posts if you had actually cared to look at the links and the videos, even if you disregard the ones taken by Palestinians you cannot ignore the ones from reports by Western news crews showing that girl saying that Gaza should be flattened and all the Palestinians killed as did a couple of Israeli politicians , one of them being VERY senior and the video taken by Israelis of them hunting Arabs for fun.
I am perfectly aware you could say the same of hamas however Israel cannot use the "they want us all to die" rhetoric if they are being the same.
In essence i think that if Israel honoured the two state solution as was originally agreed upon then that could work however they don't want it to work... they want to shunt the Palestinians into the Sinai.
Both sides should have a place to call "home" without fear of someone next door doing anything nasty but when it comes to scale, israel is doing FAR more nasty and becoming ever more extreme right wing as the populace drink the hasbara kool-aid and become more and more racist which i find utterly repugnant especially when they directly accuse the other side of the same.. pot kettle scenario.
So.. what branch of service and unit were you in???
my guess i you weren't and if you were it was a 100% REMF role
Dancing around the subject is all you can do. You'd make out well in the U.S., as a politician (speaking buckets of words without saying anything). Two simple questions, no answers. [Your answers are irrelevant, anyhow, because your Bullshit speaks volumes.] ....Enjoy your situation (you are making it a career) as a Hamas apologist and Pallywood propagandist. You have never condemned the terrorism, barbarism, and ruthless murder that is Hamas. (insert head banging against wall icon)
condemn it and referred to them with various non complimentary words.
Ad i did answer your question about Israel, very precisely
I actually do not bad with regular jaunts across the pond to DJ ;) usually every two years however I'll be back next year after having been this year.

While I am engaged in the political process here in Scotland i have neither the inclination nor wish to be a politician.
I am not an apologist for Hamas, as i said they are dicks.
You seem to not be getting the fact I feel empathy and sympathy for the heinous situation the Palestinians find themselves in as would anyone with a gram of humanity. and when i say Palestinians i mean the ordinary people who are being slaughtered wholesale by the IDF .
Not only do you NOT condem the wholesale slaughter of innocent women,.children, elderly and non combatants .. you gladly cheer it on and make dumbass excuses... so tell me.. who is the apologist??
I also note you completely disregard the Western news footage... how handy yah muppet...LOL or are western journos and news crews "pallywood" too?
oh btw I note you never answered what branch of service and unit you were part of...... most likely as you weren't in one or as i said, a REMF.
inserting appropriate pictures with reference to you
My service record is neither relevant, here, nor any of your business. Your round about Bullshit is tiring. (Nothing to add, but childish innuendo and insults.) One cannot converse (or debate) with someone who avoids the real issues and ignores hard facts, while name-calling and attempting to irritate and/or insult.
then you get called on it..... then yeah it's relevant... to try to avpid avoid avoid just makes you look like a bullshitter.
Innuendo.... nopes what i said was blatant :)
aaaaaw.. you mean you cannot debate with someone who won't buy YOUR bullshit
yeah and you never have nor did you try a pathetic attempt to guilt trip me about my grandparents in pathetic fashion. shocker to you that my grandfather especially was genuinely mystified and horrified by the lands being stolen as he put it.

you are not a very robust debater bland.. seriously not very robust indeed and i think you are full of shit when it comes to serving in anything.
Back to your service record, as i said IF YOU BRING IT UP AND INFER YOU WERE THEN IT IS RELEVANT and my bet is that you either never served or were a rear echelon type(REMF) or ... perhaps a reservist who never went out his own state... most probably though you never served.
what's hilarious is that when we were both arguing against those who denied the Shoah you were 100% behind the way i post however when it's debating you..... different story eh?
So tell me about this service record.. what branch of the service and what unit or.. forever be considered LYING
Finally got a picture of you. (Thought you'd be in camos, Mr. Warrior, not dress slacks and tie.) Bullshit, name-calling, insults, silly pictures and avoiding (or changing) the subject is all you've got. .....I have not discussed my service record with anyone in better than 40 years. Because you're interested in it, makes withholding it so much sweeter (petty, to parrot you). ......Lying? Not in the least. I may be a lot of things, but a liar is not one of them. (And, I don't give a damn what you think - one way or the other.) .....Guilt trip (or not), if your grandparents actually were Jewish, I'm sure they would be disappointed in (and/or ashamed with) you for siding with terrorists. In fact, terrorists that are Hellbent on killing all the Jews, in Israel. I know many Jews. They've been my neighbors and friends, all of my life. All of them stand with Israel. 100%. (Not like the Pallywood actors, portrayed in your links) ....And yes, I've backed you up, in the past. I'd back you up, in the future; When you are correct, I'll always back you (regardless of your method). In fact, I agree with much of what you write in other threads. Unfortunately, you are very wrong about Gaza, and your method to try to convince me (that you are right) borders the ridiculous. At this point, you do look quite foolish. [see picture, above.] .....Quintessenz articulately exposed the false quotes attributed to Zionism. That is what this thread is all about. Have you nothing to say about this subject?
Erm.. They were indeed and they,especially my grandfather, were the ones whose opinions on israel helped form mine from their experiences.
I have NEVER said anything that resembles me "iding with terrorists"... I have sided with the ordinary people of Palastine and straight out said hamas are dicks.......
hmmm even the western news crews?? now you are being an idiot to be quite frank.
First you lump in the ordinary people of Palestine with Hamas as terrorists in saying the above from what i have stated previously.... i made a distinction between the two at all times... you seem not to.
I haven't worn a uniform in a few months short of 20 years... i only wear suits for weddings,funerals and formal occasions they are usually though of the kilted variety with few exceptions :)
I am related to loads and most of them are not Zionists... funny old world eh?
What amazes me to be honest is that you fail to genuinely make a distinctions between the ordinary people of Palestine and Hamas, and your justifications, to be honest i find lamer than a legless duck.
Also your refusal to recognise that Israeli society is moving EVER right to the extreme where the above quoted parliamentarians,news papers etc can make extremely racist and facist statements and garner popular support from them as we witnessed in the Western news crews report where the girls outright says she is "a little bit fascist"... your failrure to recognise that a video MADE BY ISRAELIS of them out hunting Arabs, primarily taxis drivers as many Arabs drive taxis in Israel...
The calls for Genocide from the Parliament down and senior parliamentarians at that in a few cases..... all fine eh?
What is happening there is utterly racist and fascist behaviour and it's becoming more common place every day..... but that's all fine and dandy according to you and just because Hamas are dicks... and they are DICKS, makes it fine to ethnically cleanse Palestinians... because that's what is being called for from the Knesset down to much of the Israeli population is Israel.
Even CBS 60 minutes exposed Israeli apartheid
Jimmy Carter says so
here's a documentary by a Jewish American woman
and Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa and if ANYONE can recognise apartheid he can
a look inside the Knesset
Renowned journalist Jonathan Cook and top Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard on apartheid & Israel.
MSNBC shows a Rabbi that says... children are not civilians!
Secular talk discusses it and mentions the calls from parliamentarians for genocide
Israeli politician calls for concentration camps..... the guy from secular talk makes some fine points
but according to you this is all fine and dandy????
edit to add.. I am off on the campaign trail till later this evening so any response will be a while from me
Israel has the fundamental right to exist, without the plague of terrorism. A "civilian" becomes a terrorist when they aid any terrorists. The civilian non-combatants should rise up and destroy Hamas and ALL the other radical Muslim terrorists in Gaza. When a "civilian" allows rockets to be launched (or stored) in their home, they become one with the terrorists. If any "civilians" turn a blind eye to this Bullshit, they are no better than the terrorists that they condone. Once this occurs, these folks are no longer innocent. (I have always felt empathy for innocent Palestinian civilians. Unfortunately, in war, there can be collateral damage.) ....I feel terrible for the innocent Israeli civilians, maimed or killed by the radical Muslim terrorists. There is no excuse for Hamas or anyone else to launch unguided missiles into a civilian population. .....You link to the "guy from secular talk". Why? This anti-Semite Nazi has no credibility. See: ....I'll tell you what would be "fine and dandy". Fine and dandy would be if Hamas stopped their cowardly, murderous attacks. For without these acts of terrorism, Israel would not be forced to retaliate. Until this is reality, I wish the best to the IDF and hope they can crush Hamas, quickly and with extreme prejudice. Hamas drew "first blood", therefor Hamas must be punished (or eliminated/exterminated, if they will not stop their aggression).
War is war: Why I stand with Israel
There are serious concerns to be raised about Israel's policies, but when Hamas declares war, it must be able to defend itself.
As a liberal Zionist, certain statements are expected from me at times like this, so let's get it out of the way:
1. The kidnap and murder of three Israeli teenagers was an abominable crime.
2. So was the kidnap and murder of a Palestinian teenager.
3. Palestinians have a right to a state of their own, secure in its own borders,
4. But so does Israel.
5. Hamas is a wholly malevolent organization who would be recognized as neo-Nazis if they happened to be white Christians.
6. The Israeli government, whatever my disagreements with it, is still a liberal democracy doing its best under highly adverse circumstances.
7. This doesn't mean that every innocent Palestinian killed isn't a tragedy, but...
8. War is war.
Are we done now? Can we not have this printed and bound in pamphlet form, to be distributed by the well-wrung hands of liberal writers each time events in the Holy Land take another apocalyptic turn? Because I'm a bit exhausted, to be honest. The kind of existential, moral exhaustion that might also be called despair.
This is how I feel, as a coddled third-hand observer a happy ocean or two away, so what Israelis and Palestinians feel must be beyond the power of words to describe. In 2017, Israel will have held the Palestinian territories for half a century, and the solution keeps on receding into the distance.
As my list above implies, I can't pretend to be entirely neutral: I stand with Israel, as the hashtag has it. Even if I didn't find the Zionist claim to a state in the historical Jewish homeland compelling, I'd still feel inclined towards Israel for reasons of solidarity.
What I mean by this was expressed beautifully by Howard Jacobson in 2009. So little has changed since then that, after I read it for the first time recently, I assumed it had been written this week. You should take the time to read the whole thing, but the nub is this: there is legitimate criticism of Israeli government policy, and then there is the international anti-Zionist movement, and the two bear scant relation to one another.
As Jacobson writes of the latter, it is "a discriminatory, over-and-above hatred, inexplicable in its hysteria and virulence whatever justification is adduced for it; an unreasoning, deranged and as far as I can see irreversible revulsion that is poisoning everything we are supposed to believe in here [...] But I am not allowed to ascribe any of this to anti-Semitism. It is, I am assured, 'criticism' of Israel, pure and simple."A simple illustration: in the Hobbesian nightmare that is Bashar al-Assad's Syria, about 9,000 children have been killed since the civil war began in 2011. Nine thousand. That's the equivalent of a large British secondary school reduced to ashes every six months.
Forgive me if I'm merely being unobservant, but where is the international campaign against the Syrian regime? Is it hiding? Did campuses all over the world hold a “Syrian Genocide Week”, and I just wasn't paying attention?
I think not, somehow. This is not “criticism”, this is obsession.
A part of me is tempted to voice my very real concerns about where Israeli society is headed, but after a week or two of arguing with people who will do anything but recognize terrorist aggression has dissuaded me.
I still have those concerns, but somehow, I just can't bring myself to talk about them. Not while my Israeli comrades are rushing to their bomb shelters and being blamed for it at the same time.
I stand with Israel. ....I could not say it any clearer.
or actually directly respond ????
that whole copy paste is full of weaselling nonsense
this is fucking rich to be frank since it's Israeli's who have been making apartheid legislation and ghettoising the Arab population then shooting "fish in a berral.
utterly fucking weak hasbara bullshit
TRY using your own words to refute what MSNBC,Bishop Desmond Tutu ,former President Jimmy Carter et all have said about the Apartheid state that is Israel......
Palestinians are Semites and they are being screwed....
however as I said, you can't even find your OWN words to directly refute the evidence.. weak sauce indeed.
Now let's look at things... The speaker of the Knesset is calling for the Palestinians in the whole of Israel and the Occupied Territories to be thrown into "tented camps" where they would be "concentrated" .. ring a fucking bell does it?
He also calls for them to be booted out the occupied territories so there would only be a single state with all the Arabs in the camps.....
Then there's the other members of the Knesset calling for the genocide of the Palestinians.... does any of this ring a WW2 like bell?
Claiming that the missiles,mortars,tank bombardments etc are GOOD for Palestinians?? fucking really???
Claiming that children are to be considered combatants(yeah that's been done you know..... really?
To speak up against such tyranny isn't "anti-Semitic" ,isn't "anti-Jewish" not even remotely when the Israeli state is moving farther and rather to the right, to the point where they have already ghettoised the Arab population , legislated them into second class citizen status, openly call for them to be lout into concentration camps and call for their genocide....... how could any Jew condone that?
I KNOW my grandfather and grandmother would be horrified at the parallels not just at what's being done.
I do NOT condone Hamas ,they are fucking dicks... BUT I do stand against what's being done to the Palestinian people.
What i would like though is a response to the video's i posted in my last post in your own words .. watch them and then respond to the like of Bishop Desmond Tutu, former Pres Jimmy Carter etc......
a copy paste just doesn't cut it and neither does appeal to what happened during the second world war ,especially when the senior memmers of the Knesset are calling for the exact same thing to be done to the Arabs...
You must have missed my post #29 - my own words. (See above.) My 2nd post (#30) was Tom Doran's words. (Made a lot of sense, to me.) I could not have said it, better. ....Why don't you just admit that you won't be satisfied, until you see all of Israel wiped from the map, and it's inhabitants exterminated. If I understand, what you've written, you don't value the lives of innocent Israelis, in the least. You only care about the lives of others, including cowardly terrorists and their conscienceless enablers. .....Perhaps you do have comprehension difficulties. (You, not only, twist my words, but, at the least, misinterpret the words of many others.) Your argument is not convincing. I continue to stand with Israel!
will get to you later after the voting/counting has ended
utter shite, never anywhere did i say that and what i daid say was a two state solution is what is needed... as for genocide.. see the knesset parliamentarians and ultra right wong punters for details.....
oh yes i do... \NOWHERE did i ever say all Israeli's were bad or needed to die.. not once so save yer bullshit for someone who will fall for it.
LOL what a pile of craptastica.. i have repeatedly called hamas dicks and will continue to call them dicks... I care about all life that doesn't call for the extinction of others..... so that means hamas and the ultra right in israel are equally dicks to my mind.
the ordinary people who are not shoutong for blood and genocide are all fine and groovy with me.
Yes mr amateur kettle.... bloody idiot
mine isn't?
did you even watch any of those videos? i bet you didn't..
anyway i am off to work at the counts in the referendum today.. much more important than dealing with your pish that's for sure
Theirig A-steach to you sir as we say in Scotland
Good luck with yer referendum. Until then "póg mo thóin" (as my friends in Southie say.)
LOL you can't even get the right Gaelic.. that's Irish LOLOL
and your anus is the last thing on Earth I'd kiss... i'd rather lock my lips of a fetish yak ring-piece :)
shitting my pants with the referendum though.. FUCKING MASSIVE TURNOUT..
hopefully though that's due to our voter registration progrtam in the YEs campaign.
back for a quick break and making a coupla flasks of coffee and sandwiches to take out to the count at ingliston.
gonna be a Looooooooooong night..
I'll either be elated or crying from 6am tomorrow
...My friends in Southie (South Boston) are Irish. I got the phrase from them. (They thought it would be fitting for you, after reading your posts.) .......I hope the referendum goes your way. Good luck.
Good quotes, bad quotes... whatever! By their fruits ye shall know them.
so you'll be known as a racist dick then? :)
Fuck off you admitted Jewish troll. I told you once already that I have NOTHING EVER AGAIN to say to you EVER AGAIN. It is a waste of my time. Your's too... unless you are a troll. Grow the fuck up, including GROW SOME BALLS and attack my arguments, not me ad hominem. Fucking moron.
There... are we BOTH done with the personal insults now? I sure hope so. *sigh*
not me :)
didn't take much to bring out the venom there eh mike?? LOL
I have more balls than you might imagine and the medals to prove it you useless racist bellend.
MY grandparents were Jewish.. just like Jesus! i am NOT Jewish.
I love bacon and have bacon rolls(Scottish bread rolls.. they're lovely btw every morning.. not very kosher eh?
funny how the racist troll calls someone else out for being a