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This CNBC documentary called Marijuana in America (originally aired in 2014) goes inside Colorado's marijuana industry, which is the first state to legalize marijuana for recreational use.
Should Christians get high and smoke pot? Should Christians Smoke Pot daily? How many people out there are high right now? How many people are high everyday and almost all the time?
Aleister Crowly told his followers to smoke Hashish
"Unable to openly discuss the esoteric history of the herb, Crowley decided to look at other areas of interest. Having spent some years practicing yoga, ceremonial magic and other techniques of exploring the workings of the mind, as well as studying scientific literature on the subject, Crowley felt confident in discussing the effects of cannabis on the psyche of man.
Noting that "Yogis employed hashish? to obtain Samadhi, that oneness with the Universe," Crowley focussed on cannabis' ability to invoke different mental states, which he compared to similar states of consciousness associated with meditative and magical practices."
Crowley, like other occultists of the time, saw this impersonal introspective state as ideal for the act of astral traveling
In India the Yogis smoke marijuana to invoke Shiva (Satan)
Movies and songs are telling young people to smoke pot.
If you are high from pot, is that the Holy Spirit?
1 - should they?.. if they want to.. yeah.
daily? if they want to then yes.
how many people.. MILLIONS per day consume cannabis in one form or another.
I smoke cannabis daily , I am self employed, work hard and have two children who i make sure not only get what they need but also the things that they want(within reason... last week my son wanted an M1A2 with TUSK{yes he was that specific}... i said no to that one!)
legalisation in Colorado has done WONDERS for the state, not just financially either but also as far as medicinal treatments go.
It also makes me piss laughing when in an attempt to "demonise' it you attach the Crowley name.
see below for links about Kanneh bosm... oh.. isn't that a phonetic relation to cannabis?... i think you'll find that's been shown to be true.....
BTW Shiva isn't Satan you UTTER Moron.
Remember the theme song for the movie/tv series M.A.S.H.... it said ''suicide is painless'' .. and it was watched for many years by quite possibly hundreds of millions.... did loads of people start killing themselves? NO
simpletons may well thinks so... it's a simple chemical reaction that leads to a pleasant relaxed state mix with equal parts euphoria and
I can't remember where...I
I can't remember where...I read somewhere that Kaneh Bosm was actually referring to a different plant, not marijuana
>>"Noting that "Yogis
>>"Noting that "Yogis employed hashish? to obtain Samadhi, that oneness with the Universe," Crowley focussed on cannabis' ability to invoke different mental states..."
Salvia would probably get you a little more closer to home-base than Cannabis.
It depends
It depends on the person. Salvia doesn't seem to have an effect on me while cannabis is just lovely. I've tried everything from traditional salvia leaf chewing to gigantic bong hits of 45x extract and it only makes me warm. I think all psychedelics, entheogens and the like are tuning the brain receiver to different stations. The big question is how do these other stations relate to where/when we are in a baseline sober state?
yeah did nothing for me
yeah did nothing for me either. Thank God. My friend would always say the same thing, "You got to smoke it out of bong." I used a bubbler.
I guess you guys didn't do it
I guess you guys didn't do it right or something.
>>Thank God. My friend would always say the same thing, "You got to smoke it out of bong."
Not only that, I think you're supposed to use a torch-type lighter.
I'm just glad I never got
I'm just glad I never got into to. That one friend I mentioned did it everyday for weeks. He had to go to a doctor because he couldn't taste his food.
Maybe...maybe not
I did use that kind of lighter as well. I have seen a number of reports of folks saying that it didn't affect them. It seems like there is a small portion of people that experience the same thing. Their body chemistry is such that salvia just doesn't have an effect on them. I have never seen anything like that with any other psychedelic of any kind. Only Salvia Divinorum has that kind of unusual characteristic.
>>It seems like there is a
>>It seems like there is a small portion of people that experience the same thing.
I think they're called, "HardHeads."
I was totally willing to give
I was totally willing to give myself to the experience but it just never happened. Maybe I just partially live in that space anyway and I didn't notice a difference. :P
Should Christians Smoke Marijuana?
I love it when Christians want to chastise me for my smoking of the noble weed, as it usually contains references to invoking Satan. LOL!!! Read your bible much? Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 11-12.
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
25,000+ commercial products can be made just from this one plant, but the only thing anyone can talk about is smoking it, not that that is a bad thing. While the old oppressive guard is freaking out over the citizens rising up and legalizing it in my home state of Colorado and in Washington, and now Alaska and Oregon, none of the dire warnings predicted from it have occured. And actually, our crime rate has dropped, probably because they can't spend all of their time busting people for it instead of finding real law breakers. Oklahoma and Nebraska have filed a lawsuit against Colorado because they claim that our legalizing it harms their residents, however, marijuana related drug busts in their states are actually down. So, where is the harm?
And as far as it promoting laziness, etc., I have 2 jobs, one of which I'm on call for. Hasn't hurt me a bit. Try again.
Sounds like you couldn't go a
Sounds like you couldn't go a day without it. My friends all they did was smoke pot everyday, all day.
Some of them went to the 420 in Colorado two years ago in Denver. Someone got shot at the event held outside. Can't remember if the person died. Just saying..
Anton Lavey shiva synonym for
Anton Lavey shiva synonym for satan in his Satanic Bible. Just saying..
was a dick to be frank. I refer you tro Easy's RESPONSE to that.
As for the 420 weekend.. i was there this year and it was a brilliant event, well planned and Denver is a FUCKING BRILLIANT city in my opinion. I love going there and that's bugger all to do with weed. I have great friends there and i'll be heading back this year to see my friends, DJ some thumpy goodness and generally have a funky time.
I notice YOU admit you having taken Salvia... have you also taken cannabis or any other "drugs"....
I suspect so.. you have already in the previous foprums admitted to drinking assloads and trying to cut down(a fine thing btw.. i rarely drink alcohol.. not because i am anti but because i have seem to have turned into a very occasional "tippler").,.. however... you seem to, from what you say, have DONE a lot of drinking on a daily basis topped off by wee tries at taking other substances..... what that makes you is a HYPOCRITE.
Your WILFUL lack of understanding is no surprise as fundie christians such as yourself have blinkers on that you happily places there yourself.
BTW link me to that place where you read about Kanneh Bosm.... i'd be very interested to read it and see if indeed it is a fundie christian source
You assume too much. I never
You assume too much. I never drank daily, mostly on the weekends and haven't been drunk in months. When I did drink, yes I would drink too much at times.
If I did smoke pot in the past and now I'm against; doesn't make me a hypocrite. I would be a hypocrite if I were to be smoking pot right now. Almost all of friends in high school were heavy drug users. It's not like I hate you guys or something. Now that I'm older I probably would choose different friends if I had to do it all over again and I would reach out to them. This was made possible through learning. Sometimes I knew I was doing a wrong and still did the wrong. Not strictly talking about drugs but other things as well. Wish I could go back and change things. I learned and I'm sorry for my wrongs/
I'll try to look for that article, but I really can't remember where I found it. The article might take some time to find because it might have been a video. Right now, I must focus on finishing my last film because there's still a lot of work to be done.