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This CNBC documentary called Marijuana in America (originally aired in 2014) goes inside Colorado's marijuana industry, which is the first state to legalize marijuana for recreational use.

Should Christians get high and smoke pot? Should Christians Smoke Pot daily? How many people out there are high right now? How many people are high everyday and almost all the time?

Aleister Crowly told his followers to smoke Hashish

"Unable to openly discuss the esoteric history of the herb, Crowley decided to look at other areas of interest. Having spent some years practicing yoga, ceremonial magic and other techniques of exploring the workings of the mind, as well as studying scientific literature on the subject, Crowley felt confident in discussing the effects of cannabis on the psyche of man.
Noting that "Yogis employed hashish? to obtain Samadhi, that oneness with the Universe," Crowley focussed on cannabis' ability to invoke different mental states, which he compared to similar states of consciousness associated with meditative and magical practices."

Crowley, like other occultists of the time, saw this impersonal introspective state as ideal for the act of astral traveling

In India the Yogis smoke marijuana to invoke Shiva (Satan)
Movies and songs are telling young people to smoke pot.
If you are high from pot, is that the Holy Spirit?


The description has nothing to do with the actual file in the torrent. FAIL!

Christians don't understand the origin of their own belief system, so how can they understand how cannabis relates to it? FAIL!

Just like Christians to equate something they don't understand (Shiva/Shakti in this case) to Satan (something else they don't understand or know the origin of). FAIL!

Anton Lavey shiva synonym for satan in his Satanic Bible. Just saying..

Still not the origin.
Satanists are just as deluded as Christians and Hindus as to where their belief systems came from and what they think they believe in. If your world is based on lies and misinterpreted myths, how can anything you say, think or believe in carry any hint of fact or truth? I suppose it might by chance be as correct as often as a broken watch but that's still an epic fail in my book.