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Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed [Volume 2] (2010)

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Volume 2 details the CIA's practices of interrogation and cybernetic mind control in their pursuit to weaponize neuropsychology. It covers the art of bio-communication war. Human beings are complex machines but their inner workings have been deciphered. Mind control and brainwashing have been perfected in the last 60 years. Hacking computers and hacking into individual minds are similar. The 21st century will be known as the age of spiritual machines and soulless men.

The Mind Hacking Strategy Group is a consortium of conscientious scientists who report the abuses of science. ROBERT DUNCAN holds multiple degrees from Harvard University and Dartmouth College in Applied Sciences and Business. He has worked on projects for the Department of Defense, CIA and Justice Department in his career.

251 mb .PDF file (scanned copy of paperback book)


If anybody knows how to do OCR work with ebook programs like Calibre or whatever, and feels like working on a project, it would be nice to see this particular image/PDF ebook converted into text only.

From what I understand, Project Soul Catcher is not an actual covert operation name, like MK-Ultra or anything like that. I heard Robert Duncan, the author, say that he was originally going to call it 'Soul Stealer', but decided 'Soul Catcher' sounded better, or something to that effect. However, he is an actual NSA/CIA insider, and he does have first-hand knowledge of many actual covert ops mind control programs. Unfortunately he has signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement with many of these agencies, and cannot talk about the specifics of many of the technologies etc. The information in his books is only coming from material that has been declassified. There is a book of his though, that was leaked and written under a pseudonym, that does discuss more classified aspects of these technologies: (The Matrix Deciphered: Psychic Warfare)

An excerpt from The Matrix Deciphered:


Here is secret #1

...that has been suppressed by the forces of ignorance in the government. There was a patent that I will keep referring to throughout this book because of the importance of the work. It is published in the appendix.

In 1974, Robert Malech,3 an employee of Dorn & Margolin Inc., a major defense subcontractor in radar design now owned by EDO Corporation an even larger all defense contractor in electronic warfare, invented a fairly simple radar device that could read whole brain electrical activity at a large distance. 4

It has the major advantages of no wires and full brain electrical activity analysis, not just points on the skull surface.

He discovered and perfected a way to use some simple electromagnetic oscillations anywhere from 100Mhz to 40 Ghz to read brainwaves by "illuminating" the brain and its electrical conductance then reading the return signal.

The imaging method observes the changes of frequency resonances, amplitude, and phase which represent the states of neuron depolarization throughout the brain.5

Secret #2

But more profoundly, he discovered that he could influence brain waves if precisely timed with a return training signal. He had no idea that at this moment in history, he had accidentally destroyed democracy as we envision it to be.

The military and surveillance community immediately picked up on the patent and within two years had reprogrammed their communications and surveillance satellites and terrestrial phased arrays with the new concepts.

The rapid deployment of this technology occurred because it only required software changes in already existing radar, imaging, and communications' terrestrial dishes and satellites. Many additional spy satellites have been launched since to bolster the system. So in 1976, on the bicentennial of this great nation, a system called TAMI was born.

TAMI is an acronym for "Thought Amplifier and Mind Interface". A more invasive "Big Brother" technology came about before George Orwell's prediction of 1984.

Secret #3

Stealth RADAR techniques were first recorded by observing the Russian bombardment of the U.S. embassy in Moscow with microwaves.

Using high powered steered phased arrays and focused directed energy from two sources next to each other, one can create a nearly undetectable "scalar" wave, or destructive interference at the point of interest.

With just a minor energy interaction, the interfering beams bounce back with strong signal to noise ratio to be resolved at the sources again. This allows for any imaging technique to be done from extremely large distances.

In effect, it makes distance irrelevant to the detection feature, be it RADAR, MRI, or ESR imaging.

At the same time, the Russians had discovered and were developing similar capabilities. This accelerated the secret arms race that continues to this day.


The research and capabilities have come a long way in the last 30 years.

Even if one didn't have direct access to the knowledge of surveillance capabilities, one could project out in time 30 years knowing technology developments increase at an exponential rate. At that time the military demonstrated the capability of reading automobile license plates from satellite images.

In order to cover up and not draw attention to mind reading radar, the whole field of psychic phenomena and paranormal psychology was invented to deceive the civilian populations of what was occurring. The Russian's showed their hand when they started bombarding the U.S. embassy in Moscow with microwaves in the late 60's, and then with the 7 Russian Wood Pecker6 transmitters that began operation in 1976 pointed at the U.S.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of this new weapon, many human minds are needed to create the database of specific brain data necessary to increase the effectiveness on a larger and larger population.

These are referred to as the "Cataloguing and Cloning operations". In this context, cloning does not refer to human cloning, but EEG cloning.

Many have misunderstood this fact and then it was popularized by the T.V. series "X-Files". These cloning operations are what plague the human race today as every country feels the need to have this weapon that requires torturing and killing many people of their own populations to develop.

EEG cloning means to copy someone else's brainwaves onto another person. The discovery made by Robert Malech allows this to be done wirelessly anywhere in the world. A new military division emerged called The Psychic Warfare Unit initially stationed in the Pentagon but most likely it was rolled into the Psychological Operations, Electronic Warfare, and Informational Warfare Units. Initially this became a great intelligence gathering tool. Psychically spying into other people's minds was an incredible feat.

I don't use the term EEG cloning much because it refers only to the special case of observing a targets mind.

That is only one aspect of the technology. Malech discovered he could influence brain waves just as easily as reading them. So at the other extreme, a psychic warrior can EEG clone his brainwaves onto a target.

This is symbolized in the movie "The Matrix" where the agents take over random citizens bodies while in pursuit of the heroes. The correct terminology to describe everything in between the two extremes is EEG heterodyning. Heterodyning is an engineering term which means to mix signals. So EEG cloning is just a special case of EEG heterodyning.

EEG cyber hive mind is another term used for EEG heterodyning for none weapons use experiments. These are collectives of people who share one common set of brain waves. They jokingly refer to the process of forcing someone into a collective as "Borging" them, a reference to the evil cyborg civilization from Star Trek.

They are studying both the long term effects of being in this kind of collective mind configuration and how to use it to control, spy through, disable, or kill a target. They also are studying communication and organization without spy gadgets of any kind for synchronized missions.

They are called Wood Peckers because of the sound that they make in the audible frequencies.

The emerging field which intersects at the physics of psychology is called 'psychophysics'. The dynamics of the mind are well described from neuroscience reductionism. Artificial neural networks have been around for over half a century. But the new challenge is to map exactly the subjective experiences of consciousness to the physics of organic intelligences' informational signal processing including biochemical and electromagnetic.

The word 'Psychophysics' has additional connotations that are quite appropriate in the way that this field has evolved in the secret labs around the world. The tools of psychophysicists are called psychotronics.

It is this area of research that has given rise to all the conspiracy theories on the New World Order psychoterrorists, secret societies involvement, mind control and satanic cults.

Mind control weapons are the holy grail of the ultimate weapon and has given birth to the world's most notorious, sociopathic scientists which in turn have spawned a generation of the most intense human suffering for weapons testing efficacy the people of this planet have ever endured.

It has become apparent over the past couple of weeks that Robert Duncan has passed away. There are rumors he had cancer, but given that he was a whistleblower about directed energy technologies, that in and of itself is suspicious, particularly since he was only 53. Also, I think he died the same day it was announced that he was going to be a speaker at a conference about Targeted Individuals (and those with Havana Syndrome). He has made huge splashes in the conspiracy/TI communities, and it is likely he was targeted. He had also wrote on X that he was under surveillance and had sabotage and various threats. He was just about to publish a new book 'Emergent Minds and the Birth of a New Species With Neural Cryptography Hive Minds'. He had mentioned on X that he was forced by intelligence agencies to redact many portions of the book. That post was June 12 2024, and was one of his last posts. All of his posts on Facebook have been removed somehow. So yeah, the whole thing kind of reaks! :S

Here's the info about his passing and more about his work:

You're kidding me???

I'm pretty wired in to this type of scene and I'd not heard this...

I had noted in recent months he was back doing detailed chats and interviews - some of which i thought he discussed wider shit than he'd MADE SURE he hadn't done so on purpose before.

If we've lost him there's few who will replace him. they ARE out there but they remain in the background.

I'll watch the video... thx

i just posted underneath that bird's account on HomeSteading where she discusses his apparent death.

I'd post a screenshot here but I'll just end up meeting black Adder :-p

Posting images is easy. Just use the IMG tag.

I was looking for your post on YouTube. I didn't find it, but I found a little comment of relevant Robert Duncan links that I thought I would post here for the archives:

1. Dr. Robert Duncan Passed - Update and His Prolific Education PLEASE SHARE (See Description)
2. Tribute to Dr. Robert Duncan | Thank You
3. Book Project Soul Catcher Vol 2 | Denial of Service | Replacing Personalities Dr. Robert Duncan
4. Book: Project Soul Catcher | Enhanced Interrogations Part 1 | Dr. Robert Duncan
5. Book: Project Soul Catcher | Interrogation Techniques Continued | Dr. Robert Duncan

2 of those links to his material are useful for me - so thanks.

Looks like I missed them in the video blurb...

PS: Maybe my comment was erased? I'll check - it wasn't worded to cause any issues

BUT - here's an interesting firt hand fact lionked to the Duncan area.

An Irish newspaper covered an event only covered in a limited way in UK press - about a black guy travelling down to London from the Midlands - to the MI5 offices... :-0

Guess what he was requesting - ?? And how BAD for this man had it got that he thogught this was his only option??

He asked MI5-MI6 to "turn off the voices giving their advice to him" in his head...

But here's the kicker - as i knew it was a limted IRISH only news link - I thoguht i'd publicise it in a youtube video that is popular with UK ppl... but three times - in REAL time - the link vapourised as it was posted.

Heard of this happening but never seen it first hand myself.

So what does it say on this topic??

I have had various types of Targeted Individual/electronic harassment attacks myself, going on more than a decade now. One of the first clues I had that something was watching me (24/7), was something I had written in a chatroom, and about 75% of the text had been altered by the time I had already hit send and it popped up. I can't remember exactly the original sentence etc, but I knew that the text had been clipped and changed in real time to what I was actually typing. Robert Duncan mentioned this phenomenon to me once on Facebook. Ghost Writers, but it was part of a specific project name that Edward Snowden had once revealed as well. That NSA operatives can monitor you in real time and access your electronics while you type etc. From what I understand, it's also a type of Artificial Intelligence - so they have been able to automate their Big Brothers (who are watching us)...

99% of what Robert Duncan discusses when it's about signals to humans is/are AI developed "monitoring" chat/instruction programs.

It's now such a vastly deployed technology [as discussed by catherine austin fitts] that in no way is it human operated.

I've met TI's in England and heard what's taken place with them and it's occasionally a human manager but usually not.

We need a dedicated thread/topic area on this subject.

I'll try to battle with Rowan Atkinson and set one up.... :-D

I still find it utterly baffling that, just as Robert Duncan was about to publish a book about Artifical Intelligence and EEG Hive Minds, he ends up completely disappearing. There have been no official announcements, death certificates, autopsy reports, media reports, or anything about what happened to him. Just complete silence. His Facebook was completely erased, which leads one to suspect that the FBI combed through all of his stuff. And what about the book - surely other people, such as his publishers, had a copy of it. I think his connection to Len Ber, and the substantial amount of media attention that Havana Syndrome has been garnering, is the reason for his disappearance and/or death. The information about the ability to track and monitor individuals anywhere on the planet, and the directed energy weapons, is probably the reason for trying to silence him - despite the fact that his book had to do with Artificial Intelligence. Information that was probably above and beyond what these covert ops people even know about. They could do well to study it themselves. I can only hope that the book is published, even if redacted, or possibly leaked to the internet at some point in the future...