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Volume 2 details the CIA's practices of interrogation and cybernetic mind control in their pursuit to weaponize neuropsychology. It covers the art of bio-communication war. Human beings are complex machines but their inner workings have been deciphered. Mind control and brainwashing have been perfected in the last 60 years. Hacking computers and hacking into individual minds are similar. The 21st century will be known as the age of spiritual machines and soulless men.
The Mind Hacking Strategy Group is a consortium of conscientious scientists who report the abuses of science. ROBERT DUNCAN holds multiple degrees from Harvard University and Dartmouth College in Applied Sciences and Business. He has worked on projects for the Department of Defense, CIA and Justice Department in his career.
251 mb .PDF file (scanned copy of paperback book)
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Hey, thanks for the links. I
Hey, thanks for the links. I tried to get on - how do you sign up there? Is the PDF you linked to an OCR'ed version of Project Soul Catcher? I was not able to download it...
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Wow, that's great - thanks so much, I got it!
From what I understand, Project Soul Catcher is not an actual covert operation name, like MK-Ultra or anything like that. I heard Robert Duncan, the author, say that he was originally going to call it 'Soul Stealer', but decided 'Soul Catcher' sounded better, or something to that effect. However, he is an actual NSA/CIA insider, and he does have first-hand knowledge of many actual covert ops mind control programs. Unfortunately he has signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement with many of these agencies, and cannot talk about the specifics of many of the technologies etc. The information in his books is only coming from material that has been declassified. There is a book of his though, that was leaked and written under a pseudonym, that does discuss more classified aspects of these technologies: (The Matrix Deciphered: Psychic Warfare)
An excerpt from The Matrix Deciphered:
EEG Cloning/Heterodyning a.k.a. "Remote Neural Monitoring"
Update on Robert Duncan
It has become apparent over the past couple of weeks that Robert Duncan has passed away. There are rumors he had cancer, but given that he was a whistleblower about directed energy technologies, that in and of itself is suspicious, particularly since he was only 53. Also, I think he died the same day it was announced that he was going to be a speaker at a conference about Targeted Individuals (and those with Havana Syndrome). He has made huge splashes in the conspiracy/TI communities, and it is likely he was targeted. He had also wrote on X that he was under surveillance and had sabotage and various threats. He was just about to publish a new book 'Emergent Minds and the Birth of a New Species With Neural Cryptography Hive Minds'. He had mentioned on X that he was forced by intelligence agencies to redact many portions of the book. That post was June 12 2024, and was one of his last posts. All of his posts on Facebook have been removed somehow. So yeah, the whole thing kind of reaks! :S
Here's the info about his passing and more about his work:
You're kidding me???
You're kidding me???
I'm pretty wired in to this type of scene and I'd not heard this...
I had noted in recent months he was back doing detailed chats and interviews - some of which i thought he discussed wider shit than he'd MADE SURE he hadn't done so on purpose before.
If we've lost him there's few who will replace him. they ARE out there but they remain in the background.
I'll watch the video... thx
i just posted underneath that
i just posted underneath that bird's account on HomeSteading where she discusses his apparent death.
I'd post a screenshot here but I'll just end up meeting black Adder :-p
Posting images is easy. Just
Posting images is easy. Just use the IMG tag.
I was looking for your post
I was looking for your post on YouTube. I didn't find it, but I found a little comment of relevant Robert Duncan links that I thought I would post here for the archives:
1. Dr. Robert Duncan Passed - Update and His Prolific Education PLEASE SHARE (See Description)
2. Tribute to Dr. Robert Duncan | Thank You
3. Book Project Soul Catcher Vol 2 | Denial of Service | Replacing Personalities Dr. Robert Duncan
4. Book: Project Soul Catcher | Enhanced Interrogations Part 1 | Dr. Robert Duncan
5. Book: Project Soul Catcher | Interrogation Techniques Continued | Dr. Robert Duncan
2 of those links to his
2 of those links to his material are useful for me - so thanks.
Looks like I missed them in the video blurb...
PS: Maybe my comment was erased? I'll check - it wasn't worded to cause any issues
BUT - here's an interesting firt hand fact lionked to the Duncan area.
An Irish newspaper covered an event only covered in a limited way in UK press - about a black guy travelling down to London from the Midlands - to the MI5 offices... :-0
Guess what he was requesting - ?? And how BAD for this man had it got that he thogught this was his only option??
He asked MI5-MI6 to "turn off the voices giving their advice to him" in his head...
But here's the kicker - as i knew it was a limted IRISH only news link - I thoguht i'd publicise it in a youtube video that is popular with UK ppl... but three times - in REAL time - the link vapourised as it was posted.
Heard of this happening but never seen it first hand myself.
So what does it say on this topic??
Apparently many people are
I have had various types of Targeted Individual/electronic harassment attacks myself, going on more than a decade now. One of the first clues I had that something was watching me (24/7), was something I had written in a chatroom, and about 75% of the text had been altered by the time I had already hit send and it popped up. I can't remember exactly the original sentence etc, but I knew that the text had been clipped and changed in real time to what I was actually typing. Robert Duncan mentioned this phenomenon to me once on Facebook. Ghost Writers, but it was part of a specific project name that Edward Snowden had once revealed as well. That NSA operatives can monitor you in real time and access your electronics while you type etc. From what I understand, it's also a type of Artificial Intelligence - so they have been able to automate their Big Brothers (who are watching us)...
99% of what Robert Duncan
99% of what Robert Duncan discusses when it's about signals to humans is/are AI developed "monitoring" chat/instruction programs.
It's now such a vastly deployed technology [as discussed by catherine austin fitts] that in no way is it human operated.
I've met TI's in England and heard what's taken place with them and it's occasionally a human manager but usually not.
We need a dedicated thread/topic area on this subject.
I'll try to battle with Rowan Atkinson and set one up.... :-D
I still find it utterly
I still find it utterly baffling that, just as Robert Duncan was about to publish a book about Artifical Intelligence and EEG Hive Minds, he ends up completely disappearing. There have been no official announcements, death certificates, autopsy reports, media reports, or anything about what happened to him. Just complete silence. His Facebook was completely erased, which leads one to suspect that the FBI combed through all of his stuff. And what about the book - surely other people, such as his publishers, had a copy of it. I think his connection to Len Ber, and the substantial amount of media attention that Havana Syndrome has been garnering, is the reason for his disappearance and/or death. The information about the ability to track and monitor individuals anywhere on the planet, and the directed energy weapons, is probably the reason for trying to silence him - despite the fact that his book had to do with Artificial Intelligence. Information that was probably above and beyond what these covert ops people even know about. They could do well to study it themselves. I can only hope that the book is published, even if redacted, or possibly leaked to the internet at some point in the future...
Good idea Shuffle. I tried many years ago to get a copy of his Vol 1 book, which was nowhere to be found.
I think it's possible it was
I think it's possible it was self-released on the internet, but I am not sure. I thought I saw a YouTube video, possibly even the one that was linked to on this comments thread, where someone was reading from Volume 1.
Everything that Robert Duncan was talking about is about as controversial as it gets, in regard to understanding the length to which intelligence agencies have gone to do surveillance and PsyOps on civilians, as well as the classified nature of the technology, since Duncan was an actual whistleblower and knew about this stuff first-hand (but had signed a few Non-Disclosure Agreements). That was something he was probably violating more and more in his later years, since he had probably been given cancer from DEWs and knew he was dying, so he was probably going to go all out with his book and conferences. He was allegedly killed, or found dead, the same day it was announced publically that he was going to attend a Havana Syndrome/Targeted Individuals conference.
I guess if his new book was that explosive, it's probably better not to be anywhere near it! :0
Remembering Dr Robert Duncan - Streamed live on Oct 29, 2024
In the first part of this episode of the Curious Realm host Christopher Jordan welcomes researchers Dr John Hall and Elana Freeland to remember the life and work of Dr Robert Duncan and his research into the world of Targeted Individuals. What has his work done to shed light on this now world0wide phenomena, and how can we keep his quest for disclosure of targeting technologies alive?!
Soul Catchers- page 93 of Robert Duncan's 'Project Soul Catcher'
Soul Catchers and Recording the Entire Life of Every Human
A cybernetic researcher in England developed an implantable
microchip called “The Soul Catcher”. Its purpose is to record the
electrical signals ofthe body for a person’s entire lifetime. This means
that every thought and every heartbeat will be saved for eternity. Many
civilian researchers don’t know that a much larger wireless version is
already operational. However, ifthe neural link programs are not just
recording, a better name for the system would be “The Soul Stealer” or
“Body Snatcher”, turning humans into robots. This is appropriately part
ofthe military system called S.A.T.A.N. Potentially millions of “souls”
can be catalogued and “saved”. They love their religious metaphors in the
department of defense. (See the section on Noah’s Ark for more detail on
this project)