Just wondering, sorry if this is the wrong place for such a request/question...
In similar themes, does one have to literally EMP their remote house for security reasons before moving any electronics in?
If that is the case it may actually be more reasonable for the unidentified extraterrestrials to start depopulating us so there's less need to screen for stuff at all times everywhere
Also just wondering how this nsa bit might work here don't they eventually get bored like most do anyway? Where is mr snowden when you need him
Strictly speaking porn site search engines and their algos are a huge mess if you look up babe you can end up with a black bbw on a first results page and that can be traumatizing, i mean that in a non-racist way plus i theorized that attractive enough black women are either only in rap music videos, tv shows and movies as opposed to porn but this probably only means i have yet to look for it with enough diligence
The search results make it look like there is so much porn out there and that's deceptive it's just shitty seo algos much like poor compression, even with regular google searches and these tend to vary without any real consistency as well which is terrible seeker beware i went thru pretty much the entirety of pornhub within a night for tactical recon purposes and found it to be so there is even a complaint from someone on reddit saying the same
nsa of course stands for naughty sexy america, and I definitely have access to their archives. that other association, the one about security, um...I hear the CCTV footage can be pretty racy but you have to submit like a gazillion freedom of information requests just to get a peek at a little cleavage. they make that archive so hard.
speaking of which -- how can you identify the blind man at a nudist colony?
it's not hard.
the answer to your question in my opinion would be
that they're all lesbians and the man is the one with short hair
failing to see the beauty in having long natural hair like a woman
plus for some reason i have begun to speculate that when a
woman does that, like after pregnancy, something is wrong for her
anyway,where is all the space action?

as in, like, space boobs and stuff
for example nicole aniston she writes stuff like this
and i responded to her in the comments with
*ring ring* yes this is nicole standard american from the nicole sex agency we specialize in organic boob-making how may i be of service today?
"thanks for the warm teachings nicole i think personally that unconditional love is a fallacy because if someone gets like fat or ugly how can you love them but that is the trick it can be unconditional but only if people are never able to get fat or ugly you know this makes sense thanks"

What's cooking, nicole?
these are ever important questions like targeted organic boobmaking that is how to get bigger boobs without getting fatter
or like
that other one about love where people should be healthy and capable all the time instead of getting kudos for services rendered
because this is how entire nations get shallow and incompetent if they take care of stupid unhealthy-class humans with kudos
I went on a website that said motherless.com is my new home, i thought "ok, lets try that out" and went there looking for a healthy person, so i put 'organic' in the search box and that video came up. It was combined with junkie jim from youtube and a cutie from pornhub, she looks so cute i would definitely want to give her a good massage and help her out and this surprised me. If that actually happened i would definitely include a liability clause to grow her hair back the way it was and still is here in the funny censored video, similar to this one
You're talking about video games and other activities, like making music and singing, right?
Anyway i re-watched team america recently and I saw there someone brunette, who reminded me of her, called sarah, this where the joke comes from, short for NSA. Plus, the smulder photographs are my favorite they are so lovely!!! :) (no relation with mulder from x-files). It served as excellent research on movie relationship dynamics.
For further research, please refer to the x-files dogs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Haivu9xKEc
nicole, paint on my face, i'll hug you
ok, just back from working in Newcastle upon Tyne to find this erm... chap thinking we are a porn site.
this is not a porn site, it's for conspiracy and related material.
it's not for .......
Spanking the monkey
Five finger shuffle
Making the bald man cry
Poaching your egg
Shaking hands with Dr. Winky
Beating your meat
Blowing your own horn
Battling the purple-headed yogurt slinger
Riding the mayonnaise surf
Shucking corn
Waxing your carrot
Tugging the slug
Windsurfing on Mount Baldy
Debugging the hard drive
Auditioning your hand puppet
Oozing your noodle
Squirt hockey
Hand shandy
Smoosh smoosh
Burping the worm
Pocket pinball
Badgering the witness
Celebrating Palm Sunday
Making magic with leftovers
Pulling the Pope
Wrestling the eel
Liquidating the inventory
Hoisting your own petard
Fishing with dynamite
Beef Strokenoff
Jerkin' the gherkin
Cooking cucumbers
Consulting Dr. Jackoff
Tipping off the inspector
Much a goo about nothing
Looking for clues with Fred and Daphne
Discovering your own potential
Shuffling your iPod
Strangling the Cyclops
Buffing the Vampire Slayer
Making Pearl Jam
Meeting the Goopman at midnight
Seasoning your meatloaf
Practicing politics
Hunting for Red October
Tossing egg salad
Crying on the toilet
23 skidoo
The tartar sauce rainbow
we clear? keep it up and you'll be bounced out of here quicker than you can shoot yer load :-)
lo def, bitsy...jumpy...blackin whites...it varies
but good...its gone...but i know its available
gotts to buy members ships i guess right?
Now that I am old(er), I don't do porn of any kind, even though the internet is full of it.
You mentioned to me somewhere in PM, or on this thread, something about VR porn. What is that exactly - you have a VR headset and porn? I don't get it...
Porn is bad for you with out a doubt. Right there with ya!
VR porn you have a headset and it puts you in the environment I'm pretty sure like a VR game.
Write a post from a conspiracy-minded porn-addled fantasist, with bad grammar, for the express purpose of wasting everybody’s time and energy on a truth seeker forum.
I have received many, many emails from this user as well - one of which detailed some personal mental health experiences which supposedly resulted in a near fatal incident (a failed suicide attempt), which made me more convinced that these messages are coming from a real person. Although someone with fairly significant mental health issues. But the failed suicide, in which he got drunk and tried to fall asleep on a railway track, resulted in his arm being severed, but he obviously survived, and needed a prosthetic arm, something in which he did a Gofundme for, in which I actually donated money to. The only question I had, was how he wrote with one arm, and so quickly. My conclusion is he does voice to text apps on his phone...
Wow. I am invested in this story now lol.
I went from confused to intrigued.
Well we all have our issues.