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History: Science or Fiction? [x265] RE-PACK

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This is an epic and important series, in Russian, using science to prove that most of what we think of as History is false.

* 1,000 years was added to history - the "dark ages", obviously, never existed
* The Pyramids were built around 900-1000 years ago, from a primitive concrete
* Much of western History was copy/pasted from other histories
* The time of Jesus, and ancient Rome, are much more recent than taught

There's so much more covering a wide range of subjects, very methodical and logical.

Subtitling and translating these is a work in progress. Perhaps you can help. It would be fastest to crowdfund a professional translator - pretty cheap these days via sites like fiverr.

There is already a guy called Cédric-Michel Leclercq who has some quality translations on his YouTube channel - of episodes 1, 5, 9, 23 and 24. With your support and encouragement perhaps he will do more:

The other episodes were subtitled by a Bulgarian torrent site - into Bulgarian. I used a subtitle tool which uses the Google Translation API to convert them to English. These are quite understandable if you have a little patience, and still worth watching. Episodes 16-22 still lack subtitles.

Here's the books if you prefer:

Original 24 DVDs as VOB files, for future re-encoding:

When we have a good set of subtitle files, I plan on hard-coding the subs into x264 for uploading to Bitchute, Odysee etc.


Any comments?

Sorry, I never downloaded this one to check out because I figured it was in Russian. Plus, I always thought it was pretty well established that the pyramids of Egypt et al. were of great antiquity, and I have always been comfortable with that. Researchers like Graham Hancock even suggest that these ancient sites are even older than what is taught in text books - not much, much younger. And if they were only 900 years old, and built with concrete, and these other parts of history are indeed false, how is that necessarily "important" to us modern folks? The overall theory sort of rubs me the wrong way, so it doesn't really appeal to me. But don't worry, that's not the first, nor will it be the last, time that has happened to me here!

Graham Hancock is a loon.

Think of the first British archaeologists to see pyramids, they’d never heard of concrete. So they wouldn’t have figured it out.


Radiocarbon dating was used to show that the chronology of Egypt's Old, Middle and New Kingdoms is indeed accurate. The researchers dated seeds found in pharaohs' tombs, including some from the tomb of the King Tutankhamun. They write in the journal Science that some of the samples are more than 4,500 years old.

Radiocarbon dating isn't accurate though.

The pyramids have dates written in hieroglyphs :) :) They encode the layout of the planets, which gives almost unique dates.

I have heard theories about that. But hieroglyphs are a visual language and very open to interpretation. Robert Bauval has a theory about the layout of the pyramids that match Orion's belt, but his calculations put it at 10,000BC.


The Orion correlation theory was put forward by Robert Bauval, and mentioned that Mintaka, the dimmest and most westerly of the stars making up Orion's belt, was offset slightly from the others. Bauval then made a connection between the layout of the three main stars in Orion's belt and the layout of the three main pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex. He published this idea in 1989 in the journal Discussions in Egyptology, volume 13. The idea has been further expounded by Bauval in collaboration with Adrian Gilbert (The Orion Mystery, 1994) and Graham Hancock (Keeper of Genesis, 1996), as well as in their separate publications. The basis of this theory concerns the proposition that the relative positions of three main Ancient Egyptian pyramids on the Giza plateau was by design correlated with the relative positions of the three stars in the constellation of Orion which make up Orion's Belt, as these stars appeared in 10,000 BC.

For me, personally, whether the pyramids are older, the same as widely taught, or younger/newer, doesn't really make much difference to how we all live in the modern world, in the here and now. It's interesting speculation, but there appear to be more pressing issues that are occurring now that are much more important in the larger scheme of things...

Graham Hancock is a loon.

Think of the first British archaeologists to see pyramids, they’d never heard of concrete. So they wouldn’t have figured it out.

omicron wrote:

Graham Hancock is a loon.
Think of the first British archaeologists to see pyramids, they’d never heard of concrete. So they wouldn’t have figured it out.

That's funny. So Hancock is a loon, and this fella walks the straight and narrow. Do I have that right, now?

Thanks for making me smile on a Friday

I suggest you review the first 6 episodes of History: Science or Fiction, and compare their methodology to anything Hancock has to offer.

Я бы не стал тратить так много своего времени на такую диковинную чушь!

omicron wrote:

I suggest you review the first 6 episodes of History: Science or Fiction, and compare their methodology to anything Hancock has to offer.

You misunderstood. Academics disparage Hancock, but here you are on the fringe disparaging him, too. That's funny.

I've always said that Hancock writes fiction. Thats obvious!

Even so, and since you brought it up, it's great to see you post here. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

This is a very funny conspiracy theory. Thanks for making me smile

This seems like more "logic" like the moon landing never happened, so the earth is flat. Yes. History is mostly fiction (written by the victors), and who can trust any of it, but really? Does that give license to reach into fantasy?
How about this, there is no time.... all points in time and space are connected... so what do you really want to create now in this moment? Re-write history, or create a better now?

No, flat earth is clearly fiction. No idea about Tartaria, I haven't seen anything credible. Isn't it a real ancient civilisation which flat-earthers have hijacked?

zoopenhoff wrote:

No, flat earth is clearly fiction. No idea about Tartaria, I haven't seen anything credible. Isn't it a real ancient civilisation which flat-earthers have hijacked?

flat earth is indeed fictional(a very kind way to put it btw Zoop!)
If flat earthers are using it as "evidence" then you can be sure, even when there is a factual history in the story they are pushing, it'll get twisted, deliberately misinterpreted and represented with a twist to suit their flaty earth story.
the one that makes me klaugh is the earth is flat and also hollow and this is based on a fictional story by Edward Bulwer-Lytton and some people took that story and went ran with it .. sad but true. The Nazi's and pre-Nazi German mystics drank that kool-aid deeply.

pax wrote:

flat earth is indeed fictional(a very kind way to put it btw Zoop!)
If flat earthers are using it as "evidence" then you can be sure, even when there is a factual history in the story they are pushing, it'll get twisted, deliberately misinterpreted and represented with a twist to suit their flaty earth story.
the one that makes me klaugh is the earth is flat and also hollow and this is based on a fictional story by Edward Bulwer-Lytton and some people took that story and went ran with it .. sad but true. The Nazi's and pre-Nazi German mystics drank that kool-aid deeply.

many thanks for the reference! thought that was interesting

Good day. I find it very funny when a cosmology or hstory topic comes up how the obviously intelligent people here turn into all ego. I think most here know that there are lots of lies we have figured out in the last 50 years....... "they"
have lied to control the masses since like forever. most recently in our close past they lied about pearl harbour, vietnam (tonkin) 9/11, the moon landings, several assasinations/deaths/suicides. they lie about health. fake viruses, stage major events, and have been caught blatantly faking news stories and supposed live broadcasts since the late 60s. But somehow history and even the true reality of our "realm" they are not lying there.
I am sorry but to believe ANYTHING NASA tells yu is absurd, first offf it was formed
from almost all Nazi war criminals, like 1500 or some shit. they were freemasons mostly, which equals lucifarian worshippers...................why the hell would you believe one word they say. its all lies and trickery. no they dont lie about this thing that you can never touch or see yourself. the one thing you cant verify
All you guys that think your so smart yet your ego stops you from really taking a good look at what you think you know. look into some thunderbolts project (electric universe) and other alternative histories. tartatia is a good example. theres maps theres flags. theres even descriptions and sketches yet still people argue its bunk. history is 100 % made up nonsense and anatoly at least shows that the current written timeline should be highly questioned. as to the earth being flat and hollow................we already know there is very large vast caves as we have good video and pics/witnesses. so an extra giant cave that has a different habitat there its very possible. you gotta remember the deepest man has ever been or drilled is only 8 miles...yup russian bore hole.............8 miles. thats it. i can walk 8 miles in a few hours............and the air runs out at about 60 miles in all of mans existance we live in a strip only 68 miles high.
so anyways if you want to believe a bunch of freemasonic luciferian Nazis that say you evolved from pond scum to a monkey to you and you live on a giant spining waterball in an infinate Godless universe.................................... well you go ahead.
me i think this realm we live in is nothing like they state. its certainly not "nuclear" and theres no bendy spacetime.


this is obviously a flame war waiting to happen. are you all soup nazis or something?

the series starts with the following "questions":

  • ...why did medieval painters, who were usually very meticulous and attentive to historical detail, portray biblical and ancient figures like their contemporaries?
  • How [could] ancient warriors could kill their enemies with bronze swords, if at that time bronze did not yet exist.
  • And how is it possible that in ancient Egypt there are iron weapons?
  • Why so few vestiges from the beginning of the Middle Ages have been preserved, unlike the large number of monuments from Antiquity, much further away in time, while logically, it should be the opposite.
  • How is it founded that Tsar Ivan Grozny claimed his direct origins from the Roman Emperor Augustus?

the last question in particular...if the point of this series is to show "lies" then, the last point is a lie.

so, good job! I know i feel enlightened now.

can we move on to something that has more substance now?

What is it about that specific point that makes it a lie?

It’s not clear if the series will prove or discredit that particular point.

omicron wrote:

What is it about that specific point that makes it a lie?
It’s not clear if the series will prove or discredit that particular point.

Joseph Campbell wrote a lot about the way in which leaders (read: the priestly class) legitimize their power in order to convince the masses they should continue revering them. Acts of legitimizing power are rife throughout history.

This fact spurred in me an interest to catalog leaders/priests who ascribe their origins to (1) dominant historical figures, (2) semi-divine figures, or outright (3) divine figures. More recently, I was interested to see Bart Ehrman in "How Jesus Became God" devote much time to set the stage for this trend of legitimizing power in the context of Jesus. It's worth watching.

My research in religious architecture led to me to catalog numerous cases where a divine pattern or celestial blueprint is given to a mortal by a deity (think: the ark of Noah). It is a fascinating topic, that has revealed some really neat connections across time.

Yet such claims are fictions intended to deceive an innocent populace.

I don't know, maybe the torrent description written for this series didn't sell it to me well enough. I usually find the best description online for one of my torrents that is as detailed as possible to let people know what is in the torrent. This particular torrent description for this Russian series made me cringe a bit, because it just sounds absurd on the face of it. Maybe if I gave it some time I might get something out of it. But there is so much other content available that sounds good, it seems like a waste of time to dive into this one! That's just how I feel about it, I am sorry if it offends anybody...

If you find a better description I will add it.

You've probably heard the idea that 1000 years was added to history - this proves it quite conclusively. They use mathematical analysis to spot patterns in history, like a fingerprint, to demonstrate that large swathes of western history were copy and pasted from other cultures.

I wrote that it's important because much of our cultural identity is based on this history, and it's a lie.

zoopenhoff wrote:

If you find a better description I will add it.

Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko is a Russian mathematician and professor at Moscow State University. He has written extensively on the "New Chronology", a historical theory based on works of Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov*. Fomenko claims to have discovered that many historical events do not correspond mathematically with the dates they are supposed to have occurred on. He asserts from this that all of ancient history (including the history of Greece, Rome, and Egypt) is just a reflection of events that occurred in the Middle Ages, and that all of Chinese and Arab history are fabrications of 17th and 18th century Jesuits. Fomenko also disputes more objective dating techniques such as dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating.

His book, "History: Fiction or Science?" is an explosive tractate on history that challenges the dominant historical discourses, and which asks questions such as: Who invented Antiquity and Dark Ages? When were these periods invented, and why?

Fomenko argues that our consensual world history was manufactured in Europe in the 16th to 19th centuries, and is the result of a political agenda to disseminate a fictional narrative of an ancient world that serves the dominant powers of that period, but in reality (according to Fomenko):

  • The European aristocracy supported the myth of the Ancient World to justify its claims to countries they ruled
  • Catholics and Protestants supported the myth of the Ancient World to justify their claims of being more ancient and to separate themselves from Eurasian orthodoxy in the countries ruled by the European aristocracy, and
  • Scientists supported the myth of the Ancient World as a safe cover for their heretic research that produced results contrary to the tenets of Christianity. They justified their discoveries by authorities of ancient scientists they invented and used as pseudonyms.

*Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov was a Russian communist revolutionary, academic, pioneer of aviation in Russia, and at age 88, briefly served as the oldest known combatant of World War II.

After the October Revolution in 1917, Morozov ran the P. S. Lesgaft Institute of Natural Sciences in Petrograd (Leningrad), a position which he kept until his death at the age of 92. Based on the astronomical records such as the Almagest, he speculated that much of human history has been falsified. His theories about the chronology of the Middle East and Israel before the first century BCE later attracted the attention of Anatoly Fomenko, who based his own New Chronology upon them.

[though the above descriptions begs the question of why scientists would need cover from heresy if the catholic/protestant clergy were themselves part of this conspiracy?]

TheCorsair00 wrote:

I don't know, maybe the torrent description written for this series didn't sell it to me well enough. I usually find the best description online for one of my torrents that is as detailed as possible to let people know what is in the torrent. This particular torrent description for this Russian series made me cringe a bit, because it just sounds absurd on the face of it. Maybe if I gave it some time I might get something out of it. But there is so much other content available that sounds good, it seems like a waste of time to dive into this one! That's just how I feel about it, I am sorry if it offends anybody...

I know what you mean...I had an even worse time with the description of the book version torrent...

so I gave it a shot...but it is not for me. I have done a lot of historical research. I even wrote a book on the history of religious architecture. If you don't have a background in history, I guess some of this will be eye-opening. but for me, almost nothing was eye-opening.

I just think it really would be funny if the world's greatest conspiracy was to hide the middle ages.

what do we gain if the pyramids were built yesterday? does it make you feel more confident in your ability to engineer monumental architecture?

for me, i gain much more by the insights of occasionalism via al-ghazali. who cares if everything happened yesterday or many yesterdays ago? the real question is, what if it is happening right now?

Look at the effect of believing that we "don't know" how the pyramids are built.

It leads to magical thinking. Perhaps the stones were levitated. Perhaps it was aliens. Perhaps there was an ancient civilisation with advanced technology.

How did they carry huge stones from quarries that are miles away?
How did they cut each stone to precisely fit with the ones around it?

They carried the "stones" as liquid in buckets and poured them out.
They didn't cut them, they filled a mould built around the stone, that's why they fit.

If you entertain the magical angle you get into flat-earth type thinking, it separates you from the truth. You start asking the wrong questions "if there was a civilisation powerful enough to lift giant stones, where did it go?" etc.

zoopenhoff wrote:

Look at the effect of believing that we "don't know" how the pyramids are built.
It leads to magical thinking. Perhaps the stones were levitated. Perhaps it was aliens. Perhaps there was an ancient civilisation with advanced technology.
How did they carry huge stones from quarries that are miles away?
How did they cut each stone to precisely fit with the ones around it?
They carried the "stones" as liquid in buckets and poured them out.
They didn't cut them, they filled a mould built around the stone, that's why they fit.
If you entertain the magical angle you get into flat-earth type thinking, it separates you from the truth. You start asking the wrong questions "if there was a civilisation powerful enough to lift giant stones, where did it go?" etc.

If you think the pyramid stones were poured concrete, can the same be said for all other monumental architecture where this same pattern occurs?

Is this poured concrete:

Also looks like it got no more than a few metres from its quarry.

There are a couple of real stones in the pyramids used for doorways etc.

omicron wrote:

Also looks like it got no more than a few metres from its quarry.
There are a couple of real stones in the pyramids used for doorways etc.

You're misunderstanding again. Good luck with your research.

Jean-Pierre Houdin came up with a highly plausable theory that explains the methodf of building and also what the Grand Gallery and ity's grease marks were for.|
it's a very compelling argument.
PDF here
and videos all over youtube including an mention in Chris White's "Ancient Aliens Debunked"
and a Magellan TV link for info on the man and his theory

pax wrote:

Jean-Pierre Houdin came up with a highly plausable theory that explains the methodf of building and also what the Grand Gallery and ity's grease marks were for.|
it's a very compelling argument.
PDF here
and videos all over youtube including an mention in Chris White's "Ancient Aliens Debunked"
and a Magellan TV link for info on the man and his theory

cheers, many thanks for sharing these links. I enjoyed the video, but I thought the comments were ridiculous. People who post such objections are parodies of themselves. There is no thought or discussion, or even interest in having a discussion. It is all: "I think this, so screw you", and "I'm right, and you are wrong." Not a lot of understanding going on there, is there? Just opinion. Sigh.

The fascination the pyramids have exerted on so many all through time is one of the most tangible proofs of "magic" available: it has the ability to capture attention (even in our fragmented modern state) like nothing else. It's a great topic, easy to visualize, and fun to consider.

I still recommend Peter Tompkins' book, the Secret of the Pyramid, but I know most people prefer videos.

By the way, the secret of the great secret of the pyramid, which Tompkins and most people don't talk about: fear. Fear moved those stones, just as fear continues today to build the great invisible pyramids of power that surround us. If you ain't at the top, then you must be at the bottom?


zoopenhoff wrote:

This is an epic and important series, in Russian, using science to prove that most of what we think of as History is false.
* 1,000 years was added to history - the "dark ages", obviously, never existed
* The Pyramids were built around 900-1000 years ago, from a primitive concrete
* Much of western History was copy/pasted from other histories
* The time of Jesus, and ancient Rome, are much more recent than taught
There's so much more covering a wide range of subjects, very methodical and logical.
Subtitling and translating these is a work in progress. Perhaps you can help. It would be fastest to crowdfund a professional translator - pretty cheap these days via sites like fiverr.
There is already a guy called Cédric-Michel Leclercq who has some quality translations on his YouTube channel - of episodes 1, 5, 9, 23 and 24. With your support and encouragement perhaps he will do more:
The other episodes were subtitled by a Bulgarian torrent site - into Bulgarian. I used a subtitle tool which uses the Google Translation API to convert them to English. These are quite understandable if you have a little patience, and still worth watching. Episodes 16-22 still lack subtitles.
Here's the books if you prefer:
Original 24 DVDs as VOB files, for future re-encoding:
When we have a good set of subtitle files, I plan on hard-coding the subs into x264 for uploading to Bitchute, Odysee etc.

good translation with voice over and subtitles;)

entire playlist of 24 parts:

This looks like an official translation, that’s great.