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Al Fry's Incredible Inquiry Series - Mysteries on Our Planet (1985)
Al Fry - Hidden Bible Knowledge.avi
Al Fry - History You Never Heard - World War Two.avi
Al Fry - Lock Up Dangers and Freedom Techniques.avi
Al Fry - Strange Beings 1.avi
Al Fry - Strange Creatures 1.avi
Al Fry - The 1001 Nights - A Doorway to the Past.avi
Al Fry - Triple Your Intellect and Memory 1.avi
3 more Al Fry videos:
I uploaded 3 more Al Fry Videos that are not in your collection
Al Fry - Finding and keeping a Soul Mate or Love
Al Fry - Hidden World History
Al Fry - Strange Phenomenon and History of the West
I have some of his old
I have some of his old newsletters sent to our house decades ago
al fry
could you upload his newsletters and any pdf's you have of his work? it would be greatly appreciated!!!
Plus Incredible Inquiry and Al Fry Information Page
January 10, 2007 Update:
I am trying to get back to work on this page. At least I have moved it to the server.
Al is OK, and I got two letters from him in December. I will put up whatever content I can.
Forgive me, but I'm running around trying to keep up with too many things at once. Let me
know if you have any trouble with broken links. Web site work isn't THAT hard, but forcing
onself to sit down and do it can be... There is always "research" to do... but I'm trying.
I will get the Red Gonzo OCR versions of the
books up soon.
Nov 5, 2006: My friend red gonzo has put up some links to in some books and web sites that
may have led you here. This is the right place...there is just a lot of moving that needs to be done.
This is the old Al Fry page that of course has to be re-worked...but the downloads are working.
There are smaller, processed copies of many of these books on Conspiracy Central:
A free bittorrent program (there are many different varieties)...a free bittorrent program will allow
you to download the material on the Conspiracy Central tracker. I have put a lot of Al Fry's stuff
up there because it's not something that mainstream money oriented people usually are interested in.
Above: Postcard from Al, June 23, 2006
The post card painting is "The Sign
of Peace" by Henry Farny (1908)
Al has been out riding his motorbike and his "four wheeler" because the snow has melted up in the passes of Idaho. Al is "retired" he says.
Now with better compression and image clarity!
Modern Humans Comprehension Courses (A. B. Glaser) (46mb)
Al Fry's Earth Report (32mb)
Total Self Defense (Bunker, Glaser, Fry) (27mb)
Infinite Knowledge (Arlinski, w/Fry) (7mb)
The God You Pray to is the Prince of Darkness (A.B. Glaser) (5mb)
Answer to Why (A.B. Glaser) (13.5mb)
Mastery of Space Time Transposing of Space Time Transposing - Arlinski.pdf (34.9 mb)
The Sacred Hill Within by Little Crow (1999)
(This book is in 4 different size formats - all less than 1mb)
More scanned material will be featured here such as the George Brandes Letters.
The most important bit of information here are the 4 Comp courses that came out
in 1976. They are in one 46mb pdf file. Comps 5-8 exist and should be scanned
in the next few months, but these were not written by Alfred B. Glaser.
The Incredible Inquiry (Al Fry)
Preservation Project
Hi folks:
There is a variety of material that was distributed by Al Fry before he retired. He called his operation "Incredible Inquiries" and used to advertise in small magazines and classified ads. Al collected a lot of unusual information I have not seen anywhere else. Al used to live in California, but he moved to Idaho because an arson fire ruined his California operation. A lot of people who distribute freedom based and alternative information run into trouble with the greedy animal brained crazies out there. A lot of evil people want alternative information silenced because they believe it is a threat to their businesses. Sadly, these people dwell in a backward mindset where they believe that the answers to life's problems is to dominate others and amass "wealth". I have realized that this kind of based behavior is actually useless, because all forms of greedy behavior poison the world, and actually deliver us far less wellness than we gain by it. Greed is a friction based behavior, and it only looks beneficial to those people still stuck in the primitive survival of the fittest mindset. Our planet has problems because the majority of the population still has not realized that greed is an unworkable system. People are still hypnotized by the yachts and toys that are the supposed benefits of greed and most can not see the massive, and unavoidable side effects that this type of mindset creates for the planet.
Anyway, I have all the key materials that Al used to distribute, but I don't have everything. In the next few months I am going to be working on a historical preservation project so we can at least save all the basics that he created. A lot of the information he distributed will never be seen again, and the fact that it was all done before the internet became open to the public gives us all insights into what things were like back in the "good old days".
I will probably appeal for minor donations from people to see if we can cover the cost of insuring and collecting some of the long lost material that will be processed and placed on this site for free downloading. Al complained about his material disappearing from the mail system a lot in the early days, and I discovered this to be a real phenomena. Someone out there, and I'm not going to point any fingers does not like the kind of message that Al and Alfred B. Glaser were talking about.
So, I'm going to assemble as much material as possible, and get it up on this page. If anyone would like to help, please email
I have a non-profit bank account, and I will see if I can put up a paypal button. I have a scanner, and a new MPEG2 video card that will process the material, and I am continually improving my web design skills. I would like to get a few more of the videos Al made. I have copies of some, but they are very old duplicates and the audio is almost gone on them. I would also like to get another copy of the strange time machine plans that I lent out many years ago. These materials should not be lost forever. P.S., the time machine plans are more like meditation devices.
More to come...
April 2006: Incredible Inquiry Update
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
New! Second update in April:
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
March 2006: Incredible Inquiry Update
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Note: If anyone has a collection of info or reports
by Al Fry's Incredible Inquiries...please email me.
(still working)
Incredible Inquiry Updates
February 2006: Al says that the planetary situation *is* going to get cleaned
up before long. Other forces are tired of the 'rebels' who are running this
planet right now. Al has been in court lately due to a problem with his
property, but he seems to be OK.
January 2006: Al is alive and kicking. Still in the outback of Idaho.
His latest analog mail-out is here:
The Modern Humans Comprehension Courses are now available for download.
These unusual courses were written by Alfred B. Glaser and copywrited in 1976.
The Original Glaser Comps 1, 2, 3, 4, are now in a single 45.9 megabyte file. The image scans
have been cleaned up, enhanced and combined into a single file for easier downloading.
Al says that Glaser's Comp 5 was going to be even more potent than the other four Comps, but was never
written. Glaser was said to be very upset by the negative response his work received and deemed that
humanity was not ready for Comp 5 as intended. Whatever the story may be, the benefits of the Comps
rests with whether or not you can tune into the immaterial realities they talk about. I don't know much
about what other people think about them because few people say anything about them. In my opinion,
humanity is heavily locked into a greed addiction at virtually every level of society, so unconstrained
information doesn't seem to compute well with the conventional mind.
Incredible Inquiry Update
(received Oct 14/05)
Page 1Page 2
Al mailed me a total of three of his videos a few months ago. He warned me that his videos disappear but
I didn't believe him. I received a large envelope that was supposed to contain 2 videos, but one had been
removed somewhere amid transit. Mail theft is a federal offense, but from what I understand, the customs service
does whatever they feel like doing. It's pretty difficult to accuse anyone, but it's becoming obvious that there
is something funny going on somewhere in various government departments. There sure are a lot of things to
repair in this country! I suppose decades old documentaries made by Al should not see the light of day, because
the public is better off watching a diet of advertising with mindless entertainment in between.
I guess we should all watch re-runs of that show Fiends, or that Crime Investigation show instead of
anything having to do with education. Thinking is obviously something that interferes with the
advertisers' plans to drown the world with garbage and pollution. If more people became ethical,
how could shallow people make money destroying the world and sabotaging future generations?
Anyway, the video Al sent was a documentary that he made years ago detailing the scams being
run in the mental health industry. You see, sometimes people have nervous breakdowns because
of all the economic pressure we are corporations see this as an opportunity to solve
the problem by selling high priced "medication" to shut people up.
Essentially, this is something akin to a parent violently shaking a baby, breaking it's neck and then
claiming the problem is "cured" because the baby is peaceful. Drugs and sedatives are an option
if people are really in distress...but the real lunatics are the people addicted to greed thus causing
the overall social strife we live under. I suppose the real insanity is the fact that the money lovers of the
world still believe that robbing billions of dollars from working people is the way to happiness.
That is the real stupidity. Remember, a big yacht in a disgusting polluted world is not success.
A healthy war-free world of peace is.
About Al Fry:
Al Fry is a retired American adventure seeker still living in Idaho.
I've been scouring' the undercurrents of reality for 20 years now, and Al's about the most interesting fellow
I've ever come across.
The difference between Al, and some of the other alternative people and information out there is that there
is a strong element of practicality in it, despite the fact that there never really was any big interest in the
work Al was doing. Some books and researchers give you endless theories of super worlds and mother ships,
but the message I learned from Al was different from the rest of them. Al and his friends had the basics
of many ideas that were being missed elsewhere. This all has to as to do with choice law. I would call it
voluntary ethics.
I'll do what I can to see that I get as much of his information into digital form as I can.
I've also been doing a lot of work on my own to set the stage for the popularization of ethics.
*That* is the element missing in the world.
All the books in all the bookstores have *very* limited use, if the system we live in is evil, corrupt
and restricted.
You see, the world is supposed to *appear* perfectly fine on the outside, and we are supposed
to think that it's the bogeyman or crazy people to blame for not obeying the 'rules'.
The real cause of the world's problems is the GREED addiction. Greed is the real evil in the world,
and it's worst offenders put on squeaky clean appearances and point the finger at everyone and
everything except greed itself. It's terrible!
For fun, you can do a little test for yourself. Go into any of the more mainstream bookstores and as
the clerk there for books on the following topics:
1. Financial Ethics 2. Telepathy.
Sure, *EVERYTHING* is in stock, but those two topics just don't seem to make it onto the shelves.
And you know...we live in a very troubled world...but the 'establishment' sees fit to blame *everything* on
something other than hard core greed. People make excuses for what's wrong all the time...but for some
reason billionaires, and their money loving employees are always supposed to stay blind to the real problem.
We the people are going to have to change that.
People say to me all the time that "It can't be as bad as they say". When we hear about torture, conspiracy,
crime and evil supposedly being committed by shining men in suits people have a hard time believing it.
"It can't be true" they say. Years ago my own father told me that the things being said about one famous
and powerful man could *not* be true because that man did photo ops on the golf course complete with
smiles. I guess my dad couldn't believe that a smiling golfer could do terrible things.
So how can people do all these evil things in the world??? They do it because they are **ADDICTED** to
greed. I call it Run DMS. Evil people do evil, because they are addicted to drugs, money and sex...but money
is the worst addiction because it has no physical limits. Greed's limits are only defined by the ability people
have to keep lying, deflecting and covering up how bad they are.
Greed sounds like the solution to our miseries, but in actuality, it causes all the problems. It's side effects
always outweigh it's criminal gains for the whole of civilization.
So, people *DO* all this evil, because they are a bunch of ADDICTS. The missing link that our society
appears to have been missing, is the realization that big money is not merely hard work and success.
Hard work is great, and people deserve to build great futures...but scamming the entire population for
trillions of dollars, then wearing a suit and giving a check to charity on television is *NOT* success.
Al Fry, and his sources influenced me more than any other in my life, and I credit his efforts from saving me
from a corporate future of slavery, and 'secret society' mumbo jumbo. Without Al's work, I probably would
have buckled and ended up caught up on the food chain of money love. I would not have wanted it that
way...but it's hard to avoid. The whole planet is stuck in this sort of muck. Actually, Al's work never became
popular in it's day because it doesn't fit in with the rat race at all.
The *ESSENTIAL* Al Fry pamphlet is available here.
It's a curious bit of writing by his contact named Alfred B. Glaser.
The Pamphlet is called "The God You Pray to is the Prince of Darkness".
It's strange, and a little bit difficult to read, but interesting, complete with
spelling mistakes that Al claimed were intentional for an unclear reason.
Adobe pdf booklet, 5 megabytes.
Al Fry's Earth Report is here (32 megabytes)
Incredible information in Adobe .pdf format
The Bunker/Fry/Glaser work
"Total Self Defense" is here (27 megabytes)
tkra, the site manager for is a student and fan of Al's work and research.
Email me if you are interested in any more Al Fry videos. I'll have to see if Al will break open
the archives for us! I only have as much of his stuff as I could obtain before he retired.
More later.
homepage -
al fry
thanks for all your hard work!!! this is very important!!!
tkra, the site manager for
What a shame that site is no longer live. It's a fantastic domain name.
modern humans comprehension5+
hey guys I saw mention of modern humans texts 5-8, does anybody have copies of this? I would love to get my hands on them if they exist.
thank you for keeping this information alive