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Rose Icke 7: The Trap (22 Aug 2022) [720p]

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"Critical thinkers from across the world tune in to hear David Icke talking about his new book, The Trap: What It Is, How It Works, And How We Escape Its Illusions."

If anyone wants the 1080p version, just let me know in the comments.

Watch with Brian Rose's pop-ups and email squeeze here:


This is the book they are talking about here:

I think that David Icke discredits himself by continuing to talk to Brian Rose. He walked off with about £1m of donations which were made two years ago (I was one of the mugs) on the back of his Icke interviews - supposedly to build a free speech platform along with app and legal case to be taken to the European Court.

Thankfully, people are not letting Rose sleep over this as can be seen in the comments left on his BitChute videos.

Fly wrote:

[Brian Rose] walked off with about £1m of donations which were made two years ago (I was one of the mugs) on the back of his Icke interviews - supposedly to build a free speech platform along with app and legal case to be taken to the European Court.

Sorry to hear you lost money. You have a good heart, and it is not right for someone to take advantage of that!

Fly wrote:

I think that David Icke discredits himself by continuing to talk [snip]


Icke does not write well, his prose mainly consists of boasting and ego-inflating commentary, and he is inconsistent and in places simply incoherent. Worst of all, Icke's ideas are unoriginal. By comparison, at least Graham Hancock can write an original, logical and coherent argument.

In his latest book, Icke boasts that quantum physicists have him to thank for pointing out that we live in a matrix.

Hmmm, Icke is the progenitor of that most ancient of Indian ideas, and the essence of all Buddhist thought? Or he shared his thoughts with Walter Benjamin and Baudrillard in the 20th c?


I will gladly take Michael Talbot's ideas about holograms over most things Icke has written.

What about covid and control?

If you study history enough, you begin to see that this pattern of control is

as old as the step pyramid of Zoser (2700 BC) and the Megalithic Temples of Malta (3600 BC),
as old as the hills of Jericho (9000 BC) and Göbekli Tepe (10,000 BC), and likely
as old as the mushroom-dotted plains of Africa.

It is not possible for these edifices to have existed without control.

What does this tell you? "Corporate control" is not some new fad that Amazon and Fauci have foisted upon us: the *first* cities were temple cities, and temples were about nothing if not control. Control of everything: the weather, grain, marriage, sacrificial offerings, society, and ultimately hearts and minds. It is worth repeating that point: temples were initially used as storehouses for grain: these are the first banks!

It is in the very system of organization we find ourselves born into, and it is in the very system of perception we find ourselves immersed within.

If anyone doubts this and longs nostalgically for an earlier "control-free" time, ask yourself:

were we free in the 1960s and 70s? We were free to buy Coca-Cola, but we were not "free".

were we free pre-Covid? We were free to buy iPhones and MacBooks, but we were not "free".

Will we be free in 10 years' time? The real question is, what will we be "free" to buy then?

Such ideas are not novel, and such methods of freeing oneself are not novel either.