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Radiant energy

Megacollection - Gerry Vassilatos (2021)

2.53 GiB00438
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A lot of books and audio materials from a very interesting person.
The material here is free only for "fair usage" - Section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

3rd version 2022-09-28
Added video and sound material.
Final version.

2nd version 2022-08-18 (discarded)
Book review from the books by Le Bon books added, VRIL has been new edited and Compendium 9,10,11 added.

1st version 2022-08-05 (discarded)

Radiant Energy - Tesla Coil Engineering

43.61 MiB00602
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Collection - How to build a Tesla Coil.
You build it on your own responsibilty. If you dont't have high voltage expirience, consult with someone who knows abut that. The two circuits must have the same frequency, this is not so easy to achive.

The files in all "extra" directories are parts of the corresonding HTML files, so do not search in these directories. It is meaningles.

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