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Chad Calek's A Blood Red Sky (2015)

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A Blood Red Sky (2015)

How powerful is the human mind? Does our mind possess the power to heal the sick? Can it give us super human strength in times of crisis? Can it make us see things that aren't there? Is the mind powerful enough to physically alter reality as we know it, thus allowing us the ability to create our own fate and destiny? In his most controversial documentary to date, Award-Winning Documentary Filmmaker Chad Calek and his AGH CORE UNIT team of investigators travel to what is widely considered to be the most haunted location in the world, Alnwick, England's Chillingham Castle, to conduct a truly dangerous (and highly illegal) experiment in order to determine, once and for all, if psychokinesis (mind of over matter) is real, or nothing more than legend and lore.


Very interesting, thanks for sharing! I'd like to watch this.

I bet if paranormal investigators smoke a hit or two of synthetic DMT, they'll probably actually see spirits and space-time overlays of the past etc. I haven't tried it out myself, but I wouldn't be surprised if that happens, and similar other things...

Take three good hits. It's worth it.