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Boomers: The Rise of the Gerontocracy (2024) FIXED, subs

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File Duration Resolution Video Format Audio Format Subtitles
Boomers.2024.1080p.aac.mp4 1h48m 1920x1080 AVC AAC VTT file

Baby Boomers get a bad rap. As the richest generation in history, they stand accused of buying up all the houses, destroying the environment, and leaving a trail of social and economic turmoil for the generations that have followed.

But are ‘boomers’ really to blame?

In this feature-length Nebula Original film, Tom Nicholas takes a provocative look at the lives and legacy of the Baby Boom generation. Through expert interviews, vox pops, and irreverent stunts, Boomers exposes the terrifying consequences of a world in which age increasingly equals wealth and power.