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If we look around the world and pay attention close enough, we can tell that the end is near. Jesus is coming soon. How do we get ready for the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Let's embark on a Biblical journey navigating our way to a position which will render us ready for that Glorious day!
The world is in great turmoil and we can all see it. Wars and rumors of wars. Famines and pestilences. Many are confused and afraid of what the future has in store. How do we make sense of it all? Where is our savior?
Although these are questions that might arise in the heart, the better question is: How do we prepare for what is soon to take place? Whether we die and the world along with us, or Christ comes back to save His people, how do we prepare?
I personally think the drones
I personally think the drones will save us... :S
lol good one xD
lol good one xD
The Second Coming already happened.
I am in fact talking about Santa.
Jesus promises eternal life if you pray to him.
Santa promises presents at Christmas if you write to him.
It’s way better.
That’s how we know Santa is the second coming.
All that Jesus stuff is in your head - prayer is imagining a conversation and who knows what happens when you die.
Letters on actual paper with actual pens. Actual presents at Christmas. Santa is real.
I know; you think Santa is just a transparent way to get kids to behave with a fairytale…
Dear Satan,
This particular documentary was requested in the background. I am trying it out. So far the pastors interviewed are all talking about, how biblically it states there is no afterlife or heaven, and that we all just die and return to the earth. I have never heard those interepretations before. But this is only 30 minutes in, and it's a 2 hour documentary, so I am assuming that the Second Coming has something to do with retrieving all of our dead souls or something! I don't know...
keep us updated please on the
keep us updated please on the whole documentary.
I was actually raised
I was actually raised Christian and went to a Mennonite church as a child. Mennonite/German. Old school, I guess. There are many different denominations, and I think the pastors depicted in this particular Second Coming documentary are from a specific denomination, because they were all talking about how only Jesus and a few others got to heaven "bodily" etc. I have always heard Christians talking about going to heaven, so it's weird to hear these guys say everybody just dies and that's it, because that's essentially what atheists say too! I haven't gotten past that part - the production and the overall style isn't necessarily my cup of tea, but I am curious what they have to say about the Rapture and all of that. Maybe I'll get there... nowadays my VLC Player has multiple videos in its playlist, and I just sporadically flip between them, and it always remembers where the last one left off etc.
Wow, I've known you digitally
Wow, I've known you digitally for nearly 2 decades but you never mentioned the Mennoite influence in you background.
I'm interested in how Canada was populated given Scotland and Ireland made up most of the early Canadian pioneer types - with no doubt a few Dutch and German types assisting the creation of that nation...?
We hear about the Mayflower and early English settlers in Boston etc - but tales of Canada we rarely hear... or at least I have not.
I have a long Methodist and Quaker background - traceable WAY back but of course my relatives were not sent to Austrialia for 'borrowing their boss's cost' one day [true story that.... sent to Oz on that alone] so I ended up here still - as England becomes a laughable version of what it was meant to be when the Magna Carta etc was created.
The area in and around my
The area in and around my neighborhood had been settled by the pioneers and many Mennonites among them. I don't really know their history. The church was Mennonite, but we were Canadian and German, and it was more like a community church, for the most part - like 50% locals and 50% Mennonite families. Most of Canada is built on families that immigrated here. My dad came from Berlin to Canada in the early 1950s. The Europeans have spread around all of Canada. On the West Coast/Pacific Ocean side of North America/Canada the cultural history is a bit different than on the East Coast/Atlantic side. The East Coast is more heavy on the Irish/Scottish, and also French etc.
Interesting - I am designated
Interesting - I am designated as Church of England (father's side - cockney) but brought up more in the Catholic faith (mum, being from Eire), so guess I had teachings in both. Delved into Irving and Denis Wise and others, which has changed my perspective. Currently I believe we in the western countries are the Israelites from the Bible, being the lost tribes which splintered out to the US, Europe etc.
Genetics etc
Not a bad genetic mix Jewels... have you ever done a 23 and me or Ancestry DNA spit test??
I did one a year or so back but last few months had an update as the database apparently was opened up to more fields - and the additional results were interesting...
Seeems I'm mostly Welsh [if you know my full name you'll get that aspect] but had some weird Finnish percentage.
The recent results show a lot of German genetic relatives.... which I have no problem with... unlike Germans themselves these days that have been conditioned by Angela MerBull etc to **hate their own species** and civilisation... ?!?
Genetics etc
Doesn't surprise me you have German / Welsh in your line.
Unsure I would have a DNA test to be honest, not from what I've learnt about what they can do with the results.