Size | Seeds | Peers | Completed |
630.43 MiB | 6 | 0 | 181 |
File | Duration | Resolution | Video Format | Audio Format | Subtitles | |
Code12.2023.x265.mkv | 1h24m | 1280x720 | HEVC | AAC | None |
Da Vinci Code meets Indiana Jones in the setting of Inception.
As the world nears a precipice of suffering, technology has become the answer to our problems. It seems that even with the greatest discoveries we still haven't figured out how to fix some of the main problems that plague humanity. Some people refer to this ceiling as the matrix, an invisible hand that puppets our every move on this planet. Melissa Tittl, investigative journalist and filmmaker never really thought anything of this concept until a personal experience that haunted her. It became a journey to unravel an ancient code in the tombs of the pharaohs, the temple walls and ancient sites all over the world. She uncovers not only one code but two. One code that we use today in our current mathematical systems and a second code that hints at something more ancient and much more profound. A computer programer warns her, "If you are in a simulation and you are asking these questions who ever simulated you, isn't going to let you get this far. " Putting danger aside, she pursues her mission. She interviews geneticists, archeologists, biblical scholars, quantum physicists that have all picked up the same code in all their work. Could this be the next part of our evolution? Melissa weaves together profound evidence that our greatest human potential is hidden in plain sight, waiting for us to understand how the universe really works.
Recoded from original
Apologies - I whined too
Apologies - I whined too soon.
Thx all
Before watch:
Bread crumbs...
- 1946 operation High Jump. The USA fled Antarctica with the tail between the legs.
- Project Paper Clip. Germans infiltrate USA after WWII.
- 1952: UAPs moving over Washington force the USA hand to accept the terms of the Breakaway Civilization (NASI).
Nowadays, we all are only "human resources" literally. Slave labor, materials, energy, research, Guinea pigs.
The 1% we see as the "elites" are just the front end to the real power we are not allowed to know.
The animals we domesticate are in a "Matrix" to be used by us. As we also live in a higher level Matrix.
Just my 2 cents...
As I dig deeper into the
As I dig deeper into the crazy shit that goes on behind closed doors (and increasingly overtly) I become more amazed at just how anti human the actions of so many of them are. If the driver of these people wasn't even human, it would explain a lot. Starting to sound plausible...
It's also an interesting
It's also an interesting correlation that roughly 1% of the population are psychopaths. There seems to be some sort of force that unites psychopaths together i.e. the military and secret societies etc. And remember, psychopaths have zero empathy or compassion, nor creative visionary ideas and so on. So in a way, they are anti-human as well...
I agree. Those are the
I agree. Those are the "successful" ones.
My mother was, and my older brother is, a psychopath. To them:
Unfortunately for my brother, his arrogance set him on a path to prison. He wasn't wise enough to get above the law.
Unfortunately for my mother, her extreme addiction to alcohol put her firmly in the loser category, and she knew it. Her intense self loathing translated into treating everyone else as badly as she thought she deserved to be treated. She died a miserable lonely death.
But enough joviality for now, time to get serious...
Oh wow. Sorry to know about that. My family doesn't have psychopathy in the genes, but there are a few members with mental health related issues, for sure. Lots of health type stuff that we have to deal with on a regular basis, but thankfully we are all capable of love and compassion!
Do you think there is a difference between sociopaths and psychopaths? I always imagined the latter to be more diabolical, whereas sociopaths are more common, and can come across totally normal, but if you get to know them better, you find out they lack empathy and fear and have weird dominant male/female tendencies and stuff like that.
I guess the worst ones out of them all are the criminally insane psychopaths that worship Satan and are connected to the military and secret societies - and unfortunately, I am pretty sure those ones do exist, but maybe in small numbers!
I agree with most of this
I agree with most of this article:
I wish societies were more insistent on transparency of government and corporations, and more skeptical of authorities. Corruption would be so much harder that way.