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Req: Lazar Tape 1991

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Req: Lazar Tape 1991
It looks like at least a

It looks like at least a couple copies on Soulseek at the moment (search results fluctuate).

1991 - Bob Lazar - The Lazar Tape etc (39 min)

1991 - Bob Lazar - The Lazar Tape and Excerpts from the Government Bible (1991)


Thanks for grabbing this from Soulseek. I had a client working on my old computer but I feel like I shouldn't run it on the same machine as my bitcoin, other stuff.

You're welcome

This time last week I saw a huge spike in uploads on my Soulseek. I share tons of FLAC albums on it that I have gotten from Redacted (or like Orpheus). I could only conclude that tons of college/university students using Soulseek are out on summer vacation and downloading tons of music. Either that, or I happened to be on a bigger server in relation to their search results etc. I love that program though - I have been using it since close to its very beginning (and rocking Winamp playlists with its visualization plug-in turned on)!

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