There are currently emails being sent claiming that ConCen member passwords are expiring and need to be reset. The link takes you to a fake site which harvests your password.
ConCen has turned off the automatic password expiration feature; if you receive an email claiming your password is expiring, it is FAKE.
If you receive one of these emails, please notify us by forwarding the email to
It would be great to know how many of these emails have been sent. If it's a lot, my guess is the old hacked database is circulating again due to the incompetence of a certain other site...
I got one on June 12th. I thought it was just something you were working on, so I clicked their "one time" link to make a new password. Should I make another new password as a result of this, or should I just ignore it? I forwarded you the email...
That's a legit email sent from ConCen, HOWEVER, it was generated because someone requested a password reset using your username. If you didn't request the reset, someone else did. I get them once in a while. Nothing to worry about if your email account is secure.
I remember it came out of the blue, so it confused me when I got it - I definitely never requested a password reset. But I am not sure if the two password situations are related. I haven't noticed anything else out of the ordinary, yet...
They could be by the same person.