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Tommy Robinson (Stephen Yaxley Lennon) arrested in Canada

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Tommy Robinson (Stephen Yaxley Lennon) arrested in Canada

for an "outstanding immigration warrant" ..


he was arrested for lying on the immigration forms saying that he had no criminal convictions. he has quite a few,
1 - mortgage fraud
2 - entered the United States using a friend's passport
3 - contempt of court
4 -drug conviction
5- assault of a (off duty)police officer who tried to stop tommy kicking the shit out his GF
6- stalking
he travelled to Canada on his own passport this time, his criminal record is very well publicised.
did he really think he'd get a way with it?

below is a quote from a news website

His criminal record includes violence, financial and immigration frauds, drug possession, public order offences and contempt of court.


In 2005, Robinson was convicted of assaulting an off-duty police officer after he intervened to protect Robinson’s girlfriend from him.

He was jailed for 12 months.

In 2011, he was given a 12-week jail sentence – suspended for 12 months – for headbutting a man in Blackburn.


In 2012, Robinson was charged with using false travel documents after entering the US illegally by using a passport with the name Andrew McMaster.

A judge told him at the time: ‘What you did went absolutely to the heart of the immigration controls that the US are entitled to have. It’s not in any sense trivial.’

Robinson was jailed for 10 months and released on electronic tag on February 22, 2013.


In 2012, Robinson was charged with three counts of conspiracy to commit fraud by misrepresentation in relation to a mortgage application.

He pleaded guilty to two charges and was sentenced to 18 months in jail.


In 2017, Robinson received a suspended sentence for putting a trial at Canterbury Crown Court at risk of collapse – after he broadcast statements from inside the court building.

In 2018, he was jailed for a similar offence at Leeds Crown Court. However, he was released after successfully challenging the court’s sentencing procedure.

In 2019, the attorney general decided that it was in the public interest to bring further proceedings against Robinson.

On July 11, he was given a nine-month jail sentence.

The absolute IRONY os tommy fucking Robinson getting done for being an illegal immigrant is, quite frankly making me laugh my balls off!


If I had a pair, I'd be laughing them off too. Robinson I heard is not even his real name.

The name he was born with is

The name he was born with is Stephen Yaxley, then it became Stephen Yaxley-Lennon to add his step father's name
He has also used about 4 other aliases for fraudulent purposes.

Tommy Robinson explains his arrest and detainment in Canada
ConCen wrote:
ConCen wrote:

So.. potentially it looks like work visa Vs tourist visa from what's been said.
Even at that there's still irony.

interview the blackbeltbarrister
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