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RFK Jnr on vaccines

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RFK Jnr on vaccines
I just noticed this in my

I just noticed this in my news the other day, from Canada: Vaccine injury compensation fund gets additional $36M from feds:


The federal government has added $36.4 million to a program designed to support people who have been seriously injured or killed by vaccines since the end of 2020.

The program was announced shortly after COVID-19 shots first became available to the public, and provides financial compensation to people who were adversely affected by Health Canada-approved vaccines.

Vaccine Injury Payouts

US version courtesy of controlled opposition mook RFK Jr. It's a tabular settlement sheet to shift what once were criminal liabilities and civil wrongful death lawsuits to a kangaroo court to provide hush money to vaccine injured human beings. Shut up and we'll give you money. Same template RFK Jr. banged out for environmental pollution. No real court. No criminal liability. Gov/Corp payouts.. just the cost of doing business and, at least in part, covered by the taxpayer.

Canada did the same thing around when the covid injection cocktails rolled out to the public to cover pharma's arse but didn't start processing claims until June 2021. The program is name the Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP).

To date $14M in claims have been paid out to 183 claimants. That's about $77K CAD. There have been over 26,000 claims submitted. The cost of the program doesn't nearly align with the compensation awards because of bureaucracy costs

For those that are curious the US compensation figures are available here:

.. and guess who else went lockstep with this the UK. Here's the deets on that one.

What is in common with these programs? No fault settlements from the taxpayer, settlement caps, and no criminal hearings/charges.


Was his uncle also a controlled opposition mook?

Discern ones character by deeds

Apples can fall and cascade a good distance from the from the tree. See the difference between Rand and Ron for instance. In any case glad you are entertained Zoopenhoff; it's been awhile.

Any thoughts on the Great Barrington Declaration?

I mean

Well he cleaned up the Hudson.
Then some relentless mothers hassled him about vaccines and he turned to their way of thinking.

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