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David Icke The Dot Connector s06e14 (2024.04.19) No Matter The Consequences, Do What Is Right!

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File Duration Resolution Video Format Audio Format
DavidIckeTheDotConnector.s06e14.20240419.x265.mkv 1h23m 1280x720 HEVC AAC

David joins Jaymie in the studio to dissect the ongoing situation in the Middle East between Iran and Israel. Cloud seeding, which created the catastrophic rains in Dubai ie. More proof that weather manipulation has been going on for a very long time, yet calling it "climate change" will be discussed. Government censorship seems to be getting worse and people who try to stand up against the system are now being threatened with jail time in countries like New Zealand and Holland. These main topics plus much more which emphasise the importance of doing the right thing.