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Louis Theroux: Selling Sex (2020)

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LouisTherouxSellingSex.2020.720p.x265.mkv 58m48s 1280x720 HEVC AAC


Meet women in UK, legally providing sexual services, either to make a living or to supplement their income, potentially earning hundreds of pounds per hour.


came in to see me the other day and was stunned as he showed a website in which a girl he used to date was listing her services.
there seems to be quite an uptick in sex work tbh if it's not only fans then it's hooking.
he showed me this site
which is a festival of fake tits, filler and fake lips and most probably other fake shit...LOL
but judging from the amount of listings and the fact it seems that a lot of girls seem to travel from city to city , never the same one for too long.. i think that's the pro types.
there are a lot of student types too it seems and an absolute fuck ton of south east asians girls