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Isaac Asimov, A Message to the Future (2022)

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A unique film on Isaac Asimov, the godfather of science fiction, featuring his deepfake giving its vision of our future: robots, overpopulation, technology invading our houses...

The film presents the theories of a man who, yesterday, saw what science is bringing to us today.

With over 500 publications to his name, from the 50’s to the 80’s, he had anticipated computers and electronic gadgets invading the household, autonomous vehicles and man’s withdrawal from nature. Science fiction and anticipation stories have never been as popular as today. It inspires literature, drama series, films, even politics and the military. As the world we live in faces an unprecedented technological acceleration, we are more concerned than ever by the issue of our future.

Directors: Mathias Théry
Producers: Juliette Cazanave, Karen Michael, Fabrice Puchault, Isabelle Péricard
Composers: Mathieu Lamboley
Cinematographers: Jean-Marc Bouzou, Mathias Théry
Runtime: 54mn
Country: France, Sweden
Language: French
Subtitles: English



Edit: The copy of this documentary in this torrent is the English version - it was listed and named as the French version on another site, so I wasn't sure which one it was at first. It also has English and Spanish subtitles.

Now if one could just find a documentary on James P Hogan "a science fiction writer in the grand tradition, combining informed and accurate speculation from the cutting edge of science and technology with suspenseful story-telling and living, breathing characters." (a more interesting "dean of science fiction")
List of his books available:
Bug Park was probably his most fun read. It was counter-point to both Creationist and "BIG Sciences" creation theories by covering opposite view of the physics impossibility of dinosaurs in Earth's current earth gravity -- a nod at VelikofskY:
His review of his books that cover Velikofsky: "Catastrophes, Chaos & Convolutions gives Hogan's thousands of avid readers both a solid-chunk of high-quality science fiction and a look behind the scenes, as Hogan describes how his work came to be written, with biographical details. Add a dash of science fact articles, often on controversial topics (suppose, for example, that Velikovsky was right and the orthodox scientists wrong)."

A title that might fit here on concen: Rockets, Redheads and Revolution:

Fan's of David Icke would like his Dinosaur theory novels. Fits the reptilian conspiracy theory with a plausible scenario using the basics of Velikofsky's hypothesis... that is... if one believed that Earth in its former orbit in a younger dual-star solar system had reptiles as dominant specie here on Earth while it was a moon of Saturn (in a gravity that could support the physics of dinosaurs) and only later populated by humans after their homeworld (Mars) "won" the war against the exploded planet Markduk (now asteroid belt) and they emigrated here after Earth settled into its present orbit between Mars and Venus.

The arch-critic of "Big Science" is especially fun read in his: Kicking the Sacred Cow - Heresy and Impermissible Thoughts in Science - 'Galileo may have been forced to deny that the Earth moves around the Sun; but in the end, science triumphed. Nowadays science fearlessly pursues truth, shining the pure light of reason on the mysteries of the universe. Or does it? As best-selling author James P. Hogan demonstrates in this fact-filled and thoroughly documented study, science has its own roster of hidebound pronouncements which are Not to be Questioned. And those who question them may face a modern-day Inquisition. Among the dogma-laden subjects he examines are Darwinism, global warming, the big bang, problems with relativity, radon and radiation, holes in the ozone layer, the cause of AIDS, and the controversy over Velikovsky. Hogan explains the basics of each controversy with his clear, informative style, in a book that will be fascinating for anyone with an interest in the frontiers of modern science."