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The Matrix: Generation (2023) [720p x265]

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File Duration Resolution Video Format Audio Format
TheMatrixGeneration.2023.720p.x265.mkv 52m57s 1280x720 HEVC AAC

Directed by : Benjamin Clavel
Produced by : Bellota Films
Genre: Documentary - Runtime: 52 min
Production year: 2023

In 1999, a unique cinematographic object shook an entire generation and reached the top of the box-office world-wide. The Matrix saga was born and quickly became a pop-culture phenomenon revealing a duo of filmmakers: the Wachowskis.

Its prophetic aspects will be at the heart of this unprecedented documentary. By propelling the audience into the 21st Century, it foresaw many social and political issues of our current times: use of technologies, hacking, gender and identity issues, fake news, conspiracy- theory...

Forging ahead, the Wachowskis’ cinema has been leading a global fight for emancipation, inspiring generations in their quest for truth, choice and freedom.


OU by TheCorsair00



p.s. I should mention, as I just noticed this now, but the original documentary audio track is French - but it comes with English and a bunch of other languages for subtitles. I am not sure if the encoding x265 process clips the subtitles or includes them, but this definitely needs the English subs...

TheCorsair00 wrote:

I am not sure if the encoding x265 process clips the subtitles or includes them, but this definitely needs the English subs

Fluency in French is mandatory in Canardia. Report to The Camps immediately or face pubic shaming.

Ackshually, reencoding does require one to pay attention to what's inside the original, or bits can drop off like gangrene.

yeah, not sure i'd say mandatory... "tabernack", "waay" (oui=yes), and "F* u frog" is about all you need to know if ya feel like scrappin'! Otherwise just say "pardon, je comprend un PEU de francais" to show you're at least trying

I got as far as Grade 8 French and retained very little of that education!

thx for this version