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James Delingpole and David Icke

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James Delingpole and David Icke

I'm just curious if anybody has any kind of recording of this interview which didn't go too well by all accounts.

A version was uploaded to Rumble behind a paywall by James Delingpole but it was also geo-blocked.

I am not sure how to get it,

I am not sure how to get it, sorry. Sounds like it would be interesting, even though it was a train wreck of a conversation. Probably butting heads because Icke was blabbing on too much and the other guy got irritated etc...

Do you have a link to the

Do you have a link to the paywall sites that host the video?

It was on Rumble behind a

It was on Rumble behind a paywall but after some disparaging comments, it was removed altogether.

I hadn't really had any idea where else it might be but found it here:

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