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5.75 MiB | 6 | 0 | 356 |
UFO Highway is a fresh new look at the military's connection to UFOs … There is no doubt in my mind that the Four Corners area of New Mexico contains some of the most important U.S. government secrets hidden from the public.
— Norio Hayakawa, Rio Rancho, New Mexico
A breakthrough exposé premised on facts, UFO Highway brings to an end the 30 year old mystery surrounding the enigmatic battle between Greys and elite U.S. fighting forces at Dulce, New Mexico, in 1979 through the first ever printing of “The Dulce Interview”.
Conducted in January 2010, this data is backed by testimony from a Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel, a man provable through his personnel files retrieved from the National Personnel Records Center. This previously highly reluctant source has finally come forward to reveal his personal involvement with DSD-3, the Secret Intelligence Agency that operates the Dulce Facility.
He tells us of the “1940 Dulce Discovery Event” in which an elite team of US Army soldiers from “Muroc Army Air Field” found a seven-level “Deep Underground Facility” made from a series of natural caverns, all retrofitted with technology beyond anything ever seen before. In addition to finally learning what was found, taken, and reverse-engineered, we also learn of the cover-up to hide exactly who is still there, deep underground in Dulce.
UFO Highway delivers on many other fronts within the UFO Periphery as well. The author provides us with an extraordinary compilation of investigative research, interviews, and science which forces us to rethink our origins, our current role on Earth, and of our future. Also included are explosive revelations of HAARP, Project Blue Beam, Transient Digital Audio Phenomena, The Clovis UFO, Abductions, Mutilations, and other significant areas of UFO research.
Also included, is a leading-edge hypothesis on Human Origins taking us through a fascinating review of Human-Alien Hybridization, Genetic Engineering and Religion. See how the author’s “Lineal- Traditional Connection Model” reveals how world religion has successfully managed to hide the true seeds of humanity, until now.
Thanks to the OU and ...
TheCorsair00 for the source.
alien believing retards
so believing in aliens as a grown adult makes you a dumb ass retard. when i was growing up in the 70s if you believed in aliens you were called dumb, silly, short bus. now mass media has convinced grown adults that little green men exist. if you believe in "space aliens" i hope they come probe your anus.............peace out retarded idiots
dudeface wrote:
I can copy and paste the same comment to different threads too!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! says a flat earther. what an utter wank spangle!
dose of your own medicine
i thought i would take time out of my day to spam others posts on how stupid they are to have a different beLIEf than me. IT literally took 3 minutes for you to see my comment and insult me as per usual. WHOS VACUNT?? or a paid shill/dis info??............ seems when the tables are turned its ok to be a low life dickweed though. TRUTH HURTS............PEACE OUT
dudeface wrote:
double posting in the same thread? now THAT is utter asshattery indeed.
you're really not good at this at all really are you?
you have an utter cheek to complain about insults which shows your asshatted hypocrisy.
get a grip son
There has been a legitimate disinformation campaign against UFO information for decades, so I can understand why people would find it silly. But it's not ALL bullshit, there's obviously something real to the entire phenomenon that is worthwhile... But that's just my opinion, I guess!
TheCorsair00 wrote:
Well apparently we've ALL been idiots since 1947 for thinking ET life may exist BUT suddenly all these ex-navy guys linked to the naff TIC TAC footage suggest that this is now evidence of REAL unknown craft - so now it's finally OK to assume life may exist outside the planETary sphere...?!
Such a fucking joke - even Fox News decided there was zero hypocrisy here...
This book is actually not
This book is actually not well known even in the UFO circles...
However - aside from some grumblings I have about the way it's written - my years of wider research in this area told me the main "meta" angle of the narrative is crucial to understanding the post 1947 shenannegans on this fast-fading planET of ours...
I'm also after the apparent
I'm also after the apparent 2nd version of this book - written AFTER the author was gassed with a neuro active agent.... [yup - fact, I spoke to him a few days after - he had a type of Bells Paulsy or whatever the vaxx effect was called].
It may be that the updated one was purely released in print format only... maybe I shud check... :-)
Please do investigate and get back to us about this. OMG.
I'm also after the apparent
Hi ya from Down Under - several years ago, a girl friend of mine was also in contact with him. She said he told her that he'd received threats if he published the second book - can't recall the title of it now. I did read later that his wife and family broke with him, not sure if it was related to this.
Hi Jewels.. :-)
Hi Jewels.. :-)
Hope you remember me from years back?
The thing is most ppl think his claims about a whistle-blower and subsequent book are a joke...
But I can tell the UFO scene that to a degree - the authenticity of your contact claims can be meaasured against the bizarre and sometimes life up-ending attention authros or contactee types receive from what I've always called "above govt sectors".
Maybe you can ask ur friend what they geard about this mysteriud 2nd edition??
Cheers, davID, Albion, Europe
I would be interested in finding that copy as well. Not sure where Sanchez is nowadays, although it appears he has been on C2C several times, mostly to talk about the ghost phenomenon - but at least once to talk about the subject of his book with Linda Moulton Howe:
C2C- Hours 3&4:
Password: RMfXCF6NmgmQQy44uwRU
It's all very rabbit-hole-like information to me, but there must be some truth to it! There's definitely Programmed Life Forms coming out of Dulce and Pine Gap, but whether it is all man-made activity or not, who is to say!
Hi my friend
Hi my friend
It maybe that 2nd edition is PRINT only...? I can't find detail on it.
However most importantly - it's the one true engineer witness regarding alien tech linked to THE POST FALKLANDS MARCONI work that there needs to be more data on after all this time..
We'd need to communicate one to one to expand on this aspect if needed..
Cheers, davID, Albion, Europe