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This is a collection of videos and books on the subject of the Flat Earth. I prefer the term Earth Realm but that's just me. I downloaded these from Youtube before they deleted or hid them with algorithms. Some are still there but you have to know the channel name they were on....not necessarily the name of the video title.
You can't search YT using the term "flat earth" and get any pro flat earth videos anymore, only negative and mocking. Prior to 2017, this wasn't so. The pro flat earth vids were very abundant and came right to the top of the search. Why delete or hide them if they're supposedly not true anyway?
Flat Earth videos are starting to show up on a couple other streaming video sites but no where near the amount that was on YT. So here's a sample of what I gathered over a few years before they disappeared. More to follow.
52 videos
3 books
1 pic
Great collection. anybody that views all this info has to start to question what is this realm?? if they dont they are truely Ignorant.............peace
It's not useful.
You can't use this information to calculate sunset, sunrise, tides, equinox and solstice.
You need the details of the globe Earth's orbit and rotation to do that.
shows what you know
so that statement is pure nonsense. if you would actually try to prove your "globe" by looking into things like your statement here you would find that all your proofs of a "globe" only come from NASA freemasonic luciferian Nazi pedophiles.
have you heard about the Antikythera mechanism?? its at least 2000 years old, mainstream says this not me, and was made when all maps used for sailing were flat, and all ancient cultures believed in a flat world. of course mainstream says that at this time the earth was known to be a globe but this simply is not true. the first globe ever made was 1492ish, the same time the fake dude columbus supposedly discovered america. noboby ever made a globe before that?? so the Antikythera mechanism predicts everything you said and more at least 600 years before so called heliocentrism. and by the way there are over 100 books from 1850 to 1950 that were still argueing for a geocentric flat earth, so people have NOT beLIEved in a globe for 2000 years, it was a theory that came from some thought experiments at that time .
seems most globetards just repeat shit they learned when they were 10 years old and are to ignorant to even question any of their indoctrination beLIEfs.
here are links to actual information. not repeater mainstream indoctrination............peace out
ancient cultures flat realm
heres a GOVERNMENT site referencing flat earth books
YouTube search
I noticed YouTube's search function sucks for finding just about anything now. As of the past couple years or more. I think they changed it so that pirated TV shows and movies etc don't come up first thing when you search for something. Those videos are still there, but they are purposely buried now...
so ya aliens, bigfoot, vampires and werewolves are all youtube friendly subjects. you can post all sorts of nonsense and even monotize your videos. david wilcock and corey goode are spewing so much shit on GAIA channel or whatever its called, but the flat eath is shadow banned and censored to hell.
but no nothing to see here, its stupid to believe the earth is flat but aliens are real!!!
peace out
and people stillthink the earth is flat hahahha. tells you everything doesnt it. madness. i bet these are the same people that just love to roll up there sleeve for the jab
Surely most anyone who has been around the ConCen site....
and/or the conspiracy crowd for any length of time (approx 30 years here) didn't fall for the jab. Most of the death juice, clot shot adherants can't even spell conspiracy and only follow official proclamations from the authorities. They don't think for themselves and barely know to crap when they feel the urge.
No jabs for my household.
Zelda wrote:
flat earth is not real. there's a mass of actual testable evidence to show the earth is an oblate spheroid. there are simpl experiments as mentioned by zoopenhoff that it's an olbate spheroid.
When people push flat earth nonsense it shows a severe lack of critical thinking abilities and willful blindness to objective facts and truths
Enlighten me with some facts....
point me to your and Zoopenhoffs proofs....
As you say, I cannot critically think and must be willfully blind and cannot see....
So show me what you got....take me to your leader....
Zelda wrote:
out of interest... what were you in the army?
I was in the Reccy troop in my battalion in the Parachute Regiment.
first off have a look at this about horizons
then have a wee read at this and provide a counter argument with links to prove the evidence you have
then have a gander at these wee puppies and respond point to point please.
and finally some simple experiments to show the fact the earth is an oblate shperoid
I've watched dozens of vids like these and....
they all have an agenda. It's not to try to convert a flat earth believer. It's to shame them and try to make them feel dumb. That doesn't work with me. Like yourself, I stand firmly in my beliefs and won't be swayed by what I consider propaganda.
I used to believe the same way you do, 30 years ago or so. But years of study and observation have changed my mind and heart so why would I go back to previous belief. I would assume this is so for most all that believe as I do in Earth as a realm created by God.
Most all flat earth/earth realm believers do believe that God created the earth and the heavens and all that is in them, including mankind. We don't believe the universe as you would call it created itself. So the fact that flat earth/intelligent design/creation belief is ridiculed and mindless/no God/random evolution is praised tells me a lot.
It's what the powers that be want you to believe because it leads to man's ego being puffed up and keeps a person away from the God of creation. They are actually ok with whatever you believe, as long as it's not Jesus Christ and his blood atonement on the cross....anything but that. Flat earth believers know there's a higher power we call God/Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit, whereas globe earthers for the most part believe in man as the highest and noblest power and that he is in charge of his own unlimited destiny.
This is the real difference between the two sides. It's not the physical description of where we live. Instead, it's that one side has a deeply ingrained spiritual element to it and the other does not.
I'm not going to add any videos or proofs to this post since I've already uploaded 100+ media files containing hundreds of hours of flat earth evidence with as much proof as you would need to understand what and why I believe the way I do. I would refer you to those instead.
The 10 points at your link are easy to debate and offer rebuttals to. But again, the amount of data I've already uploaded rebuts them all easily if taken the time to download and view.
Besides, if I was going to add vids to this post, it would be some of the same that I'm already seeding so it makes no sense. Download some of them instead and check them out with an open mind. I've looked at your videos above to an extent but I've heard it all before. There's no new information in them for me to comb over and research.
PS: Your Professor Dave guy is not impressive at all and seems like a snarky young twit that likes to bark a lot, showing to all what he thinks is his superior intellect. He presents his challenges but doesn't take the time to address any from the other side. He just steam rolls right over them without debate. He's what I like to call a repeater. A person with no original thoughts who just takes other peoples ideas and repeats them in a forceful way to make it more believable to gullible viewers. Everything he has to say has been said by others more intelligent than him.
As King Solomon once said “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
It's all been said and done before here on Earth under the sun. The only new things for mankind to experience are in the heavenly realms above the sun.
Have a good one!
Zelda wrote:
Will get back to you am cooking dinner for me and the kids atm.
However, point to note... I am NOT an atheist but also probably believe the way you do.
You also never mentioned your job in the US Army. BTW I was British army, as I said, Parachute
I am not affected in any way by what solomon said. As for Dave.. he's a bit smarmy.. sure however attack his message with counter points not the smarmy wee prick himself.. the message is important and it's also important to counter point it in a debate, even a gentle one like this! This is exactly the place to put clips or evidence to support your claims. Saying "download my stuff2 is not exactly in the spirit of debate. i have shown some simple stuff that shows the case for an oblate spheroid and it's not been countered properly , albeit the responses arre better than the usual flate arther to be fair. so can you enter into the spirit of things and put evidence up with responses?
below is initial response that was done while cooking for for my family......
Will get back to you am cooking dinner for me and the kids atm.
However, point to note... I am NOT an atheist but also probably believe the way you do.
You also never mentioned your job in the US Army. BTW I was British army, as I said, Parachute[/quote]
Here's a vid to illustrate my point....
But for you to download a few videos would not be hard. They are in the 2 Flat Earth torrents that I uploaded over the last couple days so they're not hard to find....right there on page 1 of the torrents listed here.
Here's a real good one to start with....enjoy!
I'll add more later if this one embeds properly...not really sure how to do it here.
Edit: Ok it worked so will add a few more in a while.
Ok...back again...had to check on my dogs.
These should answer most of your questions about what flat earthers believe. If you want more, I can add them.
I don't think we believe the same spiritually. You say you're not an athiest yet believe in evolution. I believe in the Bible as 100% accurate, therefore Earth was created about 6 thousand years ago by God....not billions of years ago in a big bang. I don't believe in evolution at all, only in intelligent creation by the God of the Bible and His son Jesus Christ.
Single cell lifeforms didn't become higher cellular lifeforms and those higher cellular lifeforms didn't evolve into the abundance of different life that we see today.
I wasn't in the army. I was in the US Air Force and was a Telecommunications Technician. I troubleshot circuits on every type of commlink you can think of (microwave, tropo scatter, HF (undersea cable), fiber optic, satellite, etc). Satellites....hahahaha.
Enjoy....we'll talk again I'm sure.
Zelda wrote:
have you ever done a point - counterpoint debate before?(i am NOT trying to be a dick asking this)
CAn you please counter poiont the questions raised with particular note of the horizon brought up in the first video i mentioned which shows via simples means, the curve of the earth without having to be in space.
I am familiar with Mark Sargant , dubay and all those chaps. I do not buy what they are selling. A few i think totally believe what they say and some i think are just milking it for cash.
You believe the bible is 100% accurate... so all that incest, killing of people, selling daughters into slavery, severe beatings of children, the two different stories of genesis that contradict each other. Genesis chapter 1 says the first man and woman were made at the same time, and after the animals. But Genesis chapter 2 gives a different order of creation: man, then the animals, and then woman.
Incest?... that'll be Abraham who married his half sister Sarah ( Genesis 20:11-12 and 17:15-16) ...
what about Honour thy father and mother? yet in Luke 14:26 Jesus says "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. ”
all a bit confusing and contradictory but i digress....
Can we stick to point counterpoint please and with actual counter-points to my post and we can take it from there
This is a case of an unstoppable force...
meeting an immovable object so we don't need to continue with the pretenses. You're never going to look at or consider anything that I provide and I'm not going to budge from my position either.
The Mark Sargent video has 12 points in it that counter your 10 point video and you haven't argued even one of those points, so you're not trying to counter anything. If you're not buying what they are selling, then there is no discussion for us to really have. The other videos provided reinforce and add to the facts in the first one.
So let's just agree to disagree on this and go live our separate realities. We can probably agree that grass is green and the sky is blue and maybe many other things as well. But we're never going to make a dent in the other's core beliefs.
Your knowledge of the Bible is dreadful and the subjects you pick to base your arguments on are the commonly quoted misconceptions that one who has never perused it's pages or studied the vast amount of extra-biblical material available to substantiate it often makes. May I suggest Chuck Smith's commentary on the Bible. I use it daily. It's concise and easy to understand.
I'm content where I'm at in belief and doctrine and don't need to look at or for anymore info to try and debunk what I believe. I've seen and heard it all in the 20+ years I've studied the subject, so I'm very entrenched in my beliefs, as you seem to be. We are both wasting time trying to do the impossible. That is to convince another against their will.
I lived 40 years believing pretty much the same paradigm that you currently hold and I changed my mind when I found new information to supersede the truth I held at the time. The next 25 years were spent researching and expanding my knowledge on this new information. So I've actually spent a lot time on both sides of the subject, looking at both paradigms if you will.
I don't know how old you are but I'm fairly positive you have not spent any time looking at my side of the argument or very little at the most, so you've spent your whole life believing one paradigm and nothing else, because you won't give serious consideration to anything outside of that paradigm.
And guess what, I'm A-OK with that. Hopefully you're OK with the status quo as well. As far as I'm concerned, you'll have to be. Others may find your viewpoints worthy of endless debate but I will only go to the point where the time invested becomes a total waste of that time for myself.
So with all that said, I wish you a good day sir.
Zelda wrote:
what i said about the bible is factual, correct and you can check it by passage. Abraham married his half sister which is incest, it says it's ok to sell your daughter into slavery and all sorts plus the two contradicting genesis stories. that's factual. No extra bilblical or apocraphyl texts were quoted. when it coms to the bible Bart D. Ehrman is an outstanding scholar
However, i digress, you haven't really point-counterpointed things at all.
Mark Sargant has been so thoughroughly debunked it's pretty astonishing. Same with Eric dubay and all the rest of them.
To be fair you have done streaks better that dudeface who is utterly incapable of reasoned debate at all.
As for time spent looking at your side of things, i actually have watched presentations etc and they just don't ring true from an objective stand point at all.
As for age, i am 53 and i follow the Vorlon way of thinking of this stuff... "Understanding is a triple edge sword"
what i said about the bible is factual, correct and you can check it by passage. Abraham married his half sister which is incest, it says it's ok to sell your daughter into slavery and all sorts plus the two contradicting genesis stories. that's factual. I even quoted the passages for it to be found in ANY bible and not any apocryphal texts what-so-ever. i quoted chapter and verse to show they are genuine quotes and the context is accurate and correct. What other take can there be for marrying yor sister?????
However, i digress, you haven't really point-counterpointed things at all.
Mark Sargant has been so thoughroughly debunked it's pretty astonishing. Same with Eric dubay and all the rest of them.
To be fair you have done streaks better that dudeface who is utterly incapable of reasoned debate at all.
As for time spent looking at your side of things, i actually have watched presentations etc and they just don't ring true from an objective stand point at all.
As for age, i am 53 and i follow the Vorlon way of thinking of this stuff... "Understanding is a triple edge sword"
The objecrtive truth doesn't care about feeling or inclonations and doesn't take sides... it just is
I'm only going to comment on the Biblical references you made...
I feel we've reached an impasse on the other subjects so I'll not discuss them further.
The reason for the incest in the Bible was this and it actually wasn't considered incest at the time. At creation, there was one man and one woman only. They had a son named Cain and Cain took a wife. Her name is not given but we know it had to be his sister because there was no other way to fulfill God's command to multiply and fill the Earth. This happened with all of their children. As they got older, it would include cousins marrying, uncles and nieces, nephews and aunts, etc.
In Noah's time, once God saw the Earth and man's hearts were filled with evil only, he destroyed all in the flood except Noah, his wife, his three sons and their eight people altogether survived the flood. And they had to start over and multiply and replenish the Earth as God again commanded. What we consider incest today was the only way for that to happen (as with Adam and Eve) but it wasn't thought of that way then. They were obeying God and he commanded them to multiply and replenish the Earth after the flood.
This was allowed up until the time of Moses when it was written into law given by God while the Israelites were still wandering the desert before they were brought to Caanan. Abraham's time was seven generations before Moses, so it was not a sin or against the law at the time of Abraham for him to be married to his half-sister Sarah.
See Leviticus 18 and 20. They are longish chapters to quote here but easy to look up and read. Marriage between first cousins was not included in these new laws, so it was still allowed.
Now on to the other Bible verse you quoted.
Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
What Jesus is saying here is that "Look, I gave up my place in heaven to come down here and save your sorry souls. I will be tortured and die for you and I will be your only salvation and path to eternal life, so you better hate everyone else, including your own mother and father in comparison to how much you love me for doing what I'm about to do for you. He doesn't literally mean to hate them but on a love scale of 1 to 10, love for Jesus Christ better be a 10 with love for everyone else at 1. That's how much distance there should be in our love for Christ compared to others.
He says as much in Matthew 10:37-38.
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
Additional comments.
I am aware of the 3 sided sword - your way, their way and the truth. I have been trying to make it a 2 sided sword for years with my way aligning with the truth leaving only 2 sides to the sword. - their way and the truth.
PS: dudeface is a man that stands firm in his beliefs as do I, as do you. His debate style is definitely "in your face" and I respect him for it. But if you want to actually debate him, don't mock and be open to civil discussion. I'm sure he feels he's being attacked for what he believes about flat earth. I feel it too but it doesn't bother me. Once I find truth, I find peace....and I stay the course no matter what's being flung at me.
Zelda wrote:
hmmm.. to cut things to a two edged sword instead of three edged very much misses the precise point that's being made. without it there's an utter lack of balance or objectivity in any way.
As to the rest , i've read many apologetics before and they're pretty standard stock (no offence).
the two edge sword thing though... very odd to want to subvert the very idea of it unless you valkue polarisation rather than balance imho
I'm really not looking for balance but truth only....
no matter where I find it. If truth comes from the "their way" side, so be it. Truth stands no matter the person or source it came from. And when I find new truth (because no one knows all truth), it becomes melded with my way so there's no differentiation between truth and my way.
Ultimately I look forward to a 1 sided sword where only truth exists and "my way" and "their way" are no longer in play and there is no other way. Because any other way can be proven false at that point.
For me, this will only happen when Jesus Christ returns at His second coming. When this happens there will only be His way, which will be only truth. "My way and "their way" will have disappeared forever, never to return.
And I do value polarization and division if it brings truth to the fore. Division and polarization are necessary in a Biblical sense as Jesus states in these verses. I am not doing the dividing but Christ is. My role as His servant is to be a peacemaker. He will do the dividing.
34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.
35 For I have come to ‘set[a] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’;
36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’
37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.
38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.
39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.
Luke 12
49 “I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!
50 But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished!
51 Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division.
52 For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three.
53 Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”
He has to bring division to separate the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares....
Zelda wrote:
without balance there is nothing true that can be seen.
you are not looking for the objective truth. you are merely looking to promote your "personal truth", which is to say the stuff you believe in and promote, which is very, very,very,very different to the objective truth.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life...
No one comes to the Father except by Him....
Zelda wrote:
So, your response to an observation that your world view, self admittedly, has no balance and you seek no balance and thus means that there is no route to objective truth what-so-ever to to bible quote?
You made, at least, an effort originally but now have sadly reverted to stereotype with these non answer responses and have decided to preach. I don't have much time for evangelism or evangelists and what confuses and counfounds i that here you are on a conspiracy forum which informs, warns and exposes control mechanisms that are designed to control your thoughts, actions and behaviours and get compliance and organised religions are one iof the oldest mechanisms for control of people... can you see the irony there? i suppose not as you seem to be a tad irony impaired
oh well..... As the French say about toilets "say lavvy"*
*phoenetic humour
Jesus is the sun.
Jesus is just the sun, dude.
The story of Jesus is clearly a metaphor for the sun.
The winter solstice, darkest, longest nights, ends on 25 Dec. Jesus/The Sun is reborn.
The sun dies for 3 nights... ok so they moved that to Easter, it's just part of the story.
The sun is the giver of all life on Earth. By representing that as a human they take away your access to divinity and focus it on the ego instead.
The jesus story is JUST the santa story for adults. Literally exactly the same thing.
Be a good boy and Santa will bring you presents.
Be a good adult and Jesus will save your sins/let you into heaven.
Come on. Figuring this out is a part of growing up.
not real??
and your space water ball and gas planets in a vacum are REAL?? you sir are a repeating indoctrinated keep on believing those freemasonic luciferian Nazi pedophiles..........i choose free will.........peace out
foolish statement
that statement shows your indoctrination and ignorance
not 1 flat earth believer would ever get the jab.....and i know thousands of them. just saying that is an insult to anyone in my books. you can keep your gender confusion and ignorance, i choose to make my own mind up on every subject
peace out
double standards.
i have read through the comments. globetards always have double standards so they can keep their ball. making statements about eveloution being real, oblate spheroid nonsense, and presenting not professor dave as evidence of the globe. first off professor dave is NOT a professor. he even states in an interview he pays others to put his info together. look at his youtube page. untill he started making anti flat earth vids he was getting a few hundred of views at best. then he made 1 anti flat earth video and his views were jacked up to hundreds of thousnds of views by youtube................... who literally said in a congress hearing that they were going to start shadow banning and censoring flat earth thats not professor daves story. globe bitch for money and NOT a professor. Bill Nye the lieing guy is also NOT a scientist. hes a failed comedian and engineer. and neil my ass tyson is a scumbag women molester and also failed actor. so your so called "experts" are all liars and dirtbags. just like NASA.
And the call out to start proving your info and that videos from non experts are not acceptable but the globe side does exactly what they say we cant do to prove our point.
so iam just gonna say it............Pax and Zoppehoff and kattanablade seem to be shit disturbers with double standards at the least or outright dis-info or paid shills. insulting and mocking instead of leaving others to thier own opinions. and if others dont think the powers that control dont infiltrate and disrupt you are a fool.
stop worrying what others think and use your own brain. even if all your conclusions are wrong, at least you werent fooled by mainstream liars
peace out
dudeface wrote:
you are utterly incapable of any type of debate. every type of logical fallacy shat out in every response. you're quite an arrogant wee chump
Thanks Zelda for taking the time to upload your files. I'm not a flat earther as they say, because I've not taken the time to check it out for myself. In the meantime I'd thoroughly recommend the following, which goes into the mudflood times, strange windows underneath pavements etc. I recall seeing these during my times working in London. Anyway, will leave it up to whoever checks it out.
We know what we know.
We know the Earth is a globe, you can prove it by measurements.
You can't prove the Earth is flat. If you think you can then show me what measurements to take.
Anyone with a dinner plate, a lego man, and a torch can prove that if the Earth was flat it would be day ALL DAY for everyone... but it's clearly day for me in the UK while it's night time for dudeface in his South Florida trailer park.
You're welcome....
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything and I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from their beliefs either, but if you're ever interested and want to know more, watch just the Flat Earth Clues video in this comment thread. It's 2 hours and would cover the basics for sure.
Yes, I have watched that Mudflood series by EWARANON a few times and have it downloaded. Very interesting stuff indeed, talking about the very sophisticated architecture of those times and many other oddities, like how some of the buildings were housing some type of power source.
I find that the people uploading stuff here upload the things they believe in or things they at least find interesting. As an example, I don't believe in aliens from other worlds but I upload UFO and alien videos because it's an interesting subject and without a doubt real.
But I believe there's another explanation for their existence like fallen angels and the disembodied spirits of their children, the Nephilim; being here on Earth wreaking havoc and introducing man to forbidden knowledge and hidden technologies.
All of the viewpoints and the files uploaded here representing those different viewpoints are what makes this site unique on the web. There's nothing else like it really. Others have tried and I am glad to contribute to the overall knowledge base here.
Being British helps.
A lot of buildings here have cellars with windows. There are other/better reasons why buildings were built that way.
Ewaranon is absolute nonsense.
Why did they make it? I dunno. I find it hard to believe that they believe it. It's probably some psychology study of gullibility.
It's very nicely done, but once you understand how psychology works you can see some of the tricks being used.
being british helps with being a dick!!
ya i absoloutly could care less about anybody that has a closed mind. i thought there would be lots of intelligent open minds on here. thats been proven wrong to me. i have said this before but forgot about the dick show here. but i think i will refrain from commenting on any posts anymore. especially with "people" like paxhole and zoopengoof on here doing their best to innsult and divide. thanks zelda for the great info, stop wasting your time on these losers. by the way i am canadian, not a dumb ass patriotic american. i am under british rule just like you zoopengoof................peace the FUCK out.
nous sommes presque freres
I'm secretly Canadian but moved to the UK when I was a kid.
So can you explain why the Sun is shining brightly in the sky for me right now, but below the horizon for you?
If the Earth was flat, it would be sunny all day for both of us.
dudeface wrote:
you act like a dumbass, you post like a dumbass. you do realise that every single post you make contains an ad hominem?
I'll wait while you google ad hominem.......
As for not commenting any more.. no great loss there due to your posts being nothing but a string of logical fallacies, a willfull lack of understanding of basics and utter buffoonery to be quite frank.
As for being "British".. I hold two passports, one of them is a British passport but I am VERY much a Scottish/Italian blend and , how to put this..... extremely in favour of ditching Westminster for Scottish independence.
Interesting you say "i absolutely could care less" thus indicating that you do care. the proper phrase is "i couldn't care less" indicating that you care so little that you could not care at a lower rate as your care factor is zero.
in many ways that kinda sums you up.
You are giving up on posting really as you are incapable of debating and defending your statements and perhaps find it frustrating that not a lot of people buy what you are selling and some of those that don't will actually challenge what you say and in response to that you have got nothing
please guys.
With a basketball and a torch you can explain to a 10 year-old how the seasons work.
Get a dinner plate, a torch and two lego men, and explain how timezones are possible on a flat Earth. You can't. You really can't guys.
The conspiracy here is who has deliberately dumbed down your education to the point that you don't get this, and who is pushing this stuff now. All these documentaries didn't spring out of nowhere.