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John Birch Society Films - Collection of 8

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This is a collection of 8 JBS films from different online sources. They are in several different video formats with low resolution, which was normal for the times they were downloaded.

JBS - America's Economic Decline -
JBS - Indoctrinating Our Youth in Earth Worship.avi
JBS - Injustice For All - International Criminal Court.avi
JBS - R.W. Welch, Jr _ 1958_ Elitist Insider's Strategy For Undermining US Sovereignty.mp4
JBS - The U. N. Deception.mpg
JBS - The United Nations A Look into the Future.mpg
JBS - United.States.vs.United.Nations.avi
JBS - USA Builds The Communist Empire (1969).avi


I do wonder about the John Birch society.

Like what if they are just pushing a narrative to keep people in the cult of the church? Creating a boogie man, fitting all available evidence to their story and then making up anything missing.

Something about it doesn’t sit right.

sI live in the US and it's looking more like a communist haven than ever before....especially in the Democrat controlled areas of the country. I'm in my 60's and have seen a lot of change, especially in the last few years.

No one is held accountable for crimes they commit unless you're just an average working Joe. Then they throw the book at you.

Zelda wrote:

sI live in the US and it's looking more like a communist haven than ever before....especially in the Democrat controlled areas of the country. I'm in my 60's and have seen a lot of change, especially in the last few years.

No one is held accountable for crimes they commit unless you're just an average working Joe. Then they throw the book at you.

I find it interesting as to what americans think of as "communism".
In Europe for example, we have a full political spectrum there from far leftr muppets to far right muppets and all the muppets in between. But in American you have two right of centre parties.

The republicans are to the right of the British conservatives and the democrats a little bit left of them. Remember this is in comparison to Europe, specifically the UK.
actual comminism is vastly different to what a lot of Americans think it is. They are right it's a fucking shitty philosophy that doesn't take into account that people just like their own stuff in a lot of ways. But a lot of those twats considered to be communist in America most certainly aren't.
social democrat != communism . There really is a national hangover from the McCarthy era in America where over sensativity to what is considered "far left" is still running rampant and poorly understood there as I see it.

It also mystifies me so many Americans misunderstand what the National health service is and what it means to people here and that... really it isn't free!
We pay national insurance payments from our salary/wages. This helps pay for the NHS so that we then have access to treatment.
We also have private healthcare here too and it's a metric fuck ton cheaper than the US of A.
From a business perspective it also makes sense. That way you have a happier, healthier workforce and that is a more productive workforce that will make more money for their employer.

It also shows that, as a nation, we giove a fuck about the people in our own country. The amolunt of money paid via national insurance is a tinyt compared to the massive,MASSIVE RIP OFF of the American health system adn we also don't get ripped off by pharma companies due to the rules and regulations here regarding sales, pricing and advertising(no prescription drugs are allowed to be directly advertised on radio/TV/online here. It's a decent system . Yes it could be better and could be better funded and managed but it does work and saves lives every minute of every day. it's a fine thing but according to some Americans it's a heresy and evil. Yes i have heard it called evil!
To be that's just fucking mental.

Funny thing is, if youy have a look at the happiest, healthiest countries in the world, they ALL and i mean ALL have social healthcare and decent unemployment and disability benefits and highher taxes. Look at Sweden, Norway, Finland and denmark for example. All score very very highly on the happiness idnex and all have a social healthcare and welfare system and they do a lot of business too. They pay high taxes and they don't mind at all.

In Finland 40% tax isn't unusual and there was a Health minister there who was being interviewed about this sort of thing. He took the film crew to an old folks home and said that he had already booked his place. He said he didn't mind and that mnost Fins don't mind as they are investing in their own and their fellows future. Now they are not communist by a long shot and neither are any of those other Nordic countries adn they are wealthy,, healthy and happy as nations.

Mind you the price of beer and such on those countries is fucking PANT SHITTING! As a soldier in the late 80's i did an exercise in Norway and it was about 5 GBP per pint while at home it was on average about 1-2 GBP at home and even cheaper in the camp bar back in germany(30p a pint and 50p a spirit- tax free) .Mind you their rates of pay are somewhat hihgher there which balances it out but the culture shock of beer prices to a Squaddie was VERY REAL!

Anyway it'd be good to get your thought on this as i do find it mystifying at the way Americans look at the ssmall slice of the political spectrum they have there.