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Biden, Inc. (2022)

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1.32 GiB10686
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File Duration Resolution Video Format Audio Format
B-Inc-Part-1-TC-1080p-Compressed.mp4 24m12s 1920x1080 AVC AAC
B-Inc-Part-2-TC-1080p-Compressed.mp4 20m40s 1920x1080 AVC AAC


This two-part episode explores how the Biden family enriched themselves through government corruption and how the FBI, intelligence agencies, and the media covered it up.

Thanks to klervoient for original upload.



The audio and video tracks aren't quite synched at least in part 1, but not a problem for me.

You know how mafia dons usually respond to exposes by journalists such as this one, right? They have the journalist killed.

additional wrote:

The audio and video tracks aren't quite synched at least in part 1

I watched both with no issues. What program (including version #) and operating system are you using?