Just came across this one today, it's on Vimeo, probably some copy protected HLS or something - I can't seem to snag it with any of the tools in my arsenal (though there are some mp4 blob references embedded in the javascript - just no URL to pick apart to get to them)...
Then I found the torrent here on Concen, but it has no seeds… https://concen.org/content/frankenskies-2017
youtube-dl works fine on https://vimeo.com/222928194
Don't use youtube-dl though, use yt-dlp, it's better updated.
Thanks, working like a charm!
It has plenty of seeds. I just downloaded it @ 5MBps.
Now that's strange. If you were to hazard a guess, what could have been the issue? I had started the torrent and left it overnight, nothing had started.
Is your router port forwarding?