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The Next Level (2022)

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The sequel to "Level (2021)" - The flat earth is heavily censored and shadowbanned, yet most people turn their cheek to this life changing truth. "Why would they lie"? The number one question regarding the deception involved with the heliocentric globe theory. A theory we are all taught in kindergarten. A theory we were told was "thousands of years old". The Next Level will break down the many reasons for the lie as well as showing the many scientists of the past that have proven the stationary earth. Also, how John D. Rockefeller and Georges Lemaître in 1920, changed the course of (his)-story as we know it. It's 2022 and the truth cannot be stopped.

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that is all

pax wrote:

that is all

It really is an intelligence test.

If the Earth was flat, everyone would always be able to see the Sun in the sky lol.

thats the stupidest thing ever said. mixing your fake heliocentric model with a geocentric model is pure ignorance. the sun is NOT 93 million miles away. its close and local. if you use a flashlight in a large room does it light up the whole room?? no it lights up a circular spotlight area. move the light up or down the light spot gets larger or smaller. you are using whats called strawman arguements. ..............peace out

ya its so stupid you had to go to 2 torrents and make a stupid comment. i guess you cant let go of your ball..................peace out.

Haha... If the earth was really flat, wouldn't some people drive right off the edge? :)

stupid comment number 2. strawman arguements ................can you fall off the edge of a lake? no it has a container called land. the earth is a giant "pond" and the so called edge is more land that they are hiding from you......research the antarctic treaty and ask youself why over 80 countries will not let you independantly explore it..its because there is more land. read the book the iron republic written in about 1900. they were talking about more land less than 120 years ago............but its stupid right???..............peace out

Are you trying to say that the outer edges of the world are actually Antarctica, and we will never fall off the edge because we cannot go there? Instead of being condescending, maybe you could try being a bit more cordial with your comments.

What is the main purpose of the Antarctic Treaty?

"To demilitarize Antarctica, to establish it as a zone free of nuclear tests and the disposal of radioactive waste, and to ensure that it is used for peaceful purposes only; to promote international scientific cooperation in Antarctica; to set aside disputes over territorial sovereignty."

Doesn't seem like some sort of conspiracy to me.

you spent 1 minute and googled it, did you really think that you wouldnt get the mainstream answer?? its a treaty that was formed in 1958..........and has never been broken and cannot even be questioned until 2042..............its the ONLY treaty that has NEVER been broken in the history of mankind. heard of admiral byrd?? he stated in an interview in the 1940s after his trip there that there was land larger than the US and canada PAST the antarctic with vast amounts of resources including uranium. but no one has ever tried to go there and rape it like they do the rest of the world. then 1 year later he is dead.............ya thats normal. as for the comments we are on essentially a conspiracy website. but the people on here still believe the crap mainstream tells them. i been on the path of truth for 27 years now, and people keep getting dumber. face diapers and killer viruses are a good example. so sorry if i am tired of repeating myself for 27 years..............heres some interesting info if you care.............peace out

Flat earth debunking:

Hummm, I see so some of your claims, comments, and accusations discussed in this video.

Unbelievable that someone here would post a link to a mainstream, indoctrinated, totally educationally programmed individual spewing their belief systems taught them by the system that has been bankrupt and corrupted of true knowledge and understandings for over 100 years - AS SOME KIND OF EXPERT. This guy (prof Dave) will never realize how wrong he truly is, imagine the pain in that for his ego (he will never get there). He actually believes all the mumbo jumbo and lies they taught him were true. When we know there are no human biological viruses (no contagions, no shedding, no spike protein) ever to be isolated or proven under a microscope to exist in a living form, I mean, where are people getting their beliefs? From what others have told them. Where is the true empirical evidence? Not on display or available anywhere - now that IS strange. There is no sense arguing, because those that know, know there is nothing to prove to others, we already know (so many lies and deceptions). But we do wish to see our fellow man and woman wake up. So please, dig deeper. We have to drop it all at the door and start over. Actual open-minded, unbiased critical thinking with accumulated knowledge from experience and observation with discernment built over time. Best wishes.

funkytunie wrote:

Unbelievable that someone here would post a link to a mainstream, indoctrinated, totally educationally programmed individual spewing their belief systems taught them by the system that has been bankrupt and corrupted of true knowledge and understandings for over 100 years - AS SOME KIND OF EXPERT. This guy (prof Dave) will never realize how wrong he truly is, imagine the pain in that for his ego (he will never get there). He actually believes all the mumbo jumbo and lies they taught him were true. When we know there are no human biological viruses (no contagions, no shedding, no spike protein) ever to be isolated or proven under a microscope to exist in a living form, I mean, where are people getting their beliefs? From what others have told them. Where is the true empirical evidence? Not on display or available anywhere - now that IS strange. There is no sense arguing, because those that know, know there is nothing to prove to others, we already know (so many lies and deceptions). But we do wish to see our fellow man and woman wake up. So please, dig deeper. We have to drop it all at the door and start over. Actual open-minded, unbiased critical thinking with accumulated knowledge from experience and observation with discernment built over time. Best wishes.

wow, not much passive agressive in there eh? LOL
and more than a touch of arrogance. instead of the usual blith bollocks of a response try to counter point what is actually asked of you such as the video above.
if scientific systems are all wrong then put down the internet device and step away from the internet. if all they teach is lies and bullshit then stop using the fruits of that system and science derived from it.
BTW on a flat earth if you diig deeper you'd fall out the bottom :P