(Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology) D. Ann Herring, Alan C. Swedlund - Human Biologists in the Archives_ Demography, Health, Nutrition and Genetics in Historical Population.pdf | 7.62 MiB |
(Economic Learning and Social Evolution) Herbert Gintis, Samuel Bowles, Robert T. Boyd, Ernst Fehr - Moral Sentiments and Material Interests - The Foundations of Cooperation in Economic Life-The MIT P.pdf | 1.98 MiB |
(Federico Caffè Lectures) Samuel Bowles - The New Economics of Inequality and Redistribution-Cambridge University Press (2012).pdf | 977.87 KiB |
(Frontiers collection) Meyer-Ortmanns, Hildegard_ Thurner, Stefan (eds) - Principles of evolution _ from the Planck Epoch to complex multicellular life-Springer (2011).pdf | 4.5 MiB |
(Natural Computing Series) Susan Stepney, Steen Rasmussen, Martyn Amos - Computational Matter-Springer International Publishing (2018).pdf | 6.58 MiB |
(Roundtable Series in Behavioral Economics) Samuel Bowles - Microeconomics_ Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution-Princeton University Press (2006).pdf | 1.95 MiB |
(Studies in Computational Intelligence 474) Edwin Simpson, Stephen Roberts, Ioannis Psorakis (auth.), Tatiana V. Guy, Miroslav Karny, David Wolpert (eds.) - Decision Making and Imperfection-Springer-V.pdf | 4.13 MiB |
(Very Short Introductions) John H. Holland - Complexity_ A Very Short Introduction-Oxford University Press (2014).epub | 561.67 KiB |
(Volume 15 of Primers in Complex Systems) Solé, R._Elena, S.F. - Viruses as Complex Adaptive Systems-Princeton University Press (2018).pdf | 17.39 MiB |
Agent-Based Modeling for Archaeology Simulating the Complexity of Societies (Iza Romanowska, Colin D. Wren etc.).pdf | 118.5 MiB |
Allison Stanger - Whistleblowers_ Honesty in America from Washington to Trump-Yale University Press (2019).epub | 638.19 KiB |
Andrea Belgrano, Ursula M. Scharler, Jennifer Dunne, Robert E. Ulanowicz - Aquatic Food Webs_ An Ecosystem Approach-Oxford University Press, USA (2005).pdf | 3.33 MiB |
Andreas Wagner - Arrival of the Fittest_ Solving Evolution's Greatest Puzzle-Current Hardcover (2014).epub | 2.49 MiB |
Andreas Wagner - Life Finds a Way_ What Evolution Teaches Us About Creativity-Basic Books (2019).epub | 5.43 MiB |
Andreas Wagner - Robustness and Evolvability in Living Systems-Princeton University Press (2007).pdf | 36.57 MiB |
Brendan OâFlaherty_ Rajiv Sethi - Shadows of Doubt_ Stereotypes, Crime, and the Pursuit of Justice-Harvard University Press (2019).pdf | 1.79 MiB |
Charles Stanish - The Evolution of Human Co-operation_ Ritual and Social Complexity in Stateless Societies-Cambridge University Press (2017).pdf | 21.02 MiB |
coll. - The Emergence of Premodern States_ New Perspectives on the Development of Complex Societies-SFI Press (2018).pdf | 5.42 MiB |
Cowan, G. A._ Cowan, G. A._ Cowan, George A. - Manhattan Project to the Santa Fe Institute _ the memoirs of George A. Cowan-University of New Mexico Press (2010).pdf | 17.38 MiB |
Cristopher Moore, Stephan Mertens - The Nature of Computation-Oxford University Press, USA (2011).epub | 42.19 MiB |
Daniel C. Dennett - From Bacteria to Bach and Back_ The Evolution of Minds-W. W. Norton & Company (2017).pdf | 6.49 MiB |
Dynamics in Human and Primate Societies Agent-Based Modeling of Social and Spatial Processes (Santa Fe Institute Studies in... (Timothy A. Kohler, George G. Gumerman) (z-lib.org).pdf | 25.79 MiB |
Eagle, Nathan_ Greene, Kate - Reality mining _ using big data to engineer a better world-The MIT Press (2014).pdf | 964.2 KiB |
Emerging syntheses in science Proceedings of the founding workshops of the Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico (David Pines).pdf | 8.37 MiB |
Feldman, David P - Chaos and fractals an elementary introduction (2014, Oxford University Press).pdf | 14.98 MiB |
Geoffrey West - Scale_ The Universal Laws of Growth, Innovation, Sustainability, and the Pace of Life in Organisms, Cities, Economies, and Companies-Penguin (2017).epub | 22.21 MiB |
Golan, Amos - Foundations of info-metrics_ modeling and inference with imperfect information-Oxford University Press (2018).pdf | 5.3 MiB |
History, Big History, Metahistory (David C. Krakauer).pdf | 3.6 MiB |
Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel, Ofer Bar-Yosef - The Neolithic Demographic Transition and its Consequences (2008).pdf | 22.23 MiB |
Jenna Bednar - The Robust Federation_ Principles of Design (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions) -Cambridge University Press (2008).pdf | 1.59 MiB |
John F. Padgett, Walter W. Powell - The Emergence of Organizations and Markets-Princeton University Press (2012).epub | 6.26 MiB |
John H. Holland - Signals and Boundaries_ Building Blocks for Complex Adaptive Systems-The MIT Press (2012).pdf | 4.06 MiB |
Just Deserts Debating Free Will (Daniel C. Dennett Gregg D. Caruso [Dennett etc.).pdf | 1.81 MiB |
Kenneth O. Stanley, Joel Lehman (auth.) - Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned_ The Myth of the Objective-Springer International Publishing (2015).pdf | 1.38 MiB |
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Mark Newman - Networks_ An Introduction -Oxford University Press (2010).mobi | 9.12 MiB |
Mark Newman - Networks_ An Introduction-Oxford University Press, USA (2010).pdf | 28.66 MiB |
Matthew O. Jackson - The Human Network_ How Your Social Position Determines Your Power, Beliefs, and Behaviors-Pantheon Books (2019).epub | 14.39 MiB |
Melanie Mitchell - Artificial Intelligence_ A Guide for Thinking Humans-Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2019).epub | 21.4 MiB |
Melanie Mitchell - Complexity_ A Guided Tour-Oxford University Press, USA (2009).pdf | 4.53 MiB |
Michael Kearns, Aaron Roth - The Ethical Algorithm_ The Science of Socially Aware Algorithm Design-Oxford University Press (2020).pdf | 8.51 MiB |
Miller, John H - A Crude Look at the Whole_ The Science of Complex Systems in Business, Life, and Society-Basic Books, Perseus Books Group [distributor (2016_2015).epub | 6.46 MiB |
Paula L. W. Sabloff - Mapping Mongolia _ situating Mongolia in the world from geologic time to the present-University of Pennsylvania Press (2011).pdf | 6.62 MiB |
Richard M. Sibly, James H. Brown, Astrid Kodric-Brown - Metabolic Ecology_ A Scaling Approach-Wiley-Blackwell (2012).pdf | 6.85 MiB |
Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis, Melissa Osborne Groves (Editors) - Unequal Chances_ Family Background and Economic Success -Princeton University Press (2005).pdf | 1.72 MiB |
Samuel Bowles_ Frank Roosevelt_ Richard Edwards - Understanding capitalism _ competition, command, and change (2017).pdf | 110.78 MiB |
Scott E. Page - The Model Thinker_ What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You-Basic Books (2018).epub | 11.3 MiB |
Ten Thousand Years Of Inequality The Archaeology Of Wealth Differences (Timothy A. Kohler, Michael Ernest Smith).pdf | 7.31 MiB |
The Emergence of Premodern States New Perspectives on the Development of Complex Societies.pdf | 5.42 MiB |
Unsolved Problems in Ecology (Andrew Dobson (editor), Robert D. Holt (editor).pdf | 18.7 MiB |
Worlds Hidden in Plain Sight (David C. Krakauer).epub | 2.85 MiB |