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Jimmy Savile coverage on BBC Panorama

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File Duration Resolution Video Format Audio Format 28m52s 1280x720 AVC AC-3 29m15s 1280x720 AVC AAC


BBC Panorama s61e36 (2013.11.04) After Savile: No More Secrets?

Why was it so easy for paedophiles like Jimmy Savile to get away with abusing children? In other countries evidence of abuse must be reported to the authorities. But here, turning a blind eye to child abuse in a school, or a hospital, or a church is not a crime. Reporter Sanchia Berg talks to victims, police and senior figures who are now calling for Britain to change the law and uncovers secret files which show that the government knew for decades that children's homes and schools covered up abuse. Head teachers and governors routinely moved abusers, sending them on with a good reference, rather than call the police. Even today, some head teachers still fail to act on reports and complaints.



BBC Panorama s62e21 (2014.06.02) Savile: The Power to Abuse

Jimmy Savile was free to abuse hundreds of young people across the UK over six decades. It happened in BBC dressing rooms, hospital wards, children's homes and schools, yet no-one stopped him. As the BBC and Department of Health each prepare to publish their own inquiries into the scandal, Panorama's Shelley Jofre investigates why Savile was given free access to the most vulnerable patients at Broadmoor Hospital and asks how the DJ got so close to the heart of Britain's establishment.
