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The Liberator 1 & 2

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Comment "The Liberator – Viral Dropboxes, Data DVDs and/or Flash Drives that can be copied to other flashdrives, computers, or Data DVDs to beat organized crime’s internet censorship. Each Liberator is full of liberty resources for high school and college students that both exposes the criminality of the “government” and provides the healthy alternatives of voluntaryism/peaceful anarchy, freedom, love, tolerance, agorism, counter-economics, and crypto-currencies. The Liberator includes the PDF version of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the interactive overview poster that looks great on the interactive smart boards in the government’s mandatory indoctrination centers. This evidence of government criminality is being deleted off YouTube, Facebook and Google. Make copies for Five (5) people you love today!" The Liberator 1 - Government Scam Collection The Liberator 2 - Fake Terror Collection
Created ByTixati v2.88
Creation Date2022.02.21 23:16
Info Hashd819aef63b419d0a923ad79074a252bf87857e83
NameThe Liberator 1 & 2
Node ID43107
Number of Files1734
Number of Pieces3543
Piece Length4 MiB
Size13.84 GiB