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Covid Vaccine Tricks - Are we being manipulated once more?

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Covid Vaccine Tricks - Are we being manipulated once more?
InProportion2, 28th January 2022

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InProportion2 wrote:

Those paying attention will already know that we have been deceived over covid numbers thanks to PCR false positives, "died of" vs. "died with" confusion and a "case" definition that, in the UK, has included literally millions of perfectly healthy people.

Grossly inflated counts have been used to mess with people's minds and direct opinion.

Now we have vaccines, did you think the authorities would suddenly start playing it straight?

This 10 minute video aims to identify three specific ways in which the performance of the covid vaccines have been misrepresented.

Tricks have been played.


Many of the injections are saline to keep the damage below the level of public consciousness and retain plausible deniability under certain assumptions; like "vaccines always help, right?" and "all the syringes contain the same thing, right?". There's so much fraudulence that it's clogging up the courts: Injections are completely unnecessary and don't work anyway (this is being kind: much of the damage is from the injections; it's a vicious cycle when the presented solution is the same as the problem); if you feel the need for something stronger than just living a healthy life for dealing with "COVID" see for actual cures (Ivermectin recommended). Also "COVID" is race-specific and ashkenazi Jews are little affected while whites then blacks are more affected by ACE2 receptor upregulation "what a coincidence"...