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The True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire (2017) [audiobook+ebook]

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The bestselling author of Overthrow and The Brothers brings to life the forgotten political debate that set America’s interventionist course in the world for the twentieth century and beyond

How should the United States act in the world? Americans cannot decide. Sometimes we burn with righteous anger, launching foreign wars and deposing governments. Then we retreat―until the cycle begins again.

No matter how often we debate this question, none of what we say is original. Every argument is a pale shadow of the first and greatest debate, which erupted more than a century ago. Its themes resurface every time Americans argue whether to intervene in a foreign country.

Revealing a piece of forgotten history, Stephen Kinzer transports us to the dawn of the twentieth century, when the United States first found itself with the chance to dominate faraway lands. That prospect thrilled some Americans. It horrified others. Their debate gripped the nation.

The country’s best-known political and intellectual leaders took sides. Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge, and William Randolph Hearst pushed for imperial expansion; Mark Twain, Booker T. Washington, and Andrew Carnegie preached restraint. Only once before―in the period when the United States was founded―have so many brilliant Americans so eloquently debated a question so fraught with meaning for all humanity.

All Americans, regardless of political perspective, can take inspiration from the titans who faced off in this epic confrontation. Their words are amazingly current. Every argument over America’s role in the world grows from this one. It all starts here.

File Duration
00 Title, Introduction.mp3 8m1s
01 c01 White and Peaceful Wings.mp3 33m42s
02 c02 There May Be an Explosion.mp3 1h24m
03 c03 The Great Day of My Life.mp3 1h1m
04 c04 Islands or Canned Goods.mp3 1h9m
05 c05 If They Resist, What Shall We Do.mp3 46m4s
06 c06 Stinkpot.mp3 58m35s
07 c07 I Turn Green in Bed at Midnight.mp3 48m0s
08 c08 What a Choice for a Patriotic American.mp3 51m16s
09 c09 The Constitution Does Not Apply.mp3 1h14m
10 c10 You Will Get Used to It.mp3 50m46s
11 c11 The Deep Hurt.mp3 1h7m
12 Acknowledgments, Credits.mp3 2m6s
Total Duration 10h53m30s

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