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Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption (2018)

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Shattering the myth that the FBI leadership is immune to the twin lures of political power and money-from the team behind Clinton Cash

If you ask most Americans what they think about the FBI, they would tell you it's far and away the government agency they trust the most. The Bureau has, for decades, sold an image of itself as efficient, professional, unbiased, and untouchable by corruption.

That portrait is a sham.

Seamus Bruner and the Government Accountability Institute have spent years cataloging the widespread conflict-of-interests of the D.C. political class. They have found massive self-enrichment and political bias at the highest levels of government-including the Justice Department and the FBI. Indeed, the nation's most important law enforcement agency has become so compromised that every major investigation should face intense scrutiny from the public, the media, and from Congress.

James Comey, Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe, and the rest of the recent FBI leadership should be forced to answer for the way the Bureau has abused the public trust under their watch.

File Duration
0 Title, Forward, Introduction.mp3 36m58s
1 c1 The Insurance Policy.mp3 1h0m
2 c2 The FBIs Burial of Uranium Scandals.mp3 1h8m
3 c3 The FBIs and DOJs Foreign Agents Problem (FARA).mp3 1h3m
4 c4 The United Surveillance States of America (USSA).mp3 1h18m
5 c5 Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Abuse.mp3 1h3m
6 Conclusion, Credits.mp3 23m30s
Total Duration 6h32m28s

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