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First of all those who do not fully understand the ex-Yugoslavia civil war, should be aware that 95% of all peoples living in ex-Yugoslavia are actually exactly the same ethnic group! The word Yugoslavia itself means Southern Slavia, the place where Slavic people live in the south of Europe. They can also be called Tracians, Illirians, Vends, Sorbs, Samaritians etc... but today, all agree they are Slovenes or Slavic. Since Slavic people are an enormous people in Europe (Russians and Siberians are Slavic a swell!), to locate the specific tribes, they were referred to by the fact if they lived in valleys, mountains, hills, close to a river, etc... The mountain region close to the Adriatic Sea, is called Montenegro, literally 'black mountain'. The region around river Bosna, is called Bosnia. Those who lived in hill formations in Croatia are called by the Slavic term "those from the hills", Hrvati, Croatians. Those who live in a region with many forests in Serbia, are called called "Sumadinci", which means forest inhabitants. The place from where the wind called "Kosava" blows is called Kosovo. So it's easy to understand the names of the new born "nationalities" have nothing to do with a cultural or ethnic entity but rather a geographical or even climatic event, while inhabited in 95% by the same Slavic people.
The Austria Hungarian Empire which was basically a Catholic Empire, very much desired the complete holocaust of all Slavic people on the Balkans because they resisted to give up their Slavic language and cultural heritage, a Greek Orthodox Christian heritage of the extinguished Byzantine Empire. Specially Italy and Austria have always disliked the idea of a big homogeneous Greek Orthodox Slavic population, 50 million people, so close to Italy and Austria and standing in the way of Catholic dream of world domination. Many times Rome has helped Turks to attack Serbia instead of helping their Christian brothers defend themselves from Ottoman attacks. And almost 1 million Serbs were killed by Jesuits only in WWII. See my upload "Vatican Holocaust in Jasenovac, Croatia". The Vatican decided that a new Inquisition would be the definite 'solution' for Orthodox people in that region. The motto was 'convert 33% to catholicism. make 33% leave the Balkans, kill the remaining 33% who would resist to convert but not want to leave either. So many Serbs converted to Catholicism and became 'Croatians'. Orthodox Christians continued to be Serbs and Muslim became the true "Bosniaks", even though Muslim faith arrived there only a 400 years ago.
So after marshal Tito died, the task for EU and US to break down Yugoslavia was at the same time very complicated but also a very easy one. Vatican backed the Croatians, Arab world and US backed the Muslims, and NOBODY backed Serbians because Russia was too "busy" building up it's own ruins of USSR. Russian position of ignoring the Balkans, except for some noble Russian people who voluntary joined Serbian forces, was the same as Russia's position in WWII towards Serbia: do nothing and in exchange Russia would sell trillions of m3 of gas to Europe, or enjoy other benefits. A strange ally to Serbia, the least thing one could say. So with that panorama of Serbs left once more without any real ally, it was obvious the Western Powers only had to force Croatians to stop fighting Muslims and, even though they were killing each other up to that time, create a temporary Catholic-Muslim alliance in order to isolate the Orthodox Serbs. But how would they explain this to the world and specially how to get support of the people in US and EU, who in the end would send their sons to risky military operations against Serbia? That's when CNN becomes an essential player in the game.
CNN's task before and during NATO attack on Yugoslavia, was to ensure the world would think Jesuits (Croats) were the good guys, the Orthodox Christians (Serbs) were the bad ones, and the Muslims were poor victims who had no other choice then to ally with Jesuit Croats, which made the Serbs look even worse. The reason for US choosing sides did not reside in a philanthropic love for any of those involved, but simply because Serbs are mostly Greek Orthodox Christians which makes them deadly enemies to the Vatican Jesuits. As simple as that. Serbs are a 90% in Serbia itself, but also 70% of Bosnia, 90% of Montenegro, 10% of Slovenia and 10% of Macedonia. No other ethnic group is as dispersed all over ex-Yu as Serbians were. One did not have to be a genius to understand that if you wanted to break up the country, you should start by breaking down the cohesion between the biggest group living all over ex-Yugoslavia and force them to suddenly live in 6 different and independent countries. Specially Croatia and Bosnia, where Serbian population was 50% and 70% was targeted for this purpose of dividing and conquering. EU and US armed, trained and logistically supported Catholics and Muslims, while blaming Serbs for all evil in the world.
The role of the UN Hague tribunal is to justify why US and NATO helped Jesuits ethnically cleanse 400.000 Serbs out of their homes in Croatia, help Albanians cleanse 250.000 Serbs out of their 1400 years old Kosovo and kill at least 35.000 Serbian civilians during the attacks. Many mass graves are being discovered even today and since DNA tests are impossible after so much time, coveniantly, the victims are labeled "Croatian or Muslim victims of Serb agression", even though it might be all Serbian victims, one cannot distinguish bones because as I said, 95% of all Yugoslav are the same ethnic group.
But since it is very hard to falsify DNA, they can make pictures and print them in newspapers saying "Victims of Serbian agression", but the fact is, 7000 of supposed 8000 Muslims killed, are actually not living in Bosnia anymore, but that does not make them "dead"!!! 3000 of those "dead" arrived alive and kickin' in Srebrenica when municipal eleccions were held, so UN officials had to tell them "Sorry, you cannot vote, Sir. You are on the list of massacred by Serbs in 1994". So people actually started to ask themselves if the complete picture was not very muvch exagerated in order to justify NATO's attacks? Well, when people start to think for themselves, there is always the power of television, and that's when we go to the Hague Tribunal.
The main reason why the Hague Tribunal exists is to defend US, NATO and EU's politics and actions in the Balkans. Those three were accused by Yugoslavia who claimed $300.000.000 for war damages and expropriation of goods and also, NATO was to pay all medical costs and indemnization to Serbian families who lost familly members or were injured during NATO bombardments. If Yugoslavia (at that time made up of Serbia and Montenegro only) would win, it would not only mean that US, NATO and EU were to pay, but also it would have meant NATO would not be able to defend the idea of an independant Kosovo where NATO builds the biggest military base since WWII outside US and specially in times just before attacking Afghanistan, Irak, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, etc... the necessity of such a huge military base so close to Middle East, is of incredible utility and 'best' of all, it's completely free! Albanians in Kosovo don't charge NATO one single dime for using it's territory. So now we suddenly understand why Kosovo "cannot" be given an autonomy status inside Serbian borders.
Serbia would never allow a free and abusive use of it's territory. The extremely expensive built huge US military base today also serves as a laboratory for Afghan opium, which then is exported to a quality control center and repacking in Holland from where it is sent to UK and distributed to all over the world. No surprise Afghanistan was the first country to recognise Kosovo as an independant opium country, it's their main client!!! Though very well informed and aware, all these multi billion obscure businesses make it ipossible for the Hague to be truley just since it is paid by UN funds, funds that come from the same who are involved in those businesses. Anything but justice, the Hague's Tribunal only ressembles the Hitler's Nazi fake trials where Jesuit judges sentenced honest Germans to death for not sympathizing with Hitler's political ideas.
The political attacks against Serbia will not stop for many years to come because US, NATO and EU know that the best defense is always to attack, accusing all Serbian politicians and military to be criminals. In that way, if many Serbs are brought to the Hague, it serves the US, NATO and EU to try to prove their attack on Serbia was "legal".
This video is about how false witnesses show up in the Hague but are so stupid that any half intelligent person would immediately discover they are lying. It is also about how journalists falsified proofs. As all witnesses against ex-president of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic were dismantled by Milosevic himself and the Tribunal arrived at a point where they only could declare ex-president Milosevic not guilty, he was then poisoned in prison by those who jailed him giving him "by mistake" medicine against malaria.