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<Troublemaker> Connecticut will soon have two kike senators
[10:08:49 AM] Blue Collar Brad is logged into the chat
[10:08:54 AM] falcon1 has left the chat
[10:08:55 AM] <manofdan> hello
[10:08:57 AM] falcon1 is logged into the chat
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[10:09:00 AM] <Joe Pennsylvania> I THINK it was more like FEMINISM then plastic VIKING
[10:09:05 AM] Blue Collar Brad has left the chat
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[10:09:08 AM] <LanceCT> will they both be rabbis?
[10:09:10 AM] falcon1 is logged into the chat
[10:09:13 AM] Viking4Ever has left the chat
[10:09:23 AM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
[10:09:46 AM] <Mooch> Hi Pastor Wickstrom and Pastor Bob, May YAHWEH Bless you both.
[10:09:56 AM] <blassfrau> Joe...feminism + affirmative action
[10:10:05 AM] <manofdan> lol
[10:10:14 AM] <LanceCT> that's what George aharrison when he got mugged
[10:10:17 AM] <bikermanj> oh hell... the baptists
[10:10:17 AM] <blassfrau> suicidal
[10:10:18 AM] <mrrosenblatt> we're being drugged
[10:10:19 AM] <bikermanj> hahahaha
[10:10:33 AM] <Joe Pennsylvania> YES blassfrau...I THINK what you mentioned more then chemicals have ruined our men.
[10:10:34 AM] <MasterPhineas> ID BE KILLIN ME SOME NIGGERS !!
[10:10:35 AM] Viking4Ever is logged into the chat
[10:10:35 AM] <Troublemaker> Baptists are joo lovers
[10:10:47 AM] <Mooch> They are Cowards
[10:10:56 AM] <blassfrau> can't stand 'dem Baptists
[10:10:57 AM] <bikermanj> I tried to discuss with a baptist once
[10:10:59 AM] <LanceCT> Purify your water
[10:11:01 AM] <bikermanj> ONCE
[10:11:02 AM] chucky50 is logged into the chat
[10:11:03 AM] <bikermanj> heh
[10:11:06 AM] <TimeWillTell> mrrosenblatt - maybe thats why everyone is sleepy
[10:11:08 AM] Kung_Fu_Instructor is logged into the chat
[10:11:14 AM] <Joe Pennsylvania> BLASSFRAU...add JUDEO PREACHERS TO THE mix that effeminzed our men
[10:11:15 AM] <Viking4Ever> Is more mind control and feminizing of white men
[10:11:16 AM] <mrrosenblatt> most of them are jew wannabe's
[10:11:16 AM] WoodchipperOperator is logged into the chat
[10:11:17 AM] <Troublemaker> if he got on his knees, the niggers should have beat the manure out of him because he would take it.
[10:11:22 AM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat
[10:11:25 AM] <blassfrau> went to a Baptist church once.. never returned!!
[10:11:33 AM] <MasterPhineas> HED BE RAPED NEXT
[10:11:33 AM] <SupremeDNA> he is a subchristian
[10:11:51 AM] <bikermanj> <<<<< pours Jerel a sweet tea ;)
[10:11:51 AM] <Kung_Fu_Instructor> No audio. TalkShoe works great!!!
[10:12:12 AM] <jameswickstrom> Reboot Kung Fu
[10:12:17 AM] <Troublemaker> "Kung" means government, military, civil service and police
[10:12:26 AM] <Viking4Ever> Communications and churches are the true enemy beside the Kikes
[10:12:27 AM] <Joe Pennsylvania> masterphineas those kind of men remind me of NED BEATTY in DELIVERANCE squesaling...MAKES ME sick.
[10:12:31 AM] <Troublemaker> mistake "king"
[10:12:31 AM] <LanceCT> don't they even make beer bottles out of some plastic?
[10:12:44 AM] <SupremeDNA> I don't smoke, drink.
[10:12:50 AM] <Kung_Fu_Instructor> Adios. I'll listen to the archived program, as I've already missed 12 minutes of the live broadcast.
[10:12:55 AM] Kung_Fu_Instructor has left the chat
[10:13:04 AM] <Troublemaker> I support increased taxes, say from 75 to 80%
[10:13:21 AM] <LanceCT> communism is sooooo jewish
[10:13:27 AM] <SupremeDNA> The people don't owe any of that money, tell rothchild to get stuffed.
[10:13:31 AM] <Troublemaker> Socialism can only exist with stealing in force
[10:13:33 AM] <Viking4Ever> Race traitors need to be taken out the churches then communication then the fun begins
[10:13:45 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> The most popular person in the world will be the person who rids it of jewish influence.
[10:13:46 AM] <MasterPhineas> JEW IS WOLF'S CLOTHING
[10:13:51 AM] <MasterPhineas> IN*
[10:13:57 AM] <mrrosenblatt> Jews caused the oil leak at Talmud creek and now theyre bringing in illegals to clean it up- you'll end up paying.
[10:14:22 AM] <LanceCT> all the workers will be dead
[10:14:56 AM] <Mooch> The Jews have "decayed" the moral fabric of our Great Republic
[10:14:56 AM] <LanceCT> they are doin g the jobs we won't do HAHA
[10:15:05 AM] <Jerel> The Bolsheviks were nice people---they had "De-population" all figured out.
[10:15:56 AM] <rockace> yes, some priests teach that christianity is communist
[10:15:57 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Leon Trotsky - Lev Bronstein
[10:15:57 AM] <TimeWillTell> SupremeDNA - debt is a satanic jewish black magic of illusion.
[10:15:58 AM] skiparoo has left the chat
[10:16:14 AM] <TimeWillTell> there is no debt
[10:16:21 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Dead jews are unable to ruin nations.
[10:16:24 AM] <Troublemaker> There are no good figs
[10:16:42 AM] <LanceCT> wake up and smell the kike
[10:17:16 AM] <LanceCT> the giant sucking sound
[10:17:23 AM] <mrrosenblatt> they cause huge oil spills and cause plagues
[10:17:24 AM] <Mooch> It's a shame when you try to tell the white woman and white man the truth, they can't handle it.
[10:17:27 AM] <MasterPhineas> WATCH THE MOVIE LEARN THE TRUTH
[10:17:30 AM] Blue Collar Brad has left the chat
[10:17:30 AM] Blue Collar Brad is logged into the chat
[10:17:41 AM] <SupremeDNA> 'goodbye' scene from a serious man
[10:17:46 AM] <Troublemaker> the worst tax is inflation
[10:17:52 AM] Blue Collar Brad has left the chat
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[10:17:56 AM] BuzzardBreath62 is logged into the chat
[10:18:23 AM] <Viking4Ever> I cant see nothing changing any where til white men start to love their race.The law enforcement in Arizona better say it war against white men their
[10:18:26 AM] <Viking4Ever> Race
[10:18:29 AM] JeffersonHope has left the chat
[10:18:30 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> I pray to YAHWEH that we will all live to witness the extinction of the jews.
[10:18:31 AM] MICKEY1946 has left the chat
[10:18:56 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Jew York City
[10:18:57 AM] <Mooch> Was talking to a white womman this past weekend, her comment was, please don't tell me any more.
[10:19:30 AM] Viking4Ever has left the chat
[10:19:30 AM] Viking4Ever is logged into the chat
[10:19:40 AM] <LanceCT> who would believe a fake nigger?
[10:19:47 AM] <Mooch> Pastor Bob, this is exactly what they think, they are "brain dead".
[10:20:03 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> The only CHANGE that will be effective is killing all jews.
[10:20:17 AM] <mrrosenblatt> destroy the money then the media- until then its business as jewsual.
[10:20:35 AM] <LanceCT> she should be locked up for her wardrobe
[10:20:36 AM] manofdan has left the chat
[10:20:36 AM] manofdan is logged into the chat
[10:20:45 AM] <Joe Pennsylvania> lance, we had worse traitor presidents... that ruined our country much more then obama has
[10:20:46 AM] <Troublemaker> locked up in a zoo for baboons
[10:21:12 AM] <Viking4Ever> Lone-wolves only way
[10:21:17 AM] <mrrosenblatt> hymie makes the money
[10:21:21 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Viking - agreed
[10:21:42 AM] <Viking4Ever> Rally are good to a point for truth inly about it
[10:22:01 AM] <LanceCT> work for yourself UTT
[10:22:02 AM] <bikermanj> WORK FOR YOUESELF
[10:22:04 AM] <Joe Pennsylvania> viking lone wolves would be hated by your race. the whites would side with the jews not the L.Ws
[10:22:12 AM] <bikermanj> yeop yep
[10:22:21 AM] <LanceCT> the no tax system
[10:22:29 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Lone wolves cannot be infiltrated by the kike
[10:22:35 AM] <Technick001> lol
[10:22:41 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Send me your jews, feet first.
[10:22:51 AM] <LanceCT> tthe woodchipper tax will kill you
[10:22:52 AM] <MasterPhineas> FARGO !!
[10:22:56 AM] <mrrosenblatt> the money has to go
[10:23:00 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> I'll work for free
[10:23:14 AM] <mrrosenblatt> the media has to go and the jew has to go
[10:23:15 AM] <Joe Pennsylvania> woodchipper. no they cant be you think PASSIVE WHITES AND DUMB WHITE SHEEPLE will love the actions of LONE WOLVES ..NO WAY!
[10:23:20 AM] <Troublemaker> My cocaine business has no expenses
[10:23:33 AM] <Troublemaker> and pays no taxes
[10:23:53 AM] <LanceCT> TM how do you get supplies?
[10:23:57 AM] <Viking4Ever> Hey the Montana Free just about shut government down through( common law liens )against the government and individuals
[10:24:04 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Whites won't agree with anti-jew action whether done solo or in a group
[10:24:13 AM] <Viking4Ever> Montana Free men
[10:24:15 AM] <Troublemaker> I steal them from Mexican spics
[10:24:36 AM] <LanceCT> awright
[10:24:37 AM] <mrrosenblatt> barter system and gulag Jews is the only way to go
[10:24:54 AM] rockace has left the chat
[10:24:54 AM] rockace is logged into the chat
[10:24:57 AM] <Viking4Ever> they called a check cashing scheme to incarcerate them all bs
[10:24:57 AM] <LanceCT> so is their IQ
[10:25:14 AM] <Troublemaker> The Federal Reserve is also outside of standard business
[10:25:14 AM] <bikermanj> <<<salutes the Montana freemen
[10:25:28 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> The jew slave merchants brought the Blacks here
[10:25:32 AM] <falcon1> work at mcdonalds? show yoe right!
[10:25:34 AM] <LanceCT> yeah rthey sell it out the drive thru window
[10:25:47 AM] <mrrosenblatt> the govt is the jew enemy- there is no more money
[10:25:55 AM] <falcon1> crack
[10:26:02 AM] <LanceCT> you want an eight ball with that shake?
[10:26:21 AM] <falcon1> and its working
[10:26:26 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Not a Michael Jackson fan but he was Jew-wise
[10:26:36 AM] <Viking4Ever> true
[10:26:41 AM] <LanceCT> jew me kike me
[10:26:53 AM] <SupremeDNA> Has there been a callout yet tonight?
[10:26:55 AM] <Viking4Ever> Kike was ripping his money off
[10:27:04 AM] <Troublemaker> Niggers give out syphllys, AIDS and gonerhea for free. They are tolerant and charitable
[10:27:18 AM] <LanceCT> no arms
[10:27:36 AM] <blassfrau> race-mixing with can the white women get past that smell??whew!!...
[10:27:36 AM] <MasterPhineas> RAPE
[10:27:39 AM] <bikermanj> gun control= use both hands
[10:27:44 AM] <Joe Pennsylvania> the white race iraelites have NO TIME FOR YAHWEH.
[10:27:46 AM] <Viking4Ever> Churches are the true enemies besides the rat face kikes
[10:27:59 AM] <falcon1> where was al sharpton and jesse at the state fair?
[10:28:04 AM] <LanceCT> thou shalt not do murder
[10:28:05 AM] <Technick001> jim just a reminder State of Michigan Bay City News Local attorneys, police weigh in on U.S. Supreme Court's recent trimming of Miranda warning
[10:28:06 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Great news - The filthy jew Stan Polley who was cited in White man Pete Ham's (Badfinger)suicide note died last year.
[10:28:08 AM] <falcon1> not a peep
[10:28:44 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Blacks loot in public. Jews loot in private.
[10:28:47 AM] <mrrosenblatt> I have news for you- the USA is toast- every minute now that goes by without taking it back is wasted time
[10:28:49 AM] <Joe Pennsylvania> DID she get on her knees and pray
[10:28:58 AM] <LanceCT> she was already in court
[10:28:58 AM] <rockace> what's with the audio tonight? who's pulling the plug?
[10:28:58 AM] <blassfrau> blacks and other muds can abort all they want...
[10:28:59 AM] <MasterPhineas> GOOD SHOT LADY !!
[10:28:59 AM] <Viking4Ever> yes
[10:29:06 AM] rockace has left the chat
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[10:29:10 AM] <Viking4Ever> stinking apes
[10:29:13 AM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat
[10:29:25 AM] rockace has left the chat
[10:29:25 AM] rockace is logged into the chat
[10:29:33 AM] <MasterPhineas> BERSA THUNDER .380 GREAT CARRY GUN
[10:29:46 AM] <Technick001> jim just a reminder State of Michigan Bay City News Local attorneys, police weigh in on U.S. Supreme Court's recent trimming of Miranda warning
[10:30:22 AM] <Mooch> Pastor Bob, and many don't even care, all they care is living from day to day.
[10:30:22 AM] <Viking4Ever> They wont til Lone wolves activate the Phineas priest hood again
[10:30:22 AM] <Troublemaker> This society is simply collapsing. we need a monetary collapse folowed by stock and bond collapses
[10:30:23 AM] <MasterPhineas> CHEAP TOO
[10:30:23 AM] <MasterPhineas> BOUT 250 - 300 USD
[10:30:23 AM] <falcon1> yes it is
[10:30:23 AM] <falcon1> thats right
[10:30:24 AM] <SupremeDNA> those white people in SA are racist though
[10:30:37 AM] <Viking4Ever> and gooks
[10:30:49 AM] <MasterPhineas> DONT FORGET BEANERS
[10:31:01 AM] <Viking4Ever> yes
[10:31:13 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Totally agreed Pastor James
[10:31:20 AM] <LanceCT> think woody allen
[10:31:22 AM] <MasterPhineas> PHYSICALLY
[10:31:24 AM] <JoelMayer> The white woman is now Queen Vashti in the book of Esther. She will no longer come to the king.
[10:31:39 AM] <MasterPhineas> VAGINA MONOLOUGES
[10:31:41 AM] <blassfrau> right..the white men let the women walk all over them
[10:31:51 AM] <Mooch> They are Weak, they act like woman
[10:31:54 AM] <falcon1> these boots are made for walking
[10:32:01 AM] Guest 18 is logged into the chat
[10:32:05 AM] <Viking4Ever> Its all chemically modified Foods and the Feminizing of white men
[10:32:10 AM] <SupremeDNA> What type of self businesses are profitable out there?
[10:32:15 AM] rockace has left the chat
[10:32:21 AM] <Troublemaker> What work?
[10:32:33 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> There needs to be an airborne virus that only kills jews, similar to the film "12 Monkeys"
[10:32:34 AM] <LanceCT> i am home on wed. night!!
[10:32:35 AM] rockace is logged into the chat
[10:33:05 AM] <Mooch> Pastor Bob, you are correct, see it and hear it all the time I try to tell them about the Jews
[10:33:10 AM] <Viking4Ever> All the children are educated by TV and x-box while white parent keep trying to keep ends meet
[10:33:25 AM] <blassfrau> many white women have turned into a bunch of skanky sluts with no morals whatsoever..have terrible role models like Lindsey Lohan!!
[10:33:26 AM] <Troublemaker> they are not going to do anything except change the TV channel and watch niggrball or football
[10:33:45 AM] <LanceCT> how bout that dude than insured his hair for a miiion bucks
[10:33:51 AM] <falcon1> thats right bob
[10:33:51 AM] <SupremeDNA> My family hates me because I hate the jews. Refuse to listen to anything I say. BTW I am in Australia
[10:33:52 AM] <Viking4Ever> They wont act like men at all there to dumbed down
[10:33:57 AM] <jerrylt> correct pastor Bob
[10:34:08 AM] <falcon1> gullible
[10:34:08 AM] rockace has left the chat
[10:34:18 AM] <falcon1> and they laugh and laugh
[10:34:18 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Supreme - They cannot accept reality
[10:34:23 AM] <LanceCT> you can't even say you are whit in this country
[10:34:28 AM] <Mooch> Pastor Wickstrom, and the Jews laugh at the white race
[10:34:39 AM] <Viking4Ever> When you talk one on one to a White brother they all agree but in a crowd the run Yellow
[10:34:42 AM] <blassfrau> supremedna..I have the same problem...
[10:35:06 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> YAHWEH will set you free.
[10:35:07 AM] <LanceCT> I tell everyone it is the jew- every time I talk to people
[10:35:28 AM] <Mooch> We are seeing only the "tip" of the ice burg
[10:35:30 AM] <LanceCT> you aint seen nuthin yet
[10:35:38 AM] <Troublemaker> Deut 17:15 will not be laughed at
[10:35:41 AM] Guest 19 is logged into the chat
[10:35:58 AM] Viking4Ever has left the chat
[10:35:58 AM] Viking4Ever is logged into the chat
[10:36:08 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> You have the right to remain jew-wise.
[10:36:08 AM] <LanceCT> you have the right to be tased
[10:36:09 AM] JeffersonHope is logged into the chat
[10:36:20 AM] <Troublemaker> Dont tell the IRS you have the right to remain silent, its called Tax Evasion
[10:36:31 AM] <bikermanj> heh
[10:36:39 AM] <LanceCT> by asking to be silent you are not silent
[10:36:40 AM] <Troublemaker> dont say anything, screw the police
[10:36:49 AM] <BuzzardBreath62> unless you are illegal..then it's okay
[10:36:49 AM] Guest 19 has left the chat
[10:36:57 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Police are jew tools
[10:36:58 AM] <LanceCT> 5 words- I have nothing to say
[10:37:03 AM] manofdan has left the chat
[10:37:05 AM] <Viking4Ever> Call Jews what they are the Jew criminal mafia
[10:37:09 AM] <mrrosenblatt> The law is a Talmudic Kangaroo con job all around.
[10:37:19 AM] <Troublemaker> use the "F" word to tell them that you intend to be silent
[10:37:20 AM] rockace is logged into the chat
[10:37:31 AM] <LanceCT> Noahide Laws
[10:37:48 AM] <rockace> no audio buffering endlessly
[10:37:56 AM] <Troublemaker> there is no doubt about that, I fell sorry for the young, those under 30
[10:37:59 AM] <LanceCT> Tony Montana
[10:38:20 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> South Florida is infested with jews.
[10:38:22 AM] Viking4Ever has left the chat
[10:38:22 AM] Viking4Ever is logged into the chat
[10:38:26 AM] <LanceCT> Heck MIckey Mouse lives there
[10:38:44 AM] <bikermanj> heh.... wow
[10:39:09 AM] <mrrosenblatt> the hospitals take the illegals in purposely and you pay the bill
[10:39:13 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Florida Winn Dixie's just went out of business
[10:39:15 AM] Joe Pennsylvania has left the chat
[10:39:32 AM] <LanceCT> i went to the beach in Florida and smelled a jew
[10:39:46 AM] <bikermanj> ooowww winn dixie is gone
[10:39:48 AM] <bikermanj> ooowwww winn dixie is gone
[10:39:49 AM] <rockace> thanks for tech support you can have a chat in a park bench too
[10:39:50 AM] <LanceCT> works for me
[10:39:54 AM] <bikermanj> eehh
[10:39:55 AM] <blassfrau> need to whip that rump
[10:39:56 AM] <mrrosenblatt> you pay higher taxes for roads and give the jobs to illegals- you pay the bill
[10:40:00 AM] <Troublemaker> niggert shit is very nutritious with cocaine
[10:40:00 AM] <BuzzardBreath62> Because they love America
[10:40:30 AM] <LanceCT> the guys with the white skin and hats
[10:40:34 AM] <Technick001>
[10:40:50 AM] <TimeWillTell> they come to America to crap on it
[10:40:51 AM] <Mooch> Because of their doing nothing, is the reason our Great Republic is in the shape its in
[10:40:51 AM] <Technick001> go check out this link
[10:40:52 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Unlike the first Depression the jobs are no longer in the US
[10:41:00 AM] <mrrosenblatt> more money they think
[10:41:01 AM] <Troublemaker> Bob -- you are absolutely right, the economy is not coming back, no industry, no jobs etc.
[10:41:13 AM] <JeffersonHope> well duh, yuo just raise taxes
[10:41:30 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Jews have proven in earnest that they are the devil.
[10:41:31 AM] <LanceCT> two trains speeding towards each other on the same track
[10:41:33 AM] <Mooch> And they thought that the Great Depression" was bad
[10:41:34 AM] <Troublemaker> after November 6th there might be jobs for politicians
[10:41:48 AM] Viking4Ever has left the chat
[10:41:48 AM] Viking4Ever is logged into the chat
[10:41:52 AM] <mrrosenblatt> it may be a good opportunity to trash usury in America
[10:42:05 AM] <Technick001>
State of Michigan Bay City Times
[10:42:22 AM] <LanceCT> i me a guy who was in a tent with a jew who would not wash
[10:42:22 AM] <Troublemaker> The people voted for "change", they are getting it
[10:42:26 AM] <Mooch> They have their own "seed banks", just for them
[10:42:29 AM] <aVenger> November 2 is voting tuesday
[10:42:31 AM] <blassfrau> the house we are renting..the owner is defaulting on his payments..
[10:42:39 AM] <Viking4Ever> They wont wake up to made toys sex beer ect
[10:42:49 AM] rockace has left the chat
[10:43:05 AM] <Viking4Ever> many
[10:43:16 AM] <LanceCT> now they use DVD's
[10:43:19 AM] <Mooch> It is so frustrating when they argue with you when you are trying to wake them up, I think they like to sleep walk
[10:43:33 AM] <JeffersonHope> true...many of our people actually treat movies as reality
[10:43:42 AM] <Troublemaker> Lets discuss the weather and its effects so far this summer. Tomatoes died in North Carolina
[10:43:45 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Jew line "This film is based on a true story"
[10:43:53 AM] <blassfrau> Mooch..dust off your shoes of them and move on..
[10:44:06 AM] <LanceCT> the gladiators were fabulously wealthy
[10:44:17 AM] <Mooch> Blassfrau, thanks, love you sister
[10:44:18 AM] rockace is logged into the chat
[10:44:31 AM] <blassfrau> love you too Mooch..
[10:44:45 AM] <Mooch> Thanks, that means alot
[10:44:46 AM] <LanceCT> every guy I ever went off on was a kike
[10:44:56 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> The jew is the great deceiver.
[10:44:57 AM] <LanceCT> they don't pay
[10:45:11 AM] <Mooch> Pastor Bob is correct
[10:45:19 AM] <BuzzardBreath62> Must be those pretty noses
[10:45:22 AM] <Viking4Ever> They worship the Jew and nigger ball
[10:45:29 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> The jew cannot survive the internet
[10:45:38 AM] <Mooch> They can't do enough for the Jew
[10:45:42 AM] <LanceCT> as soon as you tell them the jews are the problem they call you KKK
[10:45:42 AM] folkishChristian is logged into the chat
[10:45:54 AM] <blassfrau> Jewish women hate white women with a passion..I know from personal experience..
[10:46:01 AM] <Mooch> The Jew says jump and they say how high?
[10:46:05 AM] <Troublemaker> joos are very heavily representated at the top of them military totem pole
[10:46:07 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Blass - very true
[10:46:11 AM] <JoelMayer> 269 jews died in Viet Nam. That's a casualty rate of 0.46%
[10:46:18 AM] <LanceCT> Kosher tax
[10:46:25 AM] <mrrosenblatt> Beck, OReilly, Hannity, Savage, Schlimbaum, etc... need to disappear first. Then let a sellout take their place.
[10:46:39 AM] <LanceCT> cuz he was out of bullets lol
[10:46:52 AM] <blassfrau> true///
[10:47:01 AM] <Viking4Ever> They should know about the jew evil after the ripped apart then Lindbergh Baby
[10:47:03 AM] <LanceCT> they consider Palestinians dogs
[10:47:03 AM] <JoelMayer> Right now jews have a t-shirt saying 1 shot 2 kills. (meaning kill pregnant Palestinian women)
[10:47:04 AM] <BuzzardBreath62> Beck is going to be found molesting some kid
[10:47:05 AM] <Mooch> Then you try to tell them about the Jew, and they say, but I have Jew friends.
[10:47:10 AM] <JeffersonHope> rosenblatt, they're already sellouts
[10:47:28 AM] <MasterPhineas> JEW
[10:47:29 AM] rockace has left the chat
[10:47:30 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Jews are unable to be friends, or even people.
[10:47:32 AM] <mrrosenblatt> a new sellout
[10:47:35 AM] <MasterPhineas> NIGGER
[10:47:39 AM] <MasterPhineas> BEANER
[10:47:40 AM] Guest 20 is logged into the chat
[10:47:45 AM] <blassfrau> M. Began..that mug .. a god.... is that a joke..???
[10:47:49 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Bob - that is true.
[10:47:51 AM] <LanceCT> they will find out that the jews are not their friends
[10:48:03 AM] Viking4Ever has left the chat
[10:48:04 AM] Viking4Ever is logged into the chat
[10:48:04 AM] <Troublemaker> When is the Phineas Prieshood coming back?
[10:48:07 AM] <Mooch> They take the Jew's word over mine
[10:48:15 AM] <MasterPhineas> SOON
[10:48:20 AM] <Viking4Ever> sicking 7 time booted
[10:48:24 AM] <LanceCT> because they worship the jew
[10:48:28 AM] Guest 20 has left the chat
[10:48:31 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Praise YAHWEH when the last jew dies.
[10:48:35 AM] <BuzzardBreath62> Dash the little ones heads against the stones
[10:48:36 AM] <Mooch> Absolutley Lance
[10:48:41 AM] <blassfrau> Troublemaker..I'm impatiently waiting for their return..
[10:48:48 AM] rockace is logged into the chat
[10:48:51 AM] <LanceCT> yeah but wasn't Jesus a jew?
[10:48:52 AM] <mrrosenblatt> when the crap hits the fan the Jew will hit the fan
[10:49:03 AM] <Troublemaker> The joos can not stop the prophecies in Obadiah 15-18
[10:49:09 AM] <monamontgomery> God tortured Jesus to death on the cross to save WHITE people only.
[10:49:21 AM] <Mooch> Lance, they go as far as to protect the Jew and then turn around and thorw us under the bus
[10:49:35 AM] <WoodchipperOperator>
[10:49:45 AM] <monamontgomery>
[10:49:57 AM] <monamontgomery>
[10:50:14 AM] <LanceCT> I know I had to crawl out from under the bus in M anhattan
[10:50:22 AM] <Troublemaker> The Geneva and King James are essentially identical. I have both of them
[10:50:33 AM] <Mooch> Really Lance, wow, what happened?
[10:50:41 AM] <Troublemaker> Jim == You are talking about Port Chester, New York
[10:50:45 AM] <Technick001> State of Michigan Bay City News Local attorneys, police weigh in on U.S. Supreme Court's recent trimming of Miranda warning
[10:50:58 AM] <LanceCT> That is called voter fraud
[10:51:03 AM] <Technick001>
State of Michigan Bay City Times
[10:51:27 AM] <LanceCT> a can of worms
[10:51:28 AM] <blassfrau> what about reading the books of enoch, jasher and jubliees..not included in the standard parchments..
[10:51:37 AM] <Mooch> Sure, they want their Latino buddies in there
[10:51:49 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> This show and others like it are the only places of sanity left in the world
[10:52:21 AM] <LanceCT> i love the descriptios in Enoch Flames-Crystal
[10:52:39 AM] <LanceCT> to the edge of heaven
[10:52:46 AM] texasjeff42 is logged into the chat
[10:53:10 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Always take the opposite of what a jew says and start your analysis from there.
[10:53:13 AM] <LanceCT> there's lies there's damn lies and there's jews
[10:53:16 AM] <mrrosenblatt> Marky Mark was a jew though
[10:53:39 AM] Viking4Ever has left the chat
[10:53:40 AM] Viking4Ever is logged into the chat
[10:53:40 AM] <mrrosenblatt> Schmuel Clements
[10:53:50 AM] <LanceCT> my dad said he never met a poor one
[10:53:50 AM] <MasterPhineas> HE STILL IS BLATT
[10:53:51 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Mark Walburg is not a kike, but he does the work of the kike.
[10:54:13 AM] rockace has left the chat
[10:54:22 AM] <LanceCT> they collect Social Security in Mexico
[10:54:35 AM] <MasterPhineas> VIKING KEEPS GETTING KICKED
[10:54:39 AM] <Technick001>
State of Michigan Bay City Times
[10:54:51 AM] folkishChristian has left the chat
[10:54:52 AM] <mrrosenblatt> Wahlberg isnt a kike? He's a whigger bagel stuffer.
[10:54:57 AM] Guest 15 has left the chat
[10:55:01 AM] <Mooch> Thank you Pastor Wickstrom and Pastor Bob, I apprecitate you both so much
[10:55:04 AM] <LanceCT> 100% to us!
[10:55:05 AM] <Technick001> jim here is the link to that news artical
[10:55:07 AM] <Technick001>
State of Michigan Bay City Times
[10:55:29 AM] <LanceCT> Randy must be hammer down
[10:55:46 AM] <MasterPhineas> WAKEY WAKEY OR JEW WILL TAKEY
[10:55:48 AM] <blassfrau> white guilt is destroying this country
[10:55:50 AM] <LanceCT> the money sysssssssstem is in real trouble
[10:56:03 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> This is the last generation of White people left to fight the jew.
[10:56:10 AM] <mrrosenblatt> 2 in the back of the head Katyn style
[10:56:19 AM] rockace is logged into the chat
[10:56:24 AM] <aVenger>
[10:56:27 AM] <LanceCT> you need food, water, guns, ammo-EPA wants to outlaw lead bullets
[10:56:30 AM] <blassfrau> true,,it's us and it's now
[10:56:34 AM] <JeffersonHope> first day of my American Literature class today...main topic: America is evil
[10:56:40 AM] <rockace> wow i missed the whole show no audio
[10:56:45 AM] <rockace> that'
[10:56:52 AM] <jameswickstrom> Reboot
[10:56:56 AM] <SupremeDNA> I'm not allowed a gun in Australia
[10:56:57 AM] <Technick001> reboot
[10:56:58 AM] <Mooch> Was reading that in Pa if a student misses 3 days from school without a doctor's excuse, it is off to Wilderness camp for them
[10:57:01 AM] <MasterPhineas> UPDATE JAVA ROCKACE
[10:57:05 AM] <rockace> i guess a jew was behind it
[10:57:16 AM] <LanceCT> they hate America for 200 years
[10:57:16 AM] <rockace> update java yes i'll try that
[10:57:17 AM] <Viking4Ever> What Happen to Noriega
[10:57:22 AM] <Troublemaker> Supreme - will indonesians be allowed to have guns in Australia?
[10:57:41 AM] <LanceCT> switched to WIN 7 worrrrks great
[10:57:46 AM] <Mooch> In this Wilderness Camp they take their shoes away so that the students can't run home
[10:57:47 AM] <SupremeDNA> nobody is
[10:57:50 AM] <MasterPhineas> SAME HERE 7 IS GOOD
[10:57:52 AM] <SupremeDNA> TM
[10:57:54 AM] <rockace> what version java you have MasterPhineas
[10:58:01 AM] <Technick001> viking i think noriega is gone for good
[10:58:03 AM] mrrosenblatt has left the chat
[10:58:11 AM] <MasterPhineas> JUST GOT AN AUTO UPDATE 2 DAYS AGO
[10:58:13 AM] <Mooch> Pa is a Communist State
[10:58:27 AM] <MasterPhineas> I THINK IT IS JAVA 7
[10:58:39 AM] <rockace> ok
[10:58:40 AM] <rockace> test
[10:58:47 AM] <rockace> ok will try to update
[10:58:48 AM] <LanceCT> it is a race war-Col. Farrell
[10:58:51 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> YAHWEH provides the mental strength to oppose the jew.
[10:58:52 AM] <rockace> just lost audio again
[10:58:59 AM] <Mooch> They say "getting while they are young", and they do
[10:59:10 AM] <Technick001> you got audio rockace
[10:59:23 AM] <Mooch> They say, get them while they are young, and they do
[10:59:24 AM] <falcon1> yes and the stench is going up to heaven
[10:59:29 AM] <LanceCT> all good nick
[10:59:41 AM] <SupremeDNA> I was pretty stuffed up when I was a kid but I found out the truth.
[10:59:43 AM] <falcon1> wait for the wrath
[10:59:44 AM] Viking4Ever has left the chat
[10:59:44 AM] Viking4Ever is logged into the chat
[10:59:45 AM] <blassfrau> SupremeDNA .. guess the jews run things down under.. you and those of the same mind need to change that. get your guns back before the race war start.
[10:59:55 AM] <SupremeDNA> call out
[11:00:07 AM] <LanceCT> MY favorite guest is Pastor Bob
[11:00:09 AM] <Mooch> Absolutley
[11:00:17 AM] <JeffersonHope> true, they love to corrupt Yahweh's people
[11:00:22 AM] <LanceCT> Yahweh Bless
[11:00:25 AM] <MasterPhineas> THANKS GUYS !!!
[11:00:26 AM] <Mooch> YAHWEH BLESS YOU BOTH
[11:00:28 AM] <TimeWillTell> Thanks for coming on tonight Bob!
[11:00:31 AM] <MasterPhineas> BLESS THE TRUTH
[11:00:32 AM] Troublemaker has left the chat
[11:00:34 AM] <JeffersonHope> Praise Yahweh, thank you for the show
[11:00:35 AM] <bikermanj> Yahweh bless y`sall
[11:00:35 AM] falcon1 has left the chat
[11:00:36 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Pastor Bob, Pastor James, may YAHWEH bless you both
[11:00:38 AM] <blassfrau> Pastor guest...thank you Pastor Bob!!
[11:00:39 AM] Guest 18 has left the chat
[11:00:41 AM] <Technick001> rockace go and down load the pro clinet
[11:00:44 AM] Jerel has left the chat
[11:00:53 AM] <Mooch> Great to see you Pastor Bob
[11:00:53 AM] <LanceCT> off for a walk
[11:00:54 AM] <Viking4Ever> Subie on tomorrow?
[11:00:55 AM] <MasterPhineas> JEW
[11:00:55 AM] jameswickstrom has hung up
[11:00:59 AM] LanceCT has left the chat
[11:01:00 AM] Blue Collar Brad has left the chat
[11:01:06 AM] TimeWillTell has left the chat
[11:01:07 AM] Guest 8 has left the chat
[11:01:07 AM] Guest 17 has left the chat
[11:01:08 AM] <Mooch> Great Show
[11:01:09 AM] theovercomer has left the chat
[11:01:13 AM] <WoodchipperOperator> Goodnight all. YAHWEH Bless.
[11:01:17 AM] <MasterPhineas> !!
[11:01:18 AM] bikermanj has left the chat
[11:01:19 AM] angus has left the chat
[11:01:24 AM] chucky50 has left the chat
[11:01:27 AM] <SupremeDNA> I will be uploading this show to concen
[11:01:31 AM] <JoelMayer> Awful nice to hear Pastor W and Pastor B together again.
[11:01:36 AM] JoelMayer has left the chat
[11:01:38 AM] JeffersonHope has left the chat
[11:01:43 AM] <monamontgomery> Was Subie on last week?
[11:01:55 AM] blassfrau has left the chat
[11:01:56 AM] <SupremeDNA> anyone a member of concen?
[11:02:01 AM] <aVenger> no
[11:02:08 AM] <Viking4Ever> Monamontgomery is Subie sister on tomorrow ?
[11:02:12 AM] <Mooch> I hope Pastor Bob comes again very soon, I missed him very much
[11:02:15 AM] Guest 21 is logged into the chat
[11:02:21 AM] WoodchipperOperator has left the chat
[11:02:24 AM] monamontgomery has left the chat
[11:02:26 AM] jerrylt has left the chat
[11:02:27 AM] MasterPhineas has left the chat
[11:02:29 AM] <Viking4Ever> No
[11:02:36 AM] <Technick001> good night jim
[11:02:44 AM] <jameswickstrom> Goodnight
[11:02:45 AM] <rockace> test
[11:02:49 AM] jameswickstrom has left the chat
[11:02:54 AM] Guest 21 has left the chat
[11:02:55 AM] <Mooch> SupremeDNA, what is that, an organization
[11:02:58 AM] <rockace> can't find java 7
[11:02:59 AM] Technick001 has left the chat
[11:03:14 AM] <SupremeDNA>
[11:03:16 AM] <Mooch> Goodnight Pastor Wickstrom
[11:03:20 AM] <SupremeDNA> Have a look Mooch
[11:03:42 AM] BRUTAL4TRUTH is logged into the chat
[11:03:50 AM] <Mooch> Thanks SupremeDNA, will do
[11:04:10 AM] <rockace> test
[11:04:11 AM] aVenger has left the chat
[11:04:12 AM] <SupremeDNA> You should see this show up there within half hour. I will also paste the chat log.
[11:04:20 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> cant hear a thing
[11:04:41 AM] <Mooch> SupremeDNA, do you have to log into it first
[11:04:42 AM] <SupremeDNA> BRUTAL4TRUTH, lol you are too late.
[11:04:46 AM] <SupremeDNA> show is over
[11:05:00 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> oh ok
[11:05:17 AM] <SupremeDNA> Mooch to view torrent details and download you have to create an account
[11:05:32 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> anything interesting?
[11:05:33 AM] <Mooch> Is their a cost
[11:05:38 AM] <Mooch> there*
[11:06:01 AM] Guest 10 has left the chat
[11:06:04 AM] <SupremeDNA> It was a good show Brutal4truth, pastor bob jones was on
[11:06:05 AM] Guest 16 has left the chat
[11:06:09 AM] <SupremeDNA> Mooch, no.
[11:06:12 AM] Guest 22 is logged into the chat
[11:06:15 AM] <Mooch> Ok, thanks
[11:06:20 AM] The recording has ended.
[11:06:21 AM] <SupremeDNA> You'll like it
[11:06:22 AM] The Call has ended.
[11:06:22 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> ok will download it in a minute
[11:06:34 AM] Guest 14 has left the chat
[11:06:35 AM] <Mooch> Goodnight, and May YAHWEH BLESS
[11:06:42 AM] Mooch has left the chat
[11:06:48 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> i got a question: is it allright to have a nonwhite concubine?
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[11:07:03 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> who cant produce a child
[11:07:31 AM] <rockace> i have the latest java according to their website
[11:07:46 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> no answer please?
[11:07:47 AM] <SupremeDNA> Would you want a sterile sheboon?
[11:07:52 AM] <rockace> test
[11:08:06 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> some are really good looking humanoids lol
[11:08:29 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> it aint like being with a fourlegged beast though
[11:08:31 AM] Guest 22 has left the chat
[11:09:14 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> pastor dan thinks its posible because of scripture
[11:10:02 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> what if jessica alba was your concubine and its legal according to scripture?
[11:10:03 AM] <SupremeDNA> Yes I heard that program
[11:10:23 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> what do u think?
[11:10:39 AM] <SupremeDNA> Personally I don't think so
[11:10:49 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> good lol
[11:11:08 AM] <BRUTAL4TRUTH> so long brothers and sisters
[11:11:14 AM] BRUTAL4TRUTH has left the chat
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[11:11:34 AM] Guest 9 has left the chat