Comment | This is John T. Wood's rare and shocking speech Foreign Entanglements Through United Nations (1952) where he plainly exposes the United Nations as a deceitful, treacherous campaign perpetrated against America by a coterie, composed of out-and-out minions of Soviet Russia, pro-British Fabian Socialists, Rhodes scholars and just plain traitors to America. Congressman Wood gave this historic speech on April 17, 1952 before Sixty-first Continental Congress of Daughters of the American Revolution, in Constitution Hall, Washington DC. In short but very informative essay form he summarizes how these groups have cast a web of diplomatic treaties around America which consequently ended with almost total control over US foreign policy in the hands of internationalists. Wood also issues a wake-up call to all Americans to stop giving away control over their destiny to people they have never met and have historically proven to have a globalist agenda which is in direct contradiction with the principles America was founded upon. 4 pages. A must read for everyone. |