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Wolfgang Wodarg - Full Interviews 1 & 2 - Planet Lockdown 2021

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CommentWolfgang Wodarg | Full Interviews 1 & 2 | Planet Lockdown Released on February 23rd, 2021 & March 2nd, 2021 In the first interview Wolfgang speaks about the corruption and fraud behind the pandemic. In the second he speaks about where we go from here. "This eye opening interview with Wolfgang Wodarg is one of the best in the series. He was a doctor, a public health official, member of the German parliament and later the Council of Europe. He fought against the 2009 Swine Flu situation and is an honorable and honest man we should all listen to." Please donate to the project. Your contribution makes a real difference. Subscribe to the email list for updates on the film and interviews: Watch more full interviews and educate yourself! Original LBRY.TV Video: Interview 1: Interview 2: BitChute Video: Interview 1: Interview 2:
Created ByqBittorrent v4.3.3
Creation Date2021.03.21 22:55
Info Hash6f2581ce535ba41ab6e87a4ff26b2fe6523c16da
NameWolfgang Wodarg - Full Interviews 1 & 2 - Planet Lockdown [720p]
Node ID41781
Number of Files3
Number of Pieces1639
Piece Length256 KiB
Size409.73 MiB