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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Sep 2013 w4

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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Sep 2013 w4

imo the best radio shows around.

Constantly revealing that which is kept hidden/ignored by the corporate/jewish/Israeli controlled/owned media bastards. revealing the crimes of Israel, including topics which Alex Jones purposefully avoids, and by doing so confirms Alex Jone's support for Israel's criminal/inhumane actions. Remember that it was Alex Jones's support for Israel, which led to Mike leaving that network.

Mike covers a lot of international news, not just USA news. Including info. regarding what those bastards from Israel are doing, and what Big Pharma is doing (including drugs, vaccines, GMO, etc) and excellent analysis of most of the significant issues affecting our lives.

Too many important issues to list, including false flag attempts, the Bankers, the cartel run Federal Reserve, etc.

well worth listening to, even after the aired date.

Note: All shows are com free.

and his website is a great source of relevant news / info.

Mike Rivero launched What Really Happened [initially called Rancho Runamukka] as a subpage on his business web site in 1993 asking pointed questions about the death of White House Deputy Council Vincent Foster.
As more and more investigations revealed more government deceptions, the project grew in size and eventually moved to its own domain [] where it resides today.
His WRH website is among the top ten ranked daily political news sites on the Internet, with a global readership in the millions. What Really Happened is proud to be one of the oldest political blogs on the net.
Rivero runs the WhatReallyHappened radio show on the Republic Broadcasting Network now, and makes good use of his sharp wit to help his blog visitors and radio listeners not only to read/hear the news but to understand what IS really happening.

Israel - a location on earth where some of the most ruthless & hard core criminals call home.

word of the year: Sayanim - 'Jews living outside Israel that volunteer to provide assistance to the Israeli Mossad. Includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics and even overt intelligence gathering. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the hundreds of thousands.'

'Megaphone' - 2 Greek words 'mega' = big, 'phone' = voice/sound.
The name given to the Israeli/jewish program that provides money to mega-malakes (ie Israelis/jews) to search the net for information/posts/comments that are critical and not acceptable to Israel/jews. When such information is found, an 'instant message' is sent out to all other mega-malakes on the program, and the Israelis/jews then attack that site. It is in essence 'INTERNET TERRORISM'.

20130925 WRH Kenia false flag - US on ground from day 1, Syria lies, Egypt controlled by USA/Israel, ...............

20130924 WRH Iran - Israel history of lies, Bill Crystal wants war, 11 fake Somalian terrorist, mobile chemical labs lies, Putin the champ fucks up USA plans to invade Syria, 21 Max Keizer on Banks, 39 Phyllis god, slave labour, Jubilee history, 56 China richest man new movie studios, 58 guns, common core brain washing, 65 cop trespasses and pulls down pro 2nd amendment signs, NSA, 69 Ben Swann Medical records not private, pain killers killing more than cocaine & heroin, school brainwashing - bells - history causes, 79 Phyllis Common core data storage, 84 RSA warning about NSA back door - stealing business ideas, 88 Steven Fry talks out against gov. 92 Israel instructions to walk out on Iran, NSA useless - does not catch real crims, 96 Pain killers 4x more deaths than cocaine & heroin, 100 Israel spies busted for trying to create fake Iran LinkedIn profile, Blankfine crap, USA illegally sending money to Israel who has WMD, 108 no methane on mars ?, 110 GW 21 Sept Antarctica most ice ever, GMO contamination is classified as 'normal'

20130923 WRH Israeli terror attack in Kenya - false flag, facebook censorship, more history of Israeli false flags - Lavon affair, Kenya leader - Samantha Loosweight, Taliban = students, Kenya attacked by Somalia - new oil deposits, 22 Kenya - 911 link - John O’Neill, 24 Syria - Israel behind intelligence, Iran, Israel stating they are a bunch of pussies, they should fight their own wars, 38 Phyllis voting, Israel, 50 EU diplomats attacked, Israelis stealing houses, 53 Iran - Russia pipeline, gov debt = $ 1 million/house, Israel has WMD, cut money to Israel, 70 Jews trying to ban Uni speech against Israel, 78 china - Venezuela agreement new petro dollar, 78 Phyllis Gays, 81 china - Venezuela petro Uon, 84 Obamacare - if u don't have 'healthcare' u will be fined, Obama lies, 100 CNN lies on Syria, Fake Somali terror threat in USA, Obama 'I am no a crook' 106 navy shooting on drugs, FBI states disbelievers of official stories = terrorists, IRS searching web for anti-Obama, 113 Cyprus - Italy oldest banks Bailing, IPhone issues,

20130920 WRH if gov goes life would be better - eg Belgium, 6 Navy DC shooter on medicin, 9 - in 1984 98k people killed by medical mistakes/year - now 400k /year, 14 Iran - Syrian intelligence comes from Israel, 18 Israel wants more money, ADL attacks Youtube, WMD free middle east vote - lost due to Israel who has WMD, 1961 2 WMD in USA, 23 Israel claiming Iran has WMD within weeks - from 1980, Mali gold, common core dumbing down being attacked, 30 FBI states that if you doubt 911 fairy tale = terrorist, 32 Economy - debt - BIS stating it is going to crash, 38 Phyllis, 41 FBI terrorist, 55 Bank crimes, 59 USA hates Venezuela, Iran, 65 Halliburton guilt for wilfully destroying evidence, 66 GW, 79 Phyllis more babies - depopulation, 82 GMO Epicyte gene, Fracking lies, Scientific American supports GMO, 89 GW = more ice, charities rip off, 92 Navy shooter Alexis on Medications, Random number generators NSA back doored, FISA court judges complaining about NSA lies - DOJ does not investigate, 102 Russia blacklists facebook,

20130919 WRH Alexis on Trasidome = violence, 16 S Korean video games = no violence, guns, 24 Syria - USA backing off, 38 Phyllis Common Core, Syria, 56 Israel has Saran chemicals, 59 Putin Good letter - Macain stupid response, 62 new Arab law pushing for WMD free middle east - Israel rejects - since they have WMD, USA = Israel’s bitch, 64 Economy, 68 Ozi lawyers suing wall street, 71 NYPD illegally classifying their docs, 75 Boston’s students want 'anti-semitism' investigation, 78 Phyllis 7 yr old student gun, school brain washing, 86 judge restricts torture images, USA vote fraud, 110 HPV vaccines for boys, DOD flu warning - Spanish flu from army, 100x more likely to die of contaminated food than terrorists, 118 BRICS building their own internet, music piracy falls so does music sales.

20130918 WRH Navy shooter Alexis no motive, Guns - statistics of shootings - cops mass shooting 18 cf 2, 9 2nd amendment under attack, Syria - chemical weapons lies, 13 NSA giving raw data to Israel - NY Times controlled by Israel, French don't support war, 15 Russia has proof re chemical weapons by mercenaries, 20 Syria no debt to IMF, US Debt useless, ‘Don't tell my mother i'm in Iran’, Putin hero, 28 increase in debt limit = failure - eg Hamburger, 38 Phyllis common core illegal, 41 Obama threats shut down gov lol, gold fed reserve scam, 47 Canada private central bank started 1974, 49 Greece at end, Glen Beck past crash = act of war, 53 USA calling to ban Russian banks, 55 Fukishima typhoon water, FEMA shuts down drone images, 64 fracking chemicals in holes, 65 GW arctic Ice 67% larger now than last year - GW theory 0.6 degree increase, 79 Phyllis common core, GW, 89 Peru storm, Journalist laws, GW Al Gore fires staff - GW vg, 111 constitution under attack at school - school brainwashing,

20130917 WRH 1787 US Constitution signed, Navy shooter on medications/drugs, 17 Feinstein wants gun control, Syria - chemical attack lies, 38 Phyllis GW, 48 USA arming terrorists - Obama breaking law, 50 Israel using white phosphorus, Global currency not Breton woods, 62 Israel chemical weapons, Israel bribing on tv, 65 Israel was source of story for Iraq WMD, Israeli lobbyist wants war, Israel wants to sue Facebook to hide Iran info, Bahrain torture, John Kerry lies on Chemical attack, useless USA weapons, 78 weapons scam to sell weapons cheaply to Israel, Benghazi CIA sign disclosures, 79 Phyllis GW, 82 OBL lies - Pakistan confirms Obama lies, Occupy 2nd yr anniversary - political system definitions, USA = fascism, economy, Fed reserve can be stopped, economic growth = debt, 100:28 Guest Anthony Fraida, 111 Ben Swan medications = violence navy, 116 Syria