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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Oct 2013 w5
imo the best radio shows around.
Constantly revealing that which is kept hidden/ignored by the corporate/jewish/Israeli controlled/owned media bastards. revealing the crimes of Israel, including topics which Alex Jones purposefully avoids, and by doing so confirms Alex Jone's support for Israel's criminal/inhumane actions. Remember that it was Alex Jones's support for Israel, which led to Mike leaving that network.
Mike covers a lot of international news, not just USA news. Including info. regarding what those bastards from Israel are doing, and what Big Pharma is doing (including drugs, vaccines, GMO, etc) and excellent analysis of most of the significant issues affecting our lives.
Too many important issues to list, including false flag attempts, the Bankers, the cartel run Federal Reserve, etc.
well worth listening to, even after the aired date.
Note: All shows are com free.
and his website is a great source of relevant news / info.
Mike Rivero launched What Really Happened [initially called Rancho Runamukka] as a subpage on his business web site in 1993 asking pointed questions about the death of White House Deputy Council Vincent Foster.
As more and more investigations revealed more government deceptions, the project grew in size and eventually moved to its own domain [] where it resides today.
His WRH website is among the top ten ranked daily political news sites on the Internet, with a global readership in the millions. What Really Happened is proud to be one of the oldest political blogs on the net.
Rivero runs the WhatReallyHappened radio show on the Republic Broadcasting Network now, and makes good use of his sharp wit to help his blog visitors and radio listeners not only to read/hear the news but to understand what IS really happening.
Israel - a location on earth where some of the most ruthless & hard core criminals call home.
word of the year: Sayanim - 'Jews living outside Israel that volunteer to provide assistance to the Israeli Mossad. Includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics and even overt intelligence gathering. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the hundreds of thousands.'
'Megaphone' - 2 Greek words 'mega' = big, 'phone' = voice/sound.
The name given to the Israeli/jewish program that provides money to mega-malakes (ie Israelis/jews) to search the net for information/posts/comments that are critical and not acceptable to Israel/jews. When such information is found, an 'instant message' is sent out to all other mega-malakes on the program, and the Israelis/jews then attack that site. It is in essence 'INTERNET TERRORISM'.
and remember: ALL RAW DATA collected by the NSA, is given to Israel.
Judaism = a religion of self worship.
20131101 WRH Guest -SETI
20131029 WRH Obamacare cash grab, 12 NSA EU pissed off - Feinstein bitch law, FBI = cunts, 31 Glen Greenwald confirms Israel use USA NSA, 32 Jewish survey, who is a journalist, 31 ReIt now filtering, CNN caught fucking up ..............
20131028 WRH Obamacare CGI contact, Benghazi - Israel plane hijack, 13 Iphone probs, Netgear has a back door, 18 wikipeadia - pro-Israel, 29 file sharing site 'Uploader-talk' entrapment, 38 Phyllis declaration of Ind, Afgan, BRICS their own internet, 50 Iphone 4 probs, 55 NSA - 60 million calls/month in Spain, 'terrorist' list - conspiracy theorists, 67 BBC Consp. theories destroy democracy, 72 Fucking Israeli pussies with WMDs warns Iran, 82 CDC admits 25% cancers cure themselves, GPS black box in cars, 84 Israel rejects Palestine right of return, Palestinian posters only one complainer ADL, 91 Sock market debt all time high, 93 Israel Jew Jack Straw confirms Israel has too much money, 95 USA national parks being sold for deficit, 99 Israel Zionists 1938 Law, 105 NSA USA sanctions, secret service 'NO Free Speech' Zones,
20131025 WRH = NSA, Fed reserve, JP Morgan bank fraud is worth it, JFK was against Israel WMD, 18 IMF 10% tax on all EU savings, time to take money out of banks - derivative risk > $1 Quadrillion, 24 Ozi debt ceiling rising, Japan another tsunami, 29 Iran - Israeli lies that Iran has WMD - Israeli - Arizona authorize military force against Iran, 37 NSA spying on world leaders, Phyllis kid gun, 41 Israel spying on French phones, Israel gets all NSA data, Lavabit - not allowed to shut down business, Feinstein jewish bitch new NSA bill, 48 private corporations spying on protestors, 57 George Soros back Hillary Clinton, 58 Disappearing Palestine - Israel history control - boycott attack on amazon - quote 'our race is the master race .......................' Israeli PM, 62 100th B-Day or ADL jew supporters, 66 life according to Sam Burns - progiria = 1 gene change GMO, Mexico against GMO, 79 Phyllis Common core, computers ruling world, 85 GW 5/6 coldest winters on record, 87 EPA rain water jurisdiction, 89 facebook = police, 98 Obamacare insurance higher than stated, street car washers not illegal
20131024 WRH Obamacare - 700 cyber-squatters, China leaving US dollar, JP Morgan fraud, 26 Greece & Italy in death spiral, 27 Syria, Libya about to collapse, 29 Jewish bitch Ross Littman attacking Iran - confirms that Jews are the real terrorists for the past 200 years, Israel building more illegal houses, 32 NSA Germany pissed off - 125 billion phone calls / month, Guantanamo - can't talk about torture, 36 Citizen stops mass shooting, 38 Phyllis - common core full control, 42 Student stabs school teacher, 46 Sandy Hook school demo, 47 Texas judge caught, Diabold guilty of bribery & fraud world wide, Israeli lies 51 Imminent Domain abuses, Balloon rides to space $ 75 000, 1 cent ship, 64 GW polar Ice max ever, 80 GUEST - Brandin Turvile (Activist post) Syria - Israel now claim biological weapons - 93 'Doctors without borders' - not trustworthy - supported by Banks (Goldman Sachs) only provides care for death squads, 99 Egypt - muslim brotherhood controlled by USA, 108 Obamacare, 2/3 Americans do not trust media, 113 sunscreens = cancer, GMO labelling, MSG,
20131023 WRH Obamacare cash grab, 9 Paul Craig Roberts predicts 2014 collapse, Ballistic missile flaws, 14 Wall Street Banks get info instantly, 29 Austerity flaw, 39 Phyllis common core, 45 Australia now in Bail out trap, 51 Sydney fires caused by Military, EU Austerity does not work, Swiss gov. min income $275/month, 59 EU economy, all wall st insiders knew of the mbs bubble in 2008, Banks, 65 NSA tapping French & Dutch & Italy & Germany, EU will no longer swap info with the USA, BRICs new net, 70 Syria / Iran, 73 Georgia with NATO, Israel, Damascus explosion, 78 Fox news net lies, guns - teacher shot by kid & cop shoots 13 year old, 80 GUEST - Keith Johnston guns - JFK, 109 Obamacare - lies about not knowing about program issues, 112 Feinstein wants law to speak out against NSA, Jew Sheldon Adelson wants to WMD bomb Iran, California wants to ban GMO, Albert Einstein stated 'Jewish terrorists are bad'.
20131022 WRH C2C, Obamacare, 7 GW crying jewish bitch, JP Morgan $13 billion fine vs $ trillions, Obama, Drone strikes bad, 19 Israel invades Lebanon, Israel the bastards, 37 Venezuela shoots down 2 drug planes, 38 JFK lies - Cuba, 54 Crypto virus = NSA, JFK, 67 911 Pentagon, 73 NSA - Dian Feinstein spying is not surveillance, Phyllis common core, 92 Israel main cocaine smugglers, 96 GMO roundup - glyphosate proven poison, 98 vaccine issues - Gardasil ozi 16 yr old menopause & autism, Spanish flu from US Military base vaccines, Whooping cough vaccine only lasts for 5 years, 106 Apple, Obamacare, wonnabe nun kills her own baby,
20131021 WRH Obamacare - 5 million line of code fucked, 10 5th estate - wikileaks flop - supported by Israel, 14 Ron Paul debt ceiling, 29 WIkileaks attacks 911 truth movement, 38 Phyllis - common core no maths, 52 how Israel has gotten control of the USA, 62 USA still paying for WWI debt, History of MBA = stupidity. 70 USA wars Uganda of terrorist attack - oil to China, CFR no real conspiracy, 77 new FBI terror threat 4 cities in the next 30 days - Israel wants WWIII, Phyllis GW, 82 NSA - French upset - espionage, 84 911 another nano-thermite investigation, Area 51, 87 JFK, 92 NSA drone kill list from emails 6 degrees, 97 CIA avoiding torture issue, 99 Hilary Clinton, Vit C - medical issues - cholesterol not = heart disease, CIA torture techniques, 112 women prisoners stripped naked,