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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - March 2013 week 2
imo the best radio shows around.
Constantly revealing that which is kept hidden/ignored by the corporate/jewish/Israeli controlled/owned media bastards. revealing the crimes of Israel, including topics which Alex Jones purposefully avoids, and in doing so supports Israel's criminal/inhumane actions. Remember that it was Alex Jones's support of Israel, which led to Mike leaving that network.
Mike covers a lot of international news, not just USA news. Including info. regarding what those bastards from Israel are doing, and what Big Pharma is doing (including drugs, vaccines, GMO, etc) and excellent analysis of most of the significant issues affecting our lives.
Too many important issues to list, including false flag attempts, the Bankers, the cartel run Fedral Reserve, etc.
well worth listening to, even after the aired date.
Note: All shows are com free.
and his website is a great source of relevant news / info.
20130315 WRH police kill kid, Israel killed Rachel Cory 10 years ago, computers, successful psychopaths -6%, Brooklyn kid shot 3x in the back, economy, medicare cuts, 39 EU leaders want to get rid of austerity, 41 Israel already in Venezuela, Jews want jewish traitor Jonathan Pollard released, mossad, 56 Jews want gun control, Drones illegal, More than 50% UK agree that Iraq war was wrong, Tony Blair war criminal, Korea, 68 over 90% of Israelis not descendants from there, details, Israel, 87 jewish traitor Jonathan Polard - should have been executed, Obama knows Israel has WMD, 101 Libya, 120 Monsanto act – blanket immunity, Bankers first to go at french revolution,
20130314 WRH New pope jewish, computers, Honda brakes random, Brooklyn riots, 27 Israel sprays shit on Palestinians, Obama providing aid to get rid of Assad, Russia gets US afgan cocaine, Hugo Chavez, 44 Jane Harman jew owns Daily Beast, Afgan, missile shield, 53 Obama allows all secrete services to access peoples accounts, Gold / Silver prices fixed, Banks get $800 billion/year, 64 Brittan shortage of skilled trades, shopping tacking, Guns - cops arrest gun owner who stopped criminal, 86 Kissinger criminal going to Houston, 88 John cat 88 year old wins case in UK to get of terrorist list, Bill Shaw - debt, Wal-Mart in trouble, 115 Afgan - USA wants attacks to continue, supreme court ruled that any law which breaches constitution is illegal, 118 mother & baby on ssri jumps, 121 Obama 10 year program to map mind, 129 Pope - paedophilia & money & missing people, Barter, 137 Korea, Banks = war, 142 Russians going to Mars, 147 Higgs bozon, 157 Hitler - jewish Banks boycott caused the WW2,
20130313 WRH New pope, New CIA John B, 15 Syria, 18 AIPAC controls USA, Israel using illegal dum-dum bullets, Locust plague in Israel, Pamela Gala jew whore, 29 Iran detects US spy planes, Iran can't produce wmd without all knowing it, IAEA useless, Taliban working for USA, 35 how did Hugo Chavez got cancer?, fed reserve, 44 US economy not growing, Gold being manipulated, Italy EU leaving Euro, 54 new Pope Francis, pension time bomb, currency, 85 British wages dropped, Italy - 1000 businesses/day down, EU relying on Red Cross, guns jew Feinstein wants to ban all weapons, 98 Patriot movement worse than international terrorism, military ordered to not criticize Obama, 108 Military draft is illegal, dictatorship, GW Belgium coldest day since 1847, GW now is bigger threat than
Terrorism, 122 vaccines
20130312 WRH Ahmedenajan photo fake, OBL son in law - excuse to attack iran, Iran suing Argo, Israel wants part of Syria, 13 Hugo Chavez hero, 18 lies about Iraq, US military told to save bullets, guns, Italy Grillo against Israel, 41 Bit coin, fed reserve Bonds, Banks, 60 Libya vs banks, 66 Chavez stated mossad is trying to kill him, 69 NY police lied under oath against Occupy, government militia, grandparents shooter was on drugs, Kentucky allow carry guns, 79 Germany major snow, Switzerland record cold, EU freezing, sea levels have dropped, Greenland stories were lies, 88 Japan methane hydrate, cosmic rays = clouds, guns, 100 Israel Iron Dome useless, Life on mars, media lies, 119 Japan radiation, anti-biotic resistance
20130311 WRH 19 bday of wrh, anniversary of Rachel Corry murder by Israel, Korea ends cease fire, 9 Afgan engineering student grabbed by CIA - USA working with Taliban, Chavez the hero, 22 USA companies keep money outside of USA, Philadelphia students win court case jury nullification, 35 Greece will leave EU, Banks, 48 Houston illegal for homeless to eat from rubbish bins, 54 NAU, Israel bill to avoid visa, 58 guns, 90 Iran chest beating, Israel, israel training dogs to attack Palestinians, 95 Arabs asking for stolen relics from Israel, US military plane useless, 102 speed cameras scam, 110 whole foods will label GMO, German beer no GMO, GW France - Sweden 10 degrees colder than normal - co2 has hit 'take off point' - sunspot activity changed - no maximum, 119 Aspirin cures cancer lol, new virus from middle east - to force vaccine, 122 new LED dimmable, BPS BPA affects brain nerves