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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - June 2013 w2

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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - June 2013 w2

imo the best radio shows around.

Constantly revealing that which is kept hidden/ignored by the corporate/jewish/Israeli controlled/owned media bastards. revealing the crimes of Israel, including topics which Alex Jones purposefully avoids, and by doing so confirms Alex Jone's support for Israel's criminal/inhumane actions. Remember that it was Alex Jones's support for Israel, which led to Mike leaving that network.

Mike covers a lot of international news, not just USA news. Including info. regarding what those bastards from Israel are doing, and what Big Pharma is doing (including drugs, vaccines, GMO, etc) and excellent analysis of most of the significant issues affecting our lives.

Too many important issues to list, including false flag attempts, the Bankers, the cartel run Fedral Reserve, etc.

well worth listening to, even after the aired date.

Note: All shows are com free.

and his website is a great source of relevant news / info.


20130614 WRH Syria false accusations & lies by media, 12 Germany intelligence confirms Syrian Rebels are not Syrian, Sweden will send troops as peace keepers, 19 Russia knows that the USA wants war on Russia due to Private Central Banks, Israeli most like has 1 missing WMD, Israel has WMD, 34 NY Times 'stellar wind' spying program from 2001, 39 MS would inform intelligent agencies 1st of security flaws, USA now worse than Nazis, 46 ADL spying on USA, Israeli spy ring, 58 Glen Beck no news, 61 Israel shouting Nazi, 63 Turkey, Greece state radio & tv closed, 71 GW CO2 = cold weather, 74 explanation for homosexuality (not far off), 76 GW geo-engineering, 80 flu vaccines = 5x more respiratory infections, Belgium law for Euthanasia, 82 GMO Monsanto - Belize GMO free country has GMO Soy beans, 85 Clair - USA woman draft, 94 Israel 1 000 new illegal homes, 100 Dian Feinstein the liar, congress corruption, 110 City Of Kent police criminal hop scotch, 112 USA nuclear plants failing, 114 GW wind farm scam, Syria, 120 NSA lies on how to defence their actions, Jewish state in russia

20130613 WRH privacy info shared, 10 Australia Echelon new facility, 13 poison the well - Snowden, 15 USA spying 'co-intel pro' - black panthers - Disney land riots - Jean Seaborg, 28 Echelon - internet history vg - 'Magic Lantern' FBI key logger virus - MacAfee worked with FBI - cryptography - encryption history, Microsoft NSA key, 48 DOJ gate, 59 IRS spying on their own employees - now cancelled, 62 Australian NSA, 66 $23 billion class action, 69 EU pissed off with USA, Germany warns USA, don't use Cloud, 73 State gate - Hillary hires criminals, 77 Toronto gangs, stock market rigged - ozi dollar down, 83 Banks case - Nany confirms she did not stab the kids, 107 Austerity - spread sheet error, USA gov getting ready for war against citizens, 113 Turkey, Cuba, Syria succeeds, Clinton - father of the year, court ruling DNA cannot be patented

20130612 WRH NSA spying on world - violates bill of right, Russia new law against social network, 11 Bill Clinton recorded tapes to stop searching for Israel’s top spy in the USA (Rom Emanuel), Back door from Win 95, 19 ACLU court case against NSAs constitutionality, 30 Israeli systems (eg Mega-phone) not on NSAs spying list !, meta data provides alot of info, 40 every society that went into dictatorship was straight after spying, Boston bombing false flag, 1984 sales spiked, 48 NSA prism logo stolen, encryption info, 53 'Inspire' magazine jewish fake, 55 IRS seizing medical records, flycam, 60 USA economy 'deceleration' - depression, Pinco Global recession in 3-5 years, stock market fraud, Bond will crash, 73 FEMA will not provide assistance for fertilizer blow, Greece now 3rd world status - public radio shut down, 78 Turkey violence - police were throwing fire-bombs, 82 Syrian rebels kill 15 year old kid, fake USA terror attacks, John Stad Miller, 101 new Afgan attack, 63 GW carbon tax increase in the USA, Arctic Ice area has doubled since last year, 113 GMO harms animals, 114 patents, 117 Coppertone skin cancer,

20130611 WRH NSA Anonymous has hacked Obama's skype account, 43 Medicare gate, Horizon fibre optic line to NSA, USA spying on whole world, 48 NSA spying by Israel & Israeli firms - Israel is Big brother, 50 class action lawsuit against NSA/horizon, 55 ACLU trying to find out the secrete NSA law, 56 IRS tracking all digital footprint, IRS buying spy equipment to spy on IRS employees, facebook no privacy, mobile phone GPS jammers, 65 IRS playing politics, IRS actions Impeachable act, 75 caller gets kicked off msg board for talking the truth about Israel, 84 police officer calls - police list of people to not pull over, 102 Canada spying in 2011, 106 EPA releasing info the radical environmental groups, Hilary's chief of staff part of 'State gate', Pakistan no more approval for USA Drones, 116 Netanyahu cries it is 'anti semitism' to accuse Israel of war crimes, 123 Iraq 94 killed, South Africa say Obama should be arrested, Allocated gold thefts scandal about to break,

20130610 WRH Flood- gate, NSA spying, Echelon, Obama can blackmail anyone, 21 In 2001 NSA did not get co-operation from 'quest' = shut down company & prison, car tracking by gov, Obama being sued for Prism, 30 Military people being ordered to not read about NSA gate - they can be charged, 35 'Poisoning the well' will be next, 39 detailed list of USA gov. lies, 42 Phone caller Ed orginal constitution & law changes, 46 NSA in Cloud in EU & Canada, 54 Singapore gov. wants blog licence $39 000, 55 State Gate - prostitution & drugs, 56 GW Alaska’s Spring super long, Al Qaida has not yet attacked Israel, 64 Apollo moon landings, guns, 82 1st lawsuit against Prism, Macs also spied on, 94 Reuters crying about lost Hitler Dairy = Israel new war/crimes, Israel Illegal settlements tripled, Israel want Richard Fof UN kicked out, 105 Why Mike left Genesis - Alex Jones stated that anyone who criticises Israel is stupid, 106 Lebanon confirms Israel/Mossad behind Syrian hired mercenaries attacks, Jordan invasion, Kabul embassy attacked = US must remain in Afgan, Turkish Photoshop of support, 111 USA has built replica of Iran Fuel plant for bomb testing, 113 demand for physical silver & gold surging, highest food stamps, Germany may exit EU, Portugal decriminalized drugs 10 years ago - now only 50% drug use, 116 GMO glyphosate = autism & organ damage, Monsanto claiming conspiracy theory, Adam Kockesh arrested at pot rally = fraud