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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Jan 2013 week 5

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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Jan 2013 week 5

imo the best radio shows around.

Constantly revealing that which is kept hidden/ignored by the corporate/jewish/Israeli controlled/owned media bastards. revealing the crimes of Israel, including topics which Alex Jones purposefully avoids, and in doing so supports Israel's criminal/inhumane actions. Remember that it was Alex Jones's support of Israel, which led to Mike leaving that network.

Mike covers a lot of international news, not just USA news. Including info. regarding what those bastards from Israel are doing, and what Big Pharma is doing (including drugs, vaccines, GMO, etc) and excellent analysis of most of the significant issues affecting our lives.

Too many important issues to list, including false flag attempts, the Bankers, the cartel run Fedral Reserve, etc.

well worth listening to, even after the aired date.

Note: All shows are com free.

and his website is a great source of relevant news / info.


20130201 WRH .....

20130131 WRH Israel attacks Syria, UN human rights orders Jews to leave Illegal settlements, US will sanction Pakistan, Al quida = the toilet, 30 mossad agent arrested in Pakistan, Arafat, 38 Atlanta school shooting, 40 violence in Athens, guns, official response to school shooting - use scissors, phone tapping, 58 Russian mig msg - from Israeli source - may be a lie, USA not following UN rules, 66 more British banks scandals, Virginia - alternative currency, 76 anything on the cloud can be monitored, guns, 114 Syria goes to UN, Israel lies that syrian building was destroyed by syrian rebels, jewish sex offenders,

20130130 WRH guns, crime increasing, police are pussies and have no duty to protect citizens, printing new money to cover debt, 47 no hecklers at sandy hook - msnbc editing = lies, 49 Israel bombs trucks, Egypt - 'the black block' are not egyptians - mossad, 63 Mali innocent citizens killed, Israel act of war - attack Syrian military research base, 72 Germany ready to leave EU, 75 false Holocaust day, Hagel & israel weakening, 97 IMF confirms chinese currency will be global, MSM still not reporting Isreali attack, 103 Bill Gates cashless society, 107 POLICE - 7 year old kid school yard dispute over $5 gets 10 hours police interigation, Indiana euthanize deer - goto jail, victims of crimes will be investigated/arrested, 118 SSRI = autism, heart probs, cannabis, scientology history

20130129 WRH Homeland security wants fully automatic machine guns, 7 GW calcs wrong, guns, since Sandy Hook shooting - armed people have stopped 65 000 crimes, Bronx school toy gun, 24 Non of the Bankers fraud are in jail - DOJ is useless, Banks, Slaves, 29 Rome slaves 50% time, 35 Iceland court case for bank bust, Fed Reserve, 46 why is Iceland going good, banks = wars, all rich bying gold, 53 EU central bank cyprus italy greece, 58 China new world currency, Banks, 63 CNBC confirms Iran attack from Israel, french killing civilians in Mali, 911 trial edited, dog did not bark, torture for ever, 76 Israel human rites critisizes Israel, Kick Israel out of the UN, Iran space success, Iran girls martial arts school - now 'spies', USA has 16 intelligence agencies, 88 John Pilger, legalize illegal aliens, china warns USA to stop printing money, Jewish game against germans, Harry Reid $ 600 k bribe, 106 christians united for Israel don't want Chuck Hagel, 108 swine flue causes narcolepsy, japan radioactive water being pumped out, guns

20130128 WRH legal cases confirming police are pussies and have no duty to protect citizens, gun grab, British lords have guns, 24 Italy 3rd largest bank in trouble, Iceland going good, holohoax day, Angela Merkle is a Jew, 42 Egypt riots by CIA/moassad, Iran, 56 Smedly Buttler - all war is a racket, 59 Israel sterilizing Ethiopian jewish woman by vaccines, 1973 Alabama black women also sterilized, Israel moves towards Syria, Iran nuclear plant explosion, 66 British defence contractor computer hacked - Syria false flag plan using chemicals, 67 Israel caused explosion in Iran, 69 House resolution 300 - Israelis can now enter the USA for 90 days without a VISA !, 71 Chavez recovering, FBI stuxnet, 74 illegal to hack mobile phone, 75 Civil forfeiture, NSA surveillance, printers can be traced back to you, illegal aliens now legal, 92 GMO toxic viral gene found in 54/86 plants - Belgium, 95 GW - 5 year temperature forecast to drop, sea level is falling, Japan plastic guns confiscated, police violence, 106 Agenda 21 - depopulation, 112 Dark Matter wrong, oil spill & new oil slick in Gulf of Mexico, 120 Gatorade = poison, Russia bans US beef,