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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Aug 2013 w2
imo the best radio shows around.
Constantly revealing that which is kept hidden/ignored by the corporate/jewish/Israeli controlled/owned media bastards. revealing the crimes of Israel, including topics which Alex Jones purposefully avoids, and by doing so confirms Alex Jone's support for Israel's criminal/inhumane actions. Remember that it was Alex Jones's support for Israel, which led to Mike leaving that network.
Mike covers a lot of international news, not just USA news. Including info. regarding what those bastards from Israel are doing, and what Big Pharma is doing (including drugs, vaccines, GMO, etc) and excellent analysis of most of the significant issues affecting our lives.
Too many important issues to list, including false flag attempts, the Bankers, the cartel run Fedral Reserve, etc.
well worth listening to, even after the aired date.
Note: All shows are com free.
and his website is a great source of relevant news / info.
Israel - a location on earth where some of the most ruthless & hard core criminals call home.
word of the year: Sayanim - 'Jews living outside Israel that volunteer to provide assistance to the Israeli Mossad. Includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics and even overt intelligence gathering. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the hundreds of thousands.'
20130815 WRH John Kerry hates Internet - reveals gov. lies / mind control, gov debt lies, 11 NSA CIA drug smuggling history, 17 911, Brazil taking USA NSA spying to UN, Egypt counter revolution, CIA shooting at protestors, Syria mercenaries defecting, Israel declares wars for USA to fight, Iran - USA breaking laws, 27 Israel shopping mall lies - India, 28 Fed reserve private - economy, 35 Israel Megaphone, New law against Palestinians owning property at West bank, 38Egypt army destroys medical camp, Yemen double attack Drone strikes, 44 Drone media campaign, 45 Iran sanctions not working – female vice president, 47 Hilary Clinton foundation fraud, 57 nat debt $16 Travel, 63 Vote fraud - private firm count votes, 77 RT gold at fed reserve missing, ..............
20130814 WRH Bradley Manning smear campaign, Egypt - staged Cu deta -controlled by Israel, Benghazi missles missing, 9 98% drone strikes kill civilians, FBI being sued, FBI corruption, 1st lawsuit against NSA, 15 Snowden confirms NSA attacking 911 journalists, Google being sued - no privacy, set up own email system, 18 MacAfee blacklists Natural News, 23 CIA controlling Hollywood, Olympus has fallen - Korea, MSM bashing Abby Martin, 33 F35 plane useless, WMD in USA no safety, 41 Oklahoma DHS Child care services corruption, 43 police controlled by Israel, swat team raid organic farmer, 49 IRS armed AR15, 53 Fukushima radiation, 57 list of countries who imprison more people than the USA, 58 GW - Obama will push carbon tax without approval - no change for 50 years, 73 EU media lies about hackers, 76 fraud in scientific papers, GW detailed, 96 vaccines caused bird flu - Gardasil fraud - statin drugs = breast cancer - polio – weaponising flu viruses, 106 ADHD founder confirms it is fake, 111 wniXp to end, 50 Texas fertilizer explosion conspiracy,
20130813 WRH Hillary Clinton restore faith lol, Russia bashing for gays, 'stop & frisk' illegal, nicotine = less Alzheimer’s, 12 Benghazi, 14 NSA - info withheld from congress, Brazil plane deal cancelled, 18 Obama lies re NSA, 26 Michael Hasting was investigating CIA Head John Brinan, 34 FBI being sued for murdering Ibrahim, 36 New vietnam, Russian reporter confirms USA is Israels puppet, 40 Prof confirms car speed 60 kmph - Michael Hastings, 57 Israaeli Megaphone scholarships, 59 drone double strikes - criminal, Tunisia new gov, Ozi politicians a joke, 65 911 pentagon no plane, 68 Iceland - worlds lowest unemployment, 71 Bitcoin subpoena, 78 GUEST Ben Swan - NSA, economy / banking, 98 economy, 104 pension accounts next, 106 student loans scam, 110 Bill Orilley attacking poor, planned parenthood stealing money, Opera lies,
20130812 WRH all embassies re-open except Yemen, VX nerve gas false +ve, First Dog 1st class flight, Russia triples space flight, 14 USA households not no. 1 - china no. 1, 19 Gardasil sterilizes, GMO action, 20 NSA Obama lies, 23 Mobile phones on cloud wifi key, websites, 28 Hilary Clinton laughing at killing people, 31 NSA 1.6% BS, 35 Next false flag = more surveillance, USA encouraging cold war, 46 military cue, Mortgage backed security fraud, 54 12 more drones Yemen, 55 ADL disappointed - 98 year old died, economy, fed reserve - interest paid since Vietnam war, 61 Germany banking revolution Hitler history, Vincent Foster & reason for starting show, 77 911 pentagon no plane 'poisoning the well', 83 caller gmo, 86 '' vaccines, GMO protein info, Epicyte by USDA, 101 911 5 dancing Israelis - Israel biggest spies,
Last Week
20130809 WRH USA bombing of Nagasaki, false flag info, false flags, Texas attack warning - Austin drills, 15 Muslim bashing, 20 Israel attacks Sinai, Israel & WMD, 27 Blue beam project, Dianne Jew Feinstein attack on reporters, 31 1975 CIA mockingbird admits altering media/news, 32 US military fake net people, NSA, 40 encrypted mail services - not safe being shut down, 50 Yemen Drone strikes - school, Putin, 54 Tunisia, Egypt anti-USA, 56 UK sell planes to Bahrain, USA bashing Russia - controlling their banks, Putin anti-gay bs, Stephen fry gay, 66 bank of England selling gold it does not own, bank fraud, 75 GW north pole lake photo - summer, 77 Obama lies re NSA,
20130808 WRH recording kids, 20 person fake terror threat - now not from NSA, new Al qaida brainwashing, 12 pentagon - foreign policy opposers = terror threat, 15 phony terror threat, NSA & Snowden, 18 Fort Hood, 25 Israeli subs WMD, fascism, 40 Japan Fukushima radiation, 56 Ran Paul Benghazi - Hilary lying, 58 Syria scheme not working, 63 Israel crying about Iran - History of Israel war / attacks, 71 New NSA info, 73 'site Intel group' is Israeli company - Rita Cats spy, 77 economy, Frank Kerns American correspondent - reasons for fighting, forced dependency on gov. freedom - doing what you want at home, 88 Greece 65% unemployed, 91 London subway station for sale, 93 Bit coin = legal currency, Police safety checks / abuse - Taser kills kid - tv = gun, guns, 103 online copying a felony/prison, 105 US airforce 24 ton cocaine, 107 Brittan imports woodchips for power, 108 NSA guilty of online piracy, 111 GW Brazil snap cold spell 3 dead, 113 telepathic rats,
20130807 WRH fake terror threat - top 20 al Qaida leaders lol, 'the sum of all fears'- Clancy, clothing bombs lol, 13 NSA Xkeyscore everyone on earth, 16 new crotch bomber CIA informant, 19 Obama scared of Putin, 25 NSA Snowden HARRP, 28 Benghazi patsy, 32 Paul Craig Roberts - gov thinks u r stupid, Patriotism, human livestock, 35 NSA fucked up USA cloud $35 B, 48 TSA everywhere, 49 'who controls America' = Israel - congress currently in Israel, 53 Iran allowed to have Nuclear - USA criminals, Israel West bank, Israel attacks Lebanon, 61 Argentina against Israel, Zimbabwe now enemy of USA mining, 64 Israel controls USA, 66 Cyprus legal action banks, 73 NY city about to be bankrupt, Obama fucking up mortgages - enough houses in USA to house all UK, 79 cops made to chase money - civil forfeiture, cop entrapment, 85 Charity scams, 93 e-medical records not secure, 97 Comcast pirated videos - pop ups, church crimes, 105 Washington post sold for < 10%, 111 what is America
20130806 WRH Japan Hiroshima, fake terror attacks by Mossad - past Libya false flag - bombs inside body, Yemen oil, 10 tv gives the CIA ideas, fake phone terror talks by Muslims, why NSA does not get Bankers, 22 'Constitution free' zone, USA cloud/net contracts cancelled, EU should ban all US companies, 29 TOR hacked by NSA - disable java, 33 CIA agent confirm illegal gov, 34 32 dead people giving money to parties, 1 person shows up to Obamcare, 37 Russia low tech rules, war games, 42 64gb under stamp, USA debt $74 trillion, 45 enough empty houses for UK & Israel, Greek debt from goldmansachs & Papandreou, 48 NSA, price of oil rigged, fake terror threats, 59 Apple to disable phone, 61 German Bank fraud accuser in jail, 68 cops no duty to protect people, 3 women searched for cannabis, 72 Golf oil lawsuit, Gardasil = infertility - no tests by Merck, 76 GMO Epycite corn, new mortgages plan useless, Gardasil Jenny McCarthy - peanut allergies, 85 Japan Fukishima radiation increase, 94 GW, auditor fired chevron, 65 charges Benghazi, 106 drone strikes in Yemen, Israel will be happy with world war, 108 prisoner brain scans, 110 Red Neck Heaven, Turkey part of Jesus cross
20130805 WRH fake Terror threat NSA Chatter, USA funding Al Quaid, 16 TOR hacked, Android Master Key found, 17 DEA fake stories, NSA hacks Tor, 22 Israel wants to bomb Iran, tv attempts to persuade against 911 - Shark, 35 FBI ignore 6000/year criminal acts, website should be restricted, 37 40% workers making less than 1968, 38 Demonizing Muslims - Israel, good caller 911 Israel ect, 47 Obama will not meet Putin, 48 Banks rigging interest rates, Detroit Bail in pension, Banks criminal, 56 sports shop robbery - gun, 59 GW 316 US cities will flood - history of GW, 62 Fed reserve will not expire, 67 GW from 2007 GW will kill us by 2012, Fukushima bad news, 77 Israeli / jew infiltration of parties, 86 GW wind farm stop, 93 GMO Monsanto corn rootworm failure, 99
20130802 WRH NSA spying not for terrorists, 8 CNN - CIA to hide Benghazi, 20 Al Qaida = toilet, israel, USA = fascist country, 30 British spying NSA, Colin Powel private emails, 36 Stuxnet by Israel, Seattle restricts bad words, 41 Pentagon budget cut - 1 plane more than GDP of Australia, 44 Dr Wood looser, 46 Fake Kuwait baby story - 11 yr old Yemen fake story, lies about Iran president, Zimmerman diversion 10 865 black murdered by blacks, 57 NSA recording all data, 66 fed reserve illegal, 75 US officers can do anything they want in Canada, POW, 107 Muslim brother hood now our friends