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The West - Presented by Ken Burns (Pts 7-9 of 9) 1996

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"The West" is presented (and executive produced) by filmmaker Ken Burns, director of the acclaimed documentaries "The Civil War" and "Baseball." Here, director Stephen Ives examines the numerous ways in which the American psyche has been defined by "manifest destiny" and the trek westward. Using diaries, letters, archival footage and more, Ives provides a multi-layered history of this broad landscape. This epic covers the personalities, stereotypes, religious and racial issues associated with this part of the country, and the struggle of those who settled there. Finally, spectacular footage of the mountains, plains, rivers, and canyons of the West makes this documentary both a visual, as well as an informative, treat for all.

Episode Seven (1877 to 1887)
The Geography of Hope

Newcomers arrive by the millions, bringing a new spirit of conformity to the West. Indian children are taught to forsake their heritage, Mormons are told to abandon a tenet of their faith, and new laws deny Chinese and Mexican Americans a place in society. Yet the legend of the “Wild West” lives on, thanks to the greatest showman of the age.

Episodes Eight & Nine (1887 to 1914)
Ghost Dance/One Sky Above Us

As settlers race to claim tribal lands, Native Americans take up the Ghost Dance, trusting in its power to restore a lost way of life until their hopes are crushed at Wounded Knee. The new century marks a new era in the West, an age of aqueducts and smelters. But the West remains what it has always been, a world waiting for a dream.