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We Are Change UNMASKED with Symbols (2013)
I've just made an astounding discovery: The We Are Change Germany youtube site uses the deeply occult symbol of the Ouroboros.
This occult symbol need not be evil as such since it expresses spiritual progress, first towards illumination and then onward towards enlightenment. This as such may be good or bad. However, in practice I have never seen a true Christian organization use this symbol, but I have seen many very dark and evil brotherhoods use this symbol though. Therefore from a practical point of view it is safe to say that organizations using this symbol are connected to the masons and the illuminati or to one of the many eastern dark occult brotherhoods.
There mere fact that dark magical brotherhoods use this symbol prevents true Christian mystics from using this symbol, simply because they don't want to be accidentally identified as belonging to those dark powers.
And even if this symbol was used in a positive manner by We Are Change Germany, even then this doesn't make any sense, since, at least officially, WAC isn't known as an occult brotherhood - or maybe it is?
I won't have to tell you anything more about this, since the pictures and symbols and corporate logos included in this torrent speak for themselves. Just use your own mind.
It is a well known tradition amongst the illuminati to always control the opposition too, in the long habit of Hegelian dialectics - thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
You've just learned here on concen that Ron Paul is a masonic shill, which I have been telling you for years. And you do know, that the US Tea Party movement has been hijacked by the elite, as well as the Occupy movement. And just have a look at Syria, how the CIA intervention there is being portrayed as an autonomous people's movement. It's always the same scheme really.
Thesis: The New World Order, the real "bad guys"
Antithesis: WAC, David Icke and other New Agers (Drunvalo Melchizedek???) (the New Age is a luciferian deception, of course), the false "good guys"
Synthesis: The New World Order perceived as something harmless, the real "good guys" will like the new system being applauded by the false "good guys"
"Look, we have a new world order now, but it is OUR new world order, not theirs, and therefore you may trust it. WAC and David Icke like the new world order, and therefore it cannot possibly be controlled by the bad guys that is the illuminati."
And you thought you were paranoid? Think again. You weren't paranoid enough.